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Xbox series X quick resume has been fixed.



Xbox Series X's latest update has fixed one of the console's biggest launch issues. Like the PS5, the Xbox Series X didn't have the smoothest launch. It has had some issues, though thankfully nothing akin to the Xbox 360 Red Ring of Death. One of these issues has involved the console's Quick Resume feature, which allows players to suspend multiple games at once and jump back and forth between them in mere seconds. It's an incredibly impressive feature, and one the PS5 has no answer for. However, it's only impressive when it works.


At launch, Quick Resume wasn't working as advertised. In fact, it wasn't working at all. And this continued to be the case for weeks after launch. However, a new update has been rolled out that should -- emphasis on should -- nip this in the bud. According to Microsoft, the games that weren't working with Quick Resume should now support the feature.


At the moment, it's unclear if the feature is universally supported by every Xbox Series X game, and it's unclear if games not working with Quick Resume will continue to be a problem going forward as more Xbox Series X games release. Whatever the case, for now, many Xbox users are reporting that the feature is working as intended. (This has been my experience)


Quick Resume may not seem like a big feature, but it's one of the few things that differentiates the Xbox Series X from the PS5, and it's a feature the console needs to combat the PS5's superior SSD. Sony patents from earlier this year revealed that it's experimenting with the feature for PS5, but right now, if you want Quick Resume, you will need to cop an Xbox Series X.


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Just now, Keyser_Soze said:


I've heard more bad things about PS5 though. In fact, has anyone said anything bad about any of the Xbox consoles?

A couple have had LITERAL screws loose inside them but that's about it. I haven't heard too much about them bricking randomly or anything... its a very well built, well designed machine. I say a silent prayer everytime I turn my PS5 on :p

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7 minutes ago, best3444 said:

Unfortunately this entire launch for both consoles sounds disappointing. I'm glad this is my first generation I didn't jump into right away.


I mean, a QoL feature that had a few issues doesn't really make a launch disappointing to me.  They did turn it off with some games because it was introducing some buginess, but have since fixed most of the issues.  


Quick Resume is awesome, and something I didn't think I'd care about but now really love. When for whatever reason it does have some issue and doesn't work, the games still load very quickly, so its a very minor inconvenience.  I find it's worked with just about all the games I've tried it with.  The games that seem to have issues is the always online games that will kick you if you are idle.  They don't get as much benefit cause you'll be logged back to main menu in a lot of cases.

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1 minute ago, JPDunks4 said:


I mean, a QoL feature that had a few issues doesn't really make a launch disappointing to me.  They did turn it off with some games because it was introducing some buginess, but have since fixed most of the issues.  


Quick Resume is awesome, and something I didn't think I'd care about but now really love. When for whatever reason it does have some issue and doesn't work, the games still load very quickly, so its a very minor inconvenience.  I find it's worked with just about all the games I've tried it with.  The games that seem to have issues is the always online games that will kick you if you are idle.  They don't get as much benefit cause you'll be logged back to main menu in a lot of cases.

That's what I was talking about with the Ubi games. Even the single player games seem to be always online and that's what was causing Watchdogs to not autosave properly. And the load times are insane... I played a little Skyrim yesterday and the speed at which that game now loads now on the series X is nuts.

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A few notes on the Series X since I played with it for a few hours yesterday:


- I mentioned this in another post, but the set up was the smoothest and easiest I've experienced with almost any electronic device.  It took about 5 minutes using the Xbox app, and all relevant settings/profile info were immediately transferred over flawlessly from my One S.

- Download speeds are much, much faster.  I was hitting a little over 200 mbps over wifi, and was able to download Halo: MCC, Skyrim, Control, Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Dead Space 3, Geometry Wars 3, Left 4 Dead 2, and Jet Set Radio within a little over an hour.

- The loading times are extremely fast.  I know this has been demonstrated a lot with both the Series X/S and PS5, but seeing it in action is pretty amazing.  You can get into a game in about 20 seconds from the menu screen, and games that used to take minutes to load (Control for example) take about 5-10 seconds now. 

- Auto-HDR is maybe what's impressed me most so far.  My TV isn't considered a "true" HDR display even though it supports HDR-10, but it still has made a huge difference in every game I've tried.  It was flawless in the backward compatible games that I ran, and I think this has the capability to genuinely transform the experience of playing older games.

- It is completely silent so far.  I've not put a disc in yet, but it's almost unnervingly quiet in comparison to my PS4 Pro.


All in all, it feels like much more of a substantial upgrade than I was expecting.  It might be because I'm coming from a One S, but the jump to 4K with HDR and lightning speed loading times makes games (even ones I was just playing a few days ago) feel different, new, and exciting.  My only complaint so far is that the controller's home button feels a little stickier than the one on my other Xbox controller.  It doesn't register every click unless you really make to sure to press it firmly.

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46 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

The only real issue with XSX is no major exclusive next gen games, just updates on year+ old games and AC:V. :p 


This too. If Halo was ready and was going to be great along with a next gen patch for Cyberpunk this launch would have been pretty awesome.

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My most played game of last generation that I still play has been Destiny 2. The next gen update has been amazing. I already had quick load times due to having an SSD external, then in the SeX it got even faster. Then with the next gen update it got faster still.  60fps with 105FOV change how the game looks and feels almost as much as when I went from a standard Xbone to a One X with a 4K HDR tv. Amazing improvement to the game. 

Ive noticed the auto-HDR on older games too and it does bump up the visuals nicely on the titles I’ve played. 

I have not been disappointed with the SeX so far. We may not have a killer next gen title that really showcases the power, but with the console powered improvements and ones thanks to next gen updates, you can easily see and feel the difference being on a Series X compared to even the One X. So if you went from a Xbone to a SeX the jump

would be huge. Even more so if you have an HDR 4K tv now too. 

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2 hours ago, Spawn_of_Apathy said:

My most played game of last generation that I still play has been Destiny 2. The next gen update has been amazing. I already had quick load times due to having an SSD external, then in the SeX it got even faster. Then with the next gen update it got faster still.  60fps with 105FOV change how the game looks and feels almost as much as when I went from a standard Xbone to a One X with a 4K HDR tv. Amazing improvement to the game. 

Ive noticed the auto-HDR on older games too and it does bump up the visuals nicely on the titles I’ve played. 

I have not been disappointed with the SeX so far. We may not have a killer next gen title that really showcases the power, but with the console powered improvements and ones thanks to next gen updates, you can easily see and feel the difference being on a Series X compared to even the One X. So if you went from a Xbone to a SeX the jump

would be huge. Even more so if you have an HDR 4K tv now too. 



Shit, I have Destiny2 loaded and updated but still haven't gotten to it. This has me pretty amped to try it out though!

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On 12/17/2020 at 10:19 AM, Spork3245 said:

The only real issue with XSX is no major exclusive next gen games, just updates on year+ old games and AC:V. :p 


agreed - but with all the acquisitions they've made - Im thinking towards the middle-end of this gen, the amount of exclusive content on Xbox is going to surpass PS. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



Pretty good article highlighting some of the reasons I've preferred Xbox over Playstation.  Xbox's overall ecosystem has always felt more connected.  Having clips and screenshots easily accessible,  Cloud Saves syncing automatically from console to console.  Now xCloud being included in Game Pass literally gives me a portable Xbox whenever I want to access it.  I used it a lot over Xmas break with my nephews, playing co-op in games that don't offer couch co-op.  Allowing multiple external drives to be plugged in at once.  Just an all around better thought out and executed experience for my needs and wants.  


The Series X just takes all this stuff and betters it, with Quick Resume adding to the experience even more, and now with Screenshots being highlighting on your phone immediately for sharing if you want.  I remember taking screenshots on Ghost of Tsushima, and never bothering to figure out how to share them because it wasn't automatically uploaded on the PS4.  Not sure if that's changed with the PS5.


Xbox has always felt more forward facing with what they were doing, and I've personally preferred that making Xbox my primary console.

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54 minutes ago, Dodger said:

I’m mainly Xbox just because of all the little things they do right. Plus Games Pass is just too good for me not to have. PS5 is for exclusives. 


I liked sticking with Xbox because of the friend's lists. I know it sounds dumb but when everyone jumped ship from 360 to PS4 I was like, what about all your friends on Xbox?

But deeper than that, all your purchases, achievements, etc. Given up to go to the PS4.

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1 hour ago, Dodger said:

I’m mainly Xbox just because of all the little things they do right. Plus Games Pass is just too good for me not to have. PS5 is for exclusives. 

Pretty much my feelings as well... I've always been a multiconsole owner but the Xbox has been my primary console since the 360 primarily for how they handle online.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/31/2020 at 12:08 AM, Keyser_Soze said:


I liked sticking with Xbox because of the friend's lists. I know it sounds dumb but when everyone jumped ship from 360 to PS4 I was like, what about all your friends on Xbox?

But deeper than that, all your purchases, achievements, etc. Given up to go to the PS4.

But you aren't really giving it up. Its all there as long as you want it.


As a primarily single player gamer, I mostly play PC, PS5 and Switch. Still love my Series X and GPU sub though. 

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3 minutes ago, best3444 said:

I am not sure which console to get first. It seems as though right now the ps5 out performs the xsx with multiplatform games. So I'm kinda confused which is the more powerful console. Either way I'll end up with both. 

PS5 has more exclusives now and in the short term. You can probably get the XSX late 2021 when Halo comes out. 

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19 minutes ago, ManUtdRedDevils said:

PS5 has more exclusives now and in the short term. You can probably get the XSX late 2021 when Halo comes out. 


That sounds like a good plan. However, I personally don't think halo will make it out this year. 

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38 minutes ago, best3444 said:

I am not sure which console to get first. It seems as though right now the ps5 out performs the xsx with multiplatform games. So I'm kinda confused which is the more powerful console. Either way I'll end up with both. 

It’s really a toss up. PS5 has more exclusives available, for sure, but none are “OMGWTFBBQ”, IMO, unless you really want to play Demon Souls again. There’s also those weird issues some people have been having with these early units. XSX is awesome, but, there’s like no exclusive games and the main appeal atm is playing last gen games at a better framerate/resolution (PS5 does this too, but it seems to be on a greater scale with XSX).


TLDR: put the money into AMC stock instead. TO THE MOON, BABY. 💎🙌  @Joe

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2 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

It’s really a toss up. PS5 has more exclusives available, for sure, but none are “OMGWTFBBQ”, IMO, unless you really want to play Demon Souls again. There’s also those weird issues some people have been having with these early units. XSX is awesome, but, there’s like no exclusive games and the main appeal atm is playing last gen games at a better framerate/resolution (PS5 does this too, but it seems to be on a greater scale with XSX).


TLDR: put the money into AMC stock instead. TO THE MOON, BABY. 💎🙌  @Joe


If we land on the moon, I'll probably be a proud owner of a new PS5 relatively soon. Let's goooooo!

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:

I am not sure which console to get first. It seems as though right now the ps5 out performs the xsx with multiplatform games. So I'm kinda confused which is the more powerful console. Either way I'll end up with both. 


Can't go wrong with either imo Best, but I gotta say....I plunked 60 hours or so in Demons Souls and i was just blown away by the amazing work that went into that remake. It literally was the biggest treat for buying a ps5 , at least to me.  And you can definitely tell what sorta power is in store for ps5 games. 


But I mean game pass in Xbox is also awesome...so there's that. It sucks Halo isn't out yet tho, It's a shame they couldn't have timed that up 

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I wouldn't worry too much about the specs.  Both consoles have advantages, but if the pattern holds, you won't see either pull ahead in dramatic fashion.


Otherwise, it's all about the exclusives, deals and release dates.  Probably smarter to get a PS5 if you like Japanese games.  Probably wiser to get a Series X if you like Bethesda.

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