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Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition (11 November 2021, PlayStation consoles/Xbox consoles/PC (Rockstar Launcher-only)/Switch) - Official Trailer and Screenshots


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I don't think the narrative driven AAA game has gone away, at all.  The only real damper on that has been the sprawl and aloofness of open-world game design.  Ubisoft isn't one of the exceptions... they're part of the problem.  What's happening with Prince of Persia and BG&E is quite unfortunate, given they're examples of what they once stood for.


Meanwhile, you're seeing other publishers going back to their roots, modernizing them, and finding success that way.  Story of Japan as of late.  It's more than just SquareEnix.

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14 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

I just hate that it's pretty much just Sony and Ubisoft left that are driving narrative-driven, single player games in the AAA space. Those games absolutely still make money, it's just a long time between initial investment and profit, which share holders don't necessarily like. Epic? Fortnite till I die, bitch. Blizzard? Last single player game was Diablo 3, almost a decade ago, and who the hell knows what Diablo 4 will look like, if it ever even comes out. Bungie? Just Destiny. Rockstar? Since GTA V, they've made one single player game. They employ hundreds of developers in-house, they could have pumped out more than one game in the last 8 years, they just don't want to.


I could go on. It just makes me sad because the single-player, narrative driven experience is what got a lot of us into video games in the first place, and they're dying at least in the AAA space. Rockstar doesn't want to do them anymore, Bungie doesn't want to do them anymore, Blizzard doesn't want to do them anymore, even BioWare tried to get away from it and luckily failed spectacularly.


I understand why. A single-player, narrative-driven AAA game takes anywhere from 4-7 years to make. Less than that if you can reuse assets. That is a long time for ROI.


Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are still pushing them because they want to push consoles, and they know that single-player, narrative-driven games push consoles better than anything that isn't FIFA or Call of Duty, which are already on every console. Other than Ubisoft and to a lesser extent Square Enix, most third party AAA publishers seem to have decided that developing those games isn't worth the investment. Not because they don't make money, but because they don't make money fast enough.


Fantastic post. You nailed everything and it blows.


12 hours ago, Bacon said:


It's funny. Just yesterday I was thinking about how video games are taking too long to be made for games that really aren't THAT good. I never thought RDR2 was that good. Beautiful game, amazing story, but the parts where the player is actually playing the game is mediocre at best. 


I think of TES6 and I think of all the TES games that came before it. I am sure it will look much better, but will the gameplay be better? Will even the main story be better? I know I didn't like BOTW that much and that's whatever, but should BOTW2 really be taking this long to come out? We don't know much about it so maybe it is a whole different game but that came out in 2017. There is a bunch of other series that have been like this. Bigger but not often better. 


This is part of what makes me like FROM so much. I really don't care if they reuse assets and such. They are able to pump out products that feel fresh enough at a good pace. MMOs do entire expansions as well. And while I'm not a huge fan of the Ubi games, at least there is no 5+ year gap between them. Ubi games don't get exponentially better but neither have these games with over half a decade between releases. 


Of course I don't want every dev to become an Ubi-like dev, but many of these games just aren't good enough for the amount of time we had to wait. I'm tired of seeing all these "remasters" and "remakes" because they need a product to put out. I mean, I'd love a new GTA even if it only looked as good as GTA5. Different city, new story, and reuse and reskin where needed to make it fresh. Not saying games have to come out as fast as they did on the PS2 but the current pace is much too slow. 


Another good post. Great points all around.

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9 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

I kept seeing people mention the rain and it indeed is one of the funniest remaster fails since Silent Hill HD Collection's antics. 


I think this guy goes into a lot of what made the originals look good (beyond the rain) and why they are absent here. Clearly the original games had artists and an artistic vision while the people (the mobile game people) who did this just made a game that looks similar to the originals in a new engine without having an sense of cohesive style.

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36 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Didn't know this was a port of the mobile version of the game. I guess that would explain a lot.

Yeah, this whole mess makes more sense knowing that.


I feel like there are a couple ways this could end up going. I suppose it's possible that Rockstar could throw some real resources at this and give it the Master Chief Collection treatment, at least on the PC and modern consoles. I doubt they'll put too much work into it, but hopefully they'll at least fix some of the more egregious issues like the rain and some of the performance stuff. How a 20 year old game runs so poorly on modern consoles is insane.


Assuming they don't, I think the only hope for these games is the modding community. They've already gotten started, and if some of their previous work can be adapted to the new versions, maybe these new versions can actually become the definitive editions.

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40 minutes ago, TwinIon said:

Assuming they don't, I think the only hope for these games is the modding community. They've already gotten started, and if some of their previous work can be adapted to the new versions, maybe these new versions can actually become the definitive editions.


That doesn't help console owners and I'd rather not support a company that just hung it's game out to dry and have the community fix the game.

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In continuing my playthrough of GTA3, I had forgotten some of the little difficulties that come about with doing side missions. 


I'm still in Portland and just unlocked Don Salvatore's missions. This means that the Triads now hate me... That made El Burro's pay phone missions a little more difficult. Same for the Ambulance missions where you have to pick up patients. I chose to do those last night while ONLY the Triads hate me instead of them AND the Mafia with their shotguns. 


In GTA3, if you don't recall, the ambulance missions requires you to successfully complete Level 12 to get some powerups at your hideout and count towards 100%. They're easiest in Portland since it's a little smaller and laid out in a nice grid. Well, it took me over an hour last night, but I did it. Got it out of the way early. 


What I did back when I was 14 was I used the health cheat to restore my ambulance's health (no shame). The issue I discovered in the Definitive Edition is that with the modern controller layout, the health cheat uses one of the buttons that toggles the missions on/off. So the first time I used it, I ended the mission. 

PRO TIP: If you decide to use cheats during these Ambulance/Vigilante/Taxi/Firefighter missions, change your control layout to Classic or whatever it is where X is accelerate and Square is brake. That'll free up the D-pad for your health cheat and move the mission toggle from Up to R3. 


It's slightly frustrating it doesn't have an option to allow me to remap individual buttons, but I made it work. 

At least the ambulance missions are done and out of the way. 



That said, it's a joy to revisit this game in HD with better controls. 


But the rain effect does blow dicks. 

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Nice, releasing this the way they did garnering the backlash will probably get these in a better shape eventually than they would have been if they were just a little more polished.


Kinda BS that you get the original versions free of you bought on pc otherwise fuck you though. Offer pc codes for console buyers at least or port Bully real quick.

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I used my Saturday morning to:


Finish the Portland missions and advance to Staunton Island

Find all (but one) hidden packages on Staunton

Glitch my way to Shoreside Vale

Make sure the Purple Nines are there so I can finish 100%

Find all (but one) hidden packages on Shoreside


Now I have every weapon in my hideouts except the rocket launcher (100/100 packages) and the flamethrower (need to do Firetruck missions). 




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  • 1 year later...
1 hour ago, Keyser_Soze said:


How well does the rockstar launcher work on the deck?


It’s fine, I had to touch the screen like three times but no issues.


Definitely an improvement over switch! Best seems to be to keep it on the default low preset which is still way nicer looking, keep native res, and cap to 40hz. 

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