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  1. I am the author of this game. Thank you very much for posting about it on the forum! I have played both Eye of the beholder, Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back in the 80's. My dream have allways been to create one of these games on my own. Thanks to Unity3D I have fulfilled mn dream. The game is a bit simpler than DM but great fun to play. Unfortunately it's not party based, just one character but it has a lot of puzzles and challenges just like Dungeon Master. The game consists of 11 levels with approximately 6-7 hours of playtime. Thanx again!
    7 points
  2. The proliferation of "easy" ways to gamble (ESPECIALLY when it comes to sports betting) continues to do incalculable societal damage.
    7 points
  3. Tesla Lays Off Entire Team Behind Brakes WWW.THEONION.COM AUSTIN, TX—In the latest round of layoffs for the company’s struggling automotive division, electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla fired the entire team behind brakes, sources confirmed...
    7 points
  4. Saw this last night and it is everything it says on the tin. It's a cheeky, funny, meta, action packed romp. It knows its cues and nails them. The comedy hits, the romantic chemistry is excellent, the stunts are impressive. It never transcends its genre, but it's a very enjoyable celebration of stunts and movie making in a highly entertaining package. Overall just a fun time in the theater. They also get a couple good jabs in at the Academy for not awarding stunt guys, which I appreciated.
    6 points
  5. The most important part for me (not that I'd ever use the damned thing at all) is allowing research as to finally attempt to obtain empirical evidence as to the degree of harm/benefit its use entails.
    6 points
  6. Before the pandemic, I had finally moved out from my parents into my own apartment, met up with friends I originally knew from IGN, was in decent shape, and adopted my own kitten. Since then, nothing has gone right for me. I've grown ugly, fat, and balding, every friend I've known has distanced themselves from me, I have no money, developed a crippling alcohol addiction, my cat refuses to use the litterbox and pee on the rug, and not a day has gone by where I haven't thought about death or suicide.
    6 points
  7. This is one of the harder aspects of addiction - unless you are/were an addict, your ability to understand an addict's thought processes is going to be extremely limited, at best. Which isn't meant to be disparaging at all; I've experienced it on a number of occasions when trying to explain what I was thinking/feeling while in action, and I'd be lying if I said that a part of me wasn't grateful that my family and friends are incapable of understanding the full scope of what addiction is, and what it can lead us to do. The best articulation I've heard has been from Dr. Kevin McCauley who has lectured extensively on the Disease Model of Addiction; it can offer some solid insights on the neuro-physiological mechanisms associated with addiction. From a more practical perspective, the regression of someone into a compulsive gambler can take numerous forms and paths - from teens/20-somethings getting roped in after a winning Sunday on DraftKings (easiest money ever!) in a social group setting where everyone is doing it, to people struggling with other issues whose coping mechanisms lead them to isolation and escape (and for whom the allure of a casino provides easy and consistent dopamine stimuli while the presence of others fosters an illusory perception of not being alone), to wealthier individuals whose gambling might start with stock market/crypto speculation but gradually extends to other forms of action...the road to rock bottom starts from many different places, following different routes. To your question about the wealthy - it can often be as simple as finding a novel thrill in a life in which there aren't any existential uncertainties that need to be considered. But to answer one question as well as I can - the high comes from that moment of uncertainty when you've put your cards/bet/race form/dice/roulette chips into play, and are waiting to see if you win or lose. The actual result is (or can be) inconsequentual and anti-climactic - it's the juice that comes with taking that risk and putting things into play. And the progressive nature invariably compels us to increasing the stakes - when a single $5 parlay doesn't do it anymore, multiple $20 bets are needed, which turns into $50 bets on every game at a particular time, which turns into....it's a horrific spiral of craving during which rational thought becomes impossible, where the "need" is engaged by the portion of the brain linked to survival instincts. The lying, cheating, and stealing that addicts often turn to thus is less a breakdown of morals, than a short-circuiting of the pathways responsible for moral consideration, driven by a survival-based need to do whatever it takes to get that next fix. It isn't the least bit rational, and studies/literature on compulsive gambling have yielded some results that are absolutely confounding to those with no experience with addiction - in one study, researchers observed periodic feelings of irritation when someone WON while playing slots, because the win disrupted the flow of (losing) action they had been going through. Absolutely bonkers. But I can get it. Addiction can be hard to understand in the context of gambling, where we aren't talking about a particular susbstance being drunk/snorted/injected, but rather a behavior and series of "choices". But despite that, many of the byproducts are virtually identical to those whose addiction is linked to alcohol, opioids, narcotics, etc. All forms of addiction cause diregulation in the body's dopamine/serotonin/oxytocin secretion, leading to (at times) mania, depression, anhedonia, etc.
    5 points
  8. Got my first tattoo. It went well and I’m really happy with it. imgur.com IMGUR.COM Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral...
    5 points
  9. I don’t usually respond that much to blatant fan service, but the hacking mini game making an appearance had me like
    5 points
  10. I'm gonna come out and say it: I think we are in the midst of an AI hype-wave that will probably implode in 1990s tech-bubble fashion, albeit likely at a smaller, less horrible scale. I'm seeing tons of companies popping up that are offering nothing more than thin wrappers written around Chat GPT, and billing them as game-changing innovations; and I'm seeing investors tossing money their way with reckless abandon. Not sustainable IMO. Fortunately, I think once the hype wave implodes, what survives it will be the truly innovative, game-changing stuff. [*clears throat and prepares to shout into the wilderness*] Either way, we need to start revising IP law like yesterday to make the coming AI-driven economy sustainable!
    5 points
  11. This thread is actually a good place for me to post why I’ve come back (briefly). I wanted to tell you all I’m really sorry for how awful I’ve been to so many of you over the years. I was a depressed toxic traumatized drunk who liked to be a psycho asshole on the internet for attention because I was broken inside. I’ve done a lot of healing and therapy over the years now that I’m sober and I’m learning how to just be a healthier person overall and I have a lot of remorse for my behavior. There’s no excuse for how I treated some of you and how I acted. It will never happen again. I think it’s still best that I stay away but I wanted to apologize to anyone I ever antagonized or made uncomfortable, angry, or upset. To everyone whose boundaries I just steamrolled right over. And especially to anyone I kicked while they were already down. It wasn’t you, it was me. Okay love you bye. -kk
    5 points
  12. Elon Musk loses at Supreme Court in case over “funding secured” tweets ARSTECHNICA.COM Musk can't kill SEC settlement that requires pre-approval of tweets about Tesla.
    5 points
  13. Im a loyal PS5 Helldiver who has been spreading Democracy and defending freedom all along. I firmly believe that when all these Hippy Draft Dodging Cry Baby Traitors return any Medals distributed during their absence should be withheld and Super Citizen Status revoked. For Super Earth!!!
    4 points
  14. This definitely harkens back to 2020 when someone put Trump’s face on Thanos and had him “snap away” the Dems in an edited video. Also, look how small his lightsaber is 🤣
    4 points
  15. Amazing. Simply amazing. Donald 'Von ShitzInPantz' has now formally been entered into the public record at Trump's hush money trial WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM At his hush money trial on Thursday, Trump had to sit silent at the defense table as his lawyer read aloud from Michael Cohen's greatest Twitter hits.
    4 points
  16. The single largest demographic seeking help for compulsive gambling, by a HUGE margin, over the past 18 months, has been young men between the ages of 21 and 30. And while the stats are somewhat questionable, our best current estimates are that 1 in 900 compulsive gamblers seeks help from GA, and while there are certainly other programs available for treatment, few have the (admittedly limited) success rate of a 12-step program. One of, if not the greatest dangers, of the mass proliferation of legalized gambling, is the lingering perception that problem gambling is limited to 50+ year old guys at the track or OTB. It's hard to forecast how devastating this growth and expansion of gambling will ultimately prove to be, but I'm pretty confident that the answer is that it will be far, far worse than we are imagining now. I'm on the board of trustees for NYIG (basically the governing body for Gamblers Anonymous in NY), and we're now dealing with questions like - if a 16 year old calls the GA hotline or shows up at a meeting alone after getting information from the website, do we have an ethical obligation to disclose this to their family? There isn't any legal obligation, but ethically - it's a challenging question, and a terrible one to have to deliberate on. And it's a question that is coming up with increased frequency, because it's started happening.
    4 points
  17. It doesn’t matter if Trump wins this election. Eventually, we’re going to get a republican authoritarian president and that will be the end of the current era of American politics (and possibly America itself). Best to just prepare and accept it at this point.
    4 points
  18. Just wanna make it clear I’m not defending this psychopath at all
    4 points
  19. This combined with efforts like project 2025 (brought to you by the heritage foundation—the group who Trump picked his scotus/judicial nominees) would allow him to act fast with very little in the way of resistance effectively not giving any functional check on his authority. doesnt matter what Trump will actually do, no one including him knows what he actually wants to do, but it is part of an enabling process that will grant him more power than any president outside of actual wartime
    4 points
  20. How about one of the worst quarters since the great recession, 4th 2018, you can not divorce his shit record on the economy by claiming not real economy and then at the same time say the Pandemic is unique but the Pandemic recovery isn't. This bullshit mindsight is why America is the shithole it is. Further, if your mortgages have increased sounds like you didn't learn from the great recession. Maybe you shouldn't have agreed to a variable rate mortgage, sounds like a you fucked up thing not the system did. Conservatives are all about personal responsibility until they're forced to confront their own failures then it's someone else's fault. They remain the true snowflake crybaby bitches. Also I bought a house in the bay while Biden was President, thanks Biden. Almost like success and failure is a personal thing, don't tell conservatives though. If eggs costing three dollars more breaks you, you fail as a person. Further, to your other point. Conservatives getting made fun of. Oh the horror. lolol Fucking spare me. My entire life I've moved in conservative circles and as a result I've been insulted for it. I've had terrible things said about me from: mentally deranged, fucked in the head, traitor, unamerican etc all because I am to the left. And guess who was saying it. I was literally in the Marines, wearing boots, and called a traitor by some fat conservatives mouth breather because I said gay people should be allowed to get married. Now they wanna cry like bitches because their shit hole cities in their flyover states get made fun of while insulting me, my cities, my communities my entire life. Crybaby fucks. They can't handle what they dished out for decades and now want to burn the country down over it. Fuck em, your life is still gonna suck even if you make ours harder. No, I don't care your shit towns are dying, I care as much about your kids dying due to Heroin as you did about my family during the crack epidemic, to paraphrase a certain comic, amazing how when your kids started dying it became a public health crisis over a personal failing. I have zero sympathy for your failures especially when my success is owed to traditional liberal values like unions and collective bargaining. But hey, pray to Jesus, maybe he will save your shit life. I'm heading back to Spain next week, My life is great.
    4 points
  21. Trump Media auditor charged by SEC with 'massive fraud,' permanently barred from public company audits WWW.CNBC.COM
    3 points
  22. 3 points
  23. I’d fucking quit if I had to kiss his stupid ass as part of my job
    3 points
  24. It is time for the feds to treat gambling like cigarettes and ban nearly all advertising of it. It should be legal to participate in, but the constant stream of marketing is truly gross stuff.
    3 points
  25. I hate the way gambling has permeated everything. Keep degenerates underground where they belong.
    3 points
  26. The craziest thing is that it was such a round number, 50,000 bees? What are the odds of that.
    3 points
  27. I don't think I need to read this. Who he is has been clear forever. No need to wallow in it.
    3 points
  28. I used to always stop and watch this movie when I was younger when flipping through channels. It’s an all time great.
    3 points
  29. @DPCyric - what's the best way for me to send you some funds?
    3 points
  30. I read much of the interview transcripts this morning. Trump is fucked in the head. If you support Trump, you are fucked in the head. If you have friends or family or colleagues that support Trump, they are fucked in the head.
    3 points
  31. I don't believe this for a second. Setting aside the fact that, with the exception of the past eight years, unions have been overwhelmingly left-leaning in support, do you know when union support began to erode among the mainstream in a meaningful way? Do you know who the president was, and the nickname he earned among union organizations? Ronald "Union Buster" Reagan. The idea that conservatives aren't anti-union, that they haven't historically (and still do) land on the side of management, is patently absurd. Are you being willfully ignorant, or is this just a bit of partisan hackery coming through?
    3 points
  32. lmfao. Conservatives care about the other. lolol. Thors beard what a load of shit. Let’s ask them how they feel about trans people real quick. As I said, fucking miss me with this bullshit. But I do not care about conservatives and their families either, I am just not trying to burn the country down over it. They would love my niece, until they meet her interracial gay parents then it's an issue. This just in, rich powerful white people have never cared about poc in this shithole country, more news at 10. But remind me, how many people voted yay on that legislation? But yep, totally a Biden thing only. Again, miss me. This board has called me a hateful bigot for my views on islam before, i do not give a shit. I've lived this life, I have been insulted by mouth breathers for my views and who I am my whole ass life, fuck em, I hate them as only someone who has been attacked for being lgbtqi can. at least liberals won't attack me for going to PRIDE whereas conservatives will call me a groomer because I took my niece to a drag show in a park while they talk about breeding 16 yos and watch "Alpha Male" content like the fucking losers they are. I was speaking in general terms as someone you're portraying yourself to be, specifically in reference to american conservatives. lol, anti-union sentiment is a hallmark conservative trait, wtf. Pretending otherwise means I can completely ignore you like you did the Regan and Bushx2 administrations.
    3 points
  33. Lmao lol lmao i know so many anti union union members and anti union people who benefit from CBAs but don’t want to pony up and actually contribute to the union. “oh yeah the xyz union is bad but mine is good” “I couldn’t get this same wage at a company that doesn’t have a union, but no I’m not in the union” “my parents worked for the big 3, retired at 55 and now I’m getting a hell of a deal on my new F-150 but unions don’t have a place in todays economy” im not convinced you actually know any working class American conservatives, as the above examples are from actual conversations I’ve had with conservatives who clearly see and enjoy the benefits of unions but are anti union themselves
    3 points
  34. Even if he's talking about network television exclusively (he probably is) it's still a dumb fucking thing to say. All in the Family was initially passed on by ABC because they were wary of Archie Bunker being "a loveable bigot," The Mary Tyler Moore Show went through a bunch of drafts because of thoughts about the premise / material and its adjacency to Moore's turn on The Dick Van Dyke Show, is and was a feminist darling, and I dunno man including MASH on the list of sitcoms that people just kinda came home and watched that wasn't woke or whatever makes me think Seinfeld should be evaluated for a recent stroke. Also buddy, you're fucking Jerry Seinfeld. If this shit is that important to you fucking make a show? What network is going to turn him down? Even if he doesn't wanna do the work, be an EP on something? Seinfeld doesn't know hungry comics who "aren't PC" with a pitch for a sitcom? Eat my ass old man, get in a car with Louis CK and Chappelle then drive into the Hudson.
    3 points
  35. Yeah I'm getting pretty frustrated with what I'm going to call "disasterbaiting". There's a lot of shit, but adding to the pile doesn't dig anyone out.
    3 points
  36. If it gets burned down, it's not getting rebuilt how you want it - so what's the point of wanting it to burn down? A bunch of defeatists ITT.
    3 points
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