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Pedo guy megalomaniacal manchild officially owns Twitter

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29 minutes ago, osxmatt said:

Elon Musk gave employees an ultimatum and asked them to commit to an "extremely hardcore" Twitter before 5PM on Thursday, November 17th, according to "The Washington...



lol wtf does that even mean

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3 hours ago, Chris- said:

The technology isn’t complex, what’s complex is layering in multiple divergent paths for what should otherwise be a straight forward consumer experience. Opening and starting a car are pretty simple experiences; you don’t really need to interrogate the underlying tech to see how they bungled it in a rather fundamental way. 


There aren't divergent paths, there is bluetooth (key fob if you buy one, or your phone which I assume most use) or NFC as a backup. It's the same thing as bluetooth or mechanical key as backup on most new cars, or would you call those things "divergent paths" too?


1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Yeah. I mean if there’s multiple way to start one of these cars how well were they tested in conflicting cases? Like you have an internet connection that may be timing out with dropped packets, a bad Bluetooth (with its own set of problems) connection, or a faulty/breaking nfc tag all at once? Are there “security” features on the car which conflict with these edge cases? How were they tested and was the testing sufficient? (Based on what I’m seeing at twitter and some Tesla stuff online, it doesn’t look good on this front)


it’s not simple at all when dealing with multiple concurrent systems!


NFC is only active when bluetooth is inactive.

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2 hours ago, Greatoneshere said:


Wharton is absolutely overrated. At the same time, every "respectable" graduate business school teaches all the wrong things. It's all CAPITALISM CAPITALISM CAPITALISM people.


What, are they supposed to teach SOCIALISM at BUSINESS school? Checkmate libcuck. 

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1 hour ago, Jason said:


What, are they supposed to teach SOCIALISM at BUSINESS school? Checkmate libcuck. 


Me in a class: "but, it's clear price gouging occurs in the US for insulin compared to other countries for these reasons - perhaps we coul-"


Students and teacher in class: "bah hahaha that's not true and even if it is who cares money baby! Get yours!"

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5 hours ago, sblfilms said:


There aren't divergent paths, there is bluetooth (key fob if you buy one, or your phone which I assume most use) or NFC as a backup. It's the same thing as bluetooth or mechanical key as backup on most new cars, or would you call those things "divergent paths" too?


Yes, I would!

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11 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

Is there any corporate job where talking shit about your boss in a public forum would not result in firing, it at least some sort of discipline?

in addition to what Jason said, but he also asked questions in an open forum instead of in house. He's just a piece of shit who can't handle any criticism. The answers he got I found to be fairly professional.

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1 hour ago, mclumber1 said:

Is there any corporate job where talking shit about your boss in a public forum would not result in firing, it at least some sort of discipline?


There's also no corporate job where anyone in any sort of management or executive role would talk shit about the work their employees have done. The top always sets the tone here.

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6 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

Is there any corporate job where talking shit about your boss in a public forum would not result in firing, it at least some sort of discipline?


Not many. But there are a million companies that won't instigate it by publicly talk shit about their employees and then get salty about responses.


EDIT: Guess I should have kept scrolling. What @Ghost_MH said :p 

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13 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

I also think Elon vastly overestimates how much his workers give a shit about Twitter. These are people in demand. They don't need this shit. 

They’ve got him over a barrel. He’s gonna be groveling to get them to stay and a minor shit tweak to their wfh policy won’t cut it

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15 minutes ago, Air_Delivery said:

I also think Elon vastly overestimates how much his workers give a shit about Twitter. These are people in demand. They don't need this shit. 


Unless some are hardcore Elonites they musy all be interviewing, a good eng can probably have a new role within 2-3 weeks, depending on how long a BG check goes. Meaning resignations should start in about a week. 

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2 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

I just read that the entire Android team quit.


If this is true, this is why management shouldn't talk shit about the work their employees have done; especially not in public on fucking Twitter. You think your employees are doing a bad job, keep it to yourself.


The most baffling thing is that the Twitter client for Android is fine. There's nothing really wrong with it. I don't know what Musk was bitching about. The only social media client for Android that really sucks is Reddit's. That app blows. It's slow and half the time videos don't even load.

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1 minute ago, Ghost_MH said:


If this is true, this is why management shouldn't talk shit about the work their employees have done; especially not in public on fucking Twitter. You think your employees are doing a bad job, keep it to yourself.


The most baffling thing is that the Twitter client for Android is fine. There's nothing really wrong with it. I don't know what Musk was bitching about. The only social media client for Android that really sucks is Reddit's. That app blows. It's slow and half the time videos don't even load.


The reddit app for Android is pretty bad tbh.

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1 minute ago, Ghost_MH said:


If this is true, this is why management shouldn't talk shit about the work their employees have done; especially not in public on fucking Twitter. You think your employees are doing a bad job, keep it to yourself.


The most baffling thing is that the Twitter client for Android is fine. There's nothing really wrong with it. I don't know what Musk was bitching about. The only social media client for Android that really sucks is Reddit's. That app blows. It's slow and half the time videos don't even load.


The Twitter app's cache will just keep growing, making it increasingly slow, and eventually you have to nuke the cache to get the performance back. This gets annoying since you wind up having to log back into your accounts and set some settings like your timeline mode (curated or chronological) back. But otherwise yeah it's fine. 

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1 minute ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

That's a parody account :p


It might be, but I got that exact same call when a new employee was hired at my previous company after I was laid off. Just randomly calling me up some 2/3 months later asking if I remembered the passwords and could walk them through adding a new employee to the badge system. Sorry, I forgot all those passwords after you laid me off two weeks before Christmas.

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