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~* Commissar SFLUFAN's Twelve Days of D1Pmas Giveaway*~

Commissar SFLUFAN

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Having spent a significant amount of time in Spain I am very familiar with Christmas going until Jan 6th, though they celebrate that date as The Day of the Kings (the three kings). It's actually the day they do most of their gift giving. As such, Merry Christmas to everyone until January 6th!


Thanks for the giveaway!

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15 minutes ago, crispy4000 said:

I think I know where I’m leaning, but I’m

trying to decide between Tales of Arise, Psyconauts 2, and Guardians of the Galaxy.  Any arguments to sway me?


Are you leaning length to dollar value? If so I'd say Arise. But if that is not part of your consideration then I'd put games priority in reverse that you listed them. (Not putting Psychonauts 2 at #1 because of game pass which you don't have but still I'm putting that into my valuation :p )

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13 minutes ago, stepee said:

I’m not sure I could pick between Guardians and Psyconauts 2 they are both amazing games, but definitely second picking one of the two.  


I have Psychonauts 2 downloaded but will wait to play it after I'm finished with GOTG and Fallen Order.

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1 hour ago, crispy4000 said:

Thanks all, I’ll go with Psyconauts 2, which is where I was leaning.  [Steam please!] @Commissar SFLUFAN


Tales of Arise I’ll pick up eventually, I have other JRPGs to play.  GotG will wait till I have a better rig.


If you don’t mind tweaking, I recommend using Special K to inject hdr to it. PC version doesn’t have hdr (hdr is exclusive for x/s as a “fun bonus” for those systems for some stupid reason) and there are some levels that seem like they are cruelly designed as hdr showpieces.  Auto HDR does not work on it either. Making hdr an exclusive feature is really dumb and my biggest knock against this game.



Special K has two different versions: a “stable” version that gets updated every 6 months or so, as well as a “test” version where new features and fixes are introduced before being eventually...




I used passthrough mode instead of filmic, thought it looked more as designed. 


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12 minutes ago, chakoo said:

Which platform?


PC. Though it looks like amazon has the Switch version. I'd still recommend PC because ir should run on a toaster and I can get you the DLC like that. Plus Steam deck can provide handheld play if you prefer to play SRPGs on a portable.

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36 minutes ago, Zaku3 said:


PC. Though it looks like amazon has the Switch version. I'd still recommend PC because ir should run on a toaster and I can get you the DLC like that. Plus Steam deck can provide handheld play if you prefer to play SRPGs on a portable.

Nice but I’ll pass because it’s kind of impossible for me to play games on pc atm (I mostly keep to switch/vita/3ds due to work and baby). I should pick this up sometime on the switch, I’m pretty familiar with the series but never got to play a localized release.

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2 minutes ago, chakoo said:

Nice but I’ll pass because it’s kind of impossible for me to play games on pc atm (I mostly keep to switch/vita/3ds due to work and baby). I should pick this up sometime on the switch, I’m pretty familiar with the series but never got to play a localized release.


The Switch release is gonna need a JP or Hong Kong eshop account for the DLC. Though at that point it's probably better to just try to buy it directly for those eshops. I think the JP eshop version includes english as an option.

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