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Microsoft/Activision Blizzard Acquisition - Information Thread, update: The Deal Has Closed


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3 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

Maybe I should try out FF14, they’re making it available again 🤔


Even 6 or so years ago it was the best MMO out and was so much fun. If you're remotely interested I'd give it a shot. 


2 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Party up with @Bacon



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I love FFXIV. But it isn't a WoW killer. WoW has just been killing itself for years now. And Shadowlands was huge at launch, but it did not retain subscribers mostly do to the massive content delays. And right now it is super awful for new players to join in. There is no adequate catch-up system in place for all of the "systems" Shadowlands has introduced. The next WoW expansion will still sell like hotcakes even if it is shit. Same with Diablo 4. It could be total shit but it won't matter. 


While XIV is great, many are jumping ship because they feel, as of now, it is the only option. They either jump on that boat for leave the MMO seas behind for good. I'd be willing to wager that there are even more of those than new XIV players. And for new XIV players, there are years of content that will be forever relevant as FF doesn't just toss out the old expansion when the new expansion comes out.


And I view the matter of overloaded servers and holding sales of the game as a mark of incompetence rather than success. 

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Sure, I can play with people as long as they are on the Aether Data Center. But the shit is a single player game. I can't really play with new players outside of instanced content such as dungeons.


Tho, my sub ends mid Feb. May not resub for a month or two cuz Elden Ring and then ELEX 2. Depends on what the patches bring. 

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4 hours ago, JPDunks4 said:


Well there is a much larger list of franchises, those were just the biggest that came to mind. 

Tony Hawk

Crash Bandicoot

World of Warcraft





Outer Worlds



Evil Within

Guitar Hero

Geometry Wars


Some more stuff I don't play, lol. That said, at least here there are more games that I at least *might* be interested in! :D 

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4 hours ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

Scarily enough there are people that I know that did exactly that (buying Switch for their pre-teens), and had them play Fortnite (and other FTP games).  Many kids don't have their own laptop -- and Switch is relatively affordable relative to buying your kid a dedicated tablet/laptop.  


Oh I'm sure that has happened! And honestly it's not a bad choice. But obviously that's not the only reason Switch is selling as well as it is. 

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Extensive interview with Phil from Gene Park in the Washington Post



The newly minted Microsoft Gaming CEO discussed how his company plans to approach its new intellectual properties and its employees.




Spencer said he’s concerned about tech companies unfamiliar with the gaming industry barging in to the space, as opposed to the current, experienced competition against Nintendo and Sony.


“They have a long history in video games," he said. “Nintendo’s not going to do anything that damages gaming in the long run because that’s the business they’re in. Sony is the same and I trust them. ... Valve’s the same way. When we look at the other big tech competitors for Microsoft: Google has search and Chrome, Amazon has shopping, Facebook has social, all these large-scale consumer businesses. ... The discussion we’ve had internally, where those things are important to those other tech companies for how many consumers they reach, gaming can be that for us.



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15 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

Extensive interview with Phil from Gene Park in the Washington Post



The newly minted Microsoft Gaming CEO discussed how his company plans to approach its new intellectual properties and its employees.



‘We want suffocating market share but don’t worry, we understand gaming’ lmao

  • Haha 1
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That framing is interesting though, because it betrays how bearish they are on Windows/Surface and all of their other B2C offerings. If cloud enterprise is the next battlefield and your tentpole consumer products don’t have viable growth paths, what next? Well….

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27 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

Well Phil, if you keep throwing around your fat wallet like a traditional gaming company wouldn't, your established competitors will need more capital too.

this would piss me off, but imagine some kind of sony and amazon partnership and bezos acquires other big stuff for sony to put on playstation 

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Given that Phil Spencer is a huge Destiny fan, I wonder if he'll try and get Bungie back. Would Bungie want to keep their independence, or go back to Microsoft if the offer was big enough, and they were promised, "you seem to know what you're doing with Destiny, so just keep doing what you're, and we'll just help finance it" without interference like they had with Activision. If that were to happen though I would hope for the sake of Playstation users that it wouldn't go Xbox exclusive. It would be cool if Bungie was able to get support studios to help out again, and get a bigger budget. 

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2 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:


It is going to be absolutely devastating when Phil gets on stage in a few years and announces the newest CoD is a one year timed-Exclusive to Windows/Xbox 😂

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15 minutes ago, JPDunks4 said:

This is a good point and the wording is suspicious 



Desire is the key word, as though Phil can’t simply keep it there if he wants!

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