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What is the worst game you ever played?

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25 minutes ago, gamer.tv said:

Outside of things like Superman 64 (where I played the ROM), I think the worst game I ever owned was Shaun White Snowboarding on the 360.

I had Superman 64, and yeah, it wasn't good, but it was still somewhat entertaining. It would be nice to get a new Superman game with today's graphics.

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I don't really play many bad games. The worst game I have ever played wasn't even mine but the box looked so bad I tried it out for a few minutes.



It feels like the game was supposed to be a joke. Like, that Duty Calls demo or whatever. But it wasn't. Even the graphics feel like they are leading up to a punchline. Or it's like one of those fake games you see people playing in a show or movie because they didn't want to pay the licensing fees.




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I'll add two more.


The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle for the NES




Not only bad, but hard and a horrible soundtrack as well.


Backyard Wrestling 2




Like a bad version of WWF War Zone: Bad controls, sound, graphics - practically no redeeming qualities

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5 minutes ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

I'm sure I'm forgetting some real bad stuff from yester years, but what comes to mind is "Fight for Life" on the Atari Jaguar. A buggy, shitty 3D fighting game played on a controller that was hardly up to the task!


YoVG played this, good times



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Man, I rented practically every NES game I could get my hands on back in the day, and most of them were terrible. But as far as games that I actually purchased, I'm pretty sure it was a N64 games.


Actually, there is one that sticks in my head.




I remember seeing this game in a GamePro ad and remembering Shadowgate from the NES. I saved my allowance for like, a month to buy that game, and the day I bought it I sat down and played it, and then beat it in like, two hours.


Fuck that game. To this day I still want my $65 back.

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23 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


As a great game? I agree.

It wasn’t a bad game, but I adored driver 1 and then played 2 AFTER gta 3 came out and the out of the car bits were so funny in comparison I just couldn’t take it seriously. 

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1 minute ago, best3444 said:

It will most likely always be Superman 64 for me. I'll never forget that day I walked into funcoland and played the kiosk and said to myself, this is awesome.  😄 


What is confusing? I played it for 5 minutes flying through rings and actually thought it was good. Then I went home to play it and couldn't get passed the 2nd level because of crashing and severe clipping. It was a complete disaster of a game. 

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ET really deserves it's reputation and could very well be the worst I've played that I can remember clearly...


That said, I'm sure the true worst of all time was some garbage shovelware iOS game I deleted in 2 minutes... there have been so many...


After that it has to be one of the truly crap NES and Atari games that have been forgotten over time... some definitely worse then ET...


Limiting it to "real" games I owned and paid money for my vote goes to Perfect Dark Zero. I don't know if it's actually the worst (I'm sure it's not) but it wins the prize for biggest overall letdown. What a piece of crap that game was.

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