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E3 2023 Canceled.


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Yeah, the rise of streaming high quality video straight into everyone's phones pretty much killed E3 a long time ago, it's just been dying a slow agonizing death.


It'll be a shame though, I have such fond memories of E3 from over the years.


I remember when E3 was only this mythical, magical thing that you only read about a month after it happened. I used to eagerly anticipate my August copies of Electronic Gaming Monthly and Gamepro, as they'd be twice the thickness of other months and be absolutely loaded with information. I'd read those stories over and over on the bus to and from school. Me and my buddies would talk about the games we read about in whatever gaming magazines we had. It was a great fuckin time.


Then G4TV came around and we got to actually see stuff from the game floor, but the press conferences themselves were still off-limits to filming, so all we could do was listen to the VJ's talk about what they saw, and show clips and shit from the show floor. Again, a great fuckin time.


Then came the internet and streaming and what we know today, and it's still a great time, but with this constant, instant access to practically everything, and the steady stream of information daily, it's all a bit de-sensitizing. With all the leaks and podcasters chomping at the bit to be the first to break a story, and the publishers also chomping at the bit to break their own news before the other publishers (and the leakers) have a chance to steal the spotlight, it's all a big jumble. Unfortunately E3 just doesn't really fit into all of this.


There's no going back. I'm surprised they even tried.


Not a bit Keighly fan but he recognized where the industry was going and he took advantage of the Covid disruption to push his digital event. It was a well executed chess move and to his credit, he pulled it off.


Now I'm realizing just how much I miss print. I was even feeling a bit nostalgic the other day and decided to purchase a gaming mag at the book store the other day. Then I saw the $16.99 price tag and was like "nah that's ok."

  • Halal 1
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1 hour ago, XxEvil AshxX said:

Yeah, the rise of streaming high quality video straight into everyone's phones pretty much killed E3 a long time ago, it's just been dying a slow agonizing death.


It was the death of the show floor demo that ultimately did it, IMO, though covid sped up the process.  Too many big publishers opted for behind closed door, hands off screenings.  The show floor became worthless when hands-on experiences came mostly from indies already showing up at other conventions, or releasing demos or into early access on their own timeline.


Zelda BoTW should have been a turning point.  The industry didn't learn from it.

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On 3/29/2023 at 8:05 AM, XxEvil AshxX said:

Yeah, the rise of streaming high quality video straight into everyone's phones pretty much killed E3 a long time ago, it's just been dying a slow agonizing death.


It'll be a shame though, I have such fond memories of E3 from over the years.


I remember when E3 was only this mythical, magical thing that you only read about a month after it happened. I used to eagerly anticipate my August copies of Electronic Gaming Monthly and Gamepro, as they'd be twice the thickness of other months and be absolutely loaded with information. I'd read those stories over and over on the bus to and from school. Me and my buddies would talk about the games we read about in whatever gaming magazines we had. It was a great fuckin time.


Then G4TV came around and we got to actually see stuff from the game floor, but the press conferences themselves were still off-limits to filming, so all we could do was listen to the VJ's talk about what they saw, and show clips and shit from the show floor. Again, a great fuckin time.

Described my young gaming life perfectly. One year around the Xbox 360 release I remember GameStop selling an E3 DVD that had all the big trailers on it. Felt cool at the time haha. It had that bullshit Madden target footage that looked nothing like the Madden that launched on 360 that year.

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  • Brian changed the title to E3 2023 Canceled.

This is a good thing instead of arbitrarily holding info for some lousy press event companies can just release info on their own timelines and instead of getting shitty off-screen footage we can get direct HD uploads. 


Most of the big boys were already doing that anyways with Nintendo Directs, Sony State of Play, etc. 

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1 hour ago, thedarkstark said:

This is a good thing instead of arbitrarily holding info for some lousy press event companies can just release info on their own timelines and instead of getting shitty off-screen footage we can get direct HD uploads. 


Most of the big boys were already doing that anyways with Nintendo Directs, Sony State of Play, etc. 


We weren't getting much shitty off-screen footage anyways towards E3's end, because


- Most games didn't have playable demos, especially AAA budget ones.

- The few that did opted for behind closed floor presentations, or would take it to IGN/Gamespot/Nintendo/etc's stages instead where direct feed was captured.


I really miss having a bunch of impressions of games hit all at once.  Maybe that's not the best thing for the industry, but as a consumer, I like it a lot better than trailers that don't go deep into what the game is like to play.


Last year, the closest we got to E3's showfloor proper was Sonic Frontiers and SF6 playable at Keighly's event.  Fingers crossed that he's able to expand on that.

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2 hours ago, XxEvil AshxX said:


To be fair, ReedPop inherited a shitshow. They had to know it was gonna be an uphill battle trying to redeem what the ESA had done fucked up so bad.

I’m sure they did, but they should have used a helluva lot more tact than they did from a public relations standpoint, declaring that it’s happening and getting all this info out there when they apparently had zero backbone to start from. Just keep quiet at least until you actually can put a show on. This seemed like wishful thinking fake it til you make it oh shit we actually have nothing. 

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