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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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I was checking vaccine certificates of patrons coming in at work tonight, so scanning the QR codes, and one guy didn't have the updated certificate with the QR code on it. I told him I need to scan the QR code before I can let him in, which I've had to do, so most people quickly go to the website to get their updated certificate, but instead this guy says he doesn't want the QR code because he doesn't want them tracking him. What?! I told him they're not tracking him, and he said yeah they are, but he doesn't want to get into it and left. See ya, conspiracy theorist. 


Also had another kid (probably early 20s) who came in, I scanned his code, and looked at his ID, and the names didn't match. He straight up admitted he wasn't vaccinated then. Well then I can't let him in. He begged. I said no. A few minutes later he came back with his friend who was already inside begging me to let him in just this one time because he's waiting out in the cold car, and to have a heart, and what would I do in his shoes. I said if I was in his shoes I would have gotten vaccinated. Kid said he didn't get it for religious reasons, and then his friend tries to bribe me, saying he'll leave a big tip (I don't get tips), and just to let him in this one time, and the masks and vaccine checking is all going to end in a few days anyway. OK cool then in a few days you can come back; have a good night. He left. 

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12 minutes ago, Ominous said:

So how many of us have died due to vaccine complications?

I’m just dead on the inside, but overall good health. My cousin said they were hiding some 120k deaths from the vaccines people received. That was like beginning of the summer, and who knows what “that number” could be now. I haven’t seen any goal posts on the move lately. Speaking of cousin again, both have gone quiet on FB again.

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49 minutes ago, silentbob said:

I’m just dead on the inside, but overall good health. My cousin said they were hiding some 120k deaths from the vaccines people received. That was like beginning of the summer, and who knows what “that number” could be now. I haven’t seen any goal posts on the move lately. Speaking of cousin again, both have gone quiet on FB again.

Maybe they died from their chicken pox vaccine.

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1 minute ago, sblfilms said:



Gov. Gavin Newsom's announcement caps weeks of speculation over when one of the nation's strictest states would allow districts to make masks optional in the classroom.


I am curious if we will see any return of Covid mitigation measures when future waves hit.


Honestly? No. Even if we get an Omega variant that is 5% fatal I don't think we're going to see anything close to the restrictions/mandates we've already had. The message has pivoted strongly to "if you're afraid, stay home; in the end we all die, anyway."

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:



Gov. Gavin Newsom's announcement caps weeks of speculation over when one of the nation's strictest states would allow districts to make masks optional in the classroom.


I am curious if we will see any return of Covid mitigation measures when future waves hit.



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I was thinking the other day how, the last time around when politicians started to move toward easing health policies we had already heard about Nu (Omicron) and it seemed too hopeful/short-sighted and it was. 


But now? Has anyone heard about any new variants or resurgances?  I know we're all reflexively hesitant, and even for me I see myself wearing masks in certain contexts (waiting in line at the pharmacy) for the rest of my life, but is it maybe finally actually different now? 

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32 minutes ago, johnny said:

one thing about wearing masks in the classroom is i didn’t get a single cold. guarantee i’ll get one within 2 weeks of us unmasking lol. 


Get a P100 respirator, a lot of masking policies don't allow them because they're vented and the CDC never updated their guidance on that even though they did a study that found they're actually fine, but they can't tell you it's not allowed if there's no masking policy period! 

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6 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

It seems like every institution has just given up. Korea has already dropped QR code check-ins, and will no longer require vaccine passports either. 


My job is dropping it too. On the one hand it's an extremely highly vaccinated workplace, on the other hand there's some work that has to be done in certain shared communal spaces. I'd be a lot less bothered by this if it was saying no masks for just moving around the building but the spaces where people are sitting together because the work can't be done at home still required masks. 

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Like, I'm sure they'd tell me I don't have to do anything I'm not comfortable doing and that I can hand off the work to someone else who's comfortable sitting in those areas, but while I bought the idea that there wouldn't be repercussions for that back in say May 2020 I highly doubt it wouldn't wind up negatively affecting your performance review/get you seen as being difficult now. 

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My province dropped all restrictions on Monday. I mean all. No mask mandate (and province has banned any municipalities or schools from requiring them), no public testing, no public reporting (only basic info like deaths once a week, and after a two-week delay), no vaccine passport, and no requirement to isolate if you are confirmed positive. The result? Well, we are still seeing really high deaths, our wastewater data (the only testing the government can't control) is an all-time high, and people are now dropping masks.


My wife went to the pharmacy yesterday to get some of her medication (one of the only places she goes, now), and the woman in front of her had no mask. The woman asked the pharmacist if they had anything to help with congestion and a sore throat and cough. The pharmacist also asked if the woman had a fever, and she said yes. The woman had no mask. The pharmacist (who had a mask), politely asked the woman to step aside as she likely had COVID, and should get whatever drug from aisle 5 and leave the store. Woman didn't seem to care. Fortunately my wife had an N95 on, but it's just ridiculous. 


Everyone at my work has dropped their masks except in large meetings (which I attend remotely). I am being forced to work twice a week in the office, and I am in my N95 the entire day. I go eat my lunch in my car.

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New York health officials found the effectiveness of Pfizer's vaccine versus Covid plummeted from 68% to 12% for children ages 5 to 11 during the omicron surge.

The New York State Department of Health found that the effectiveness of Pfizer's vaccine against Covid infection plummeted from 68% to 12% for kids in that age group during the omicron surge from Dec. 13 through Jan 24. Protection against hospitalization dropped from 100% to 48% during the same period.


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14 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Another close contact another ten days in quarantine for my youngest daughter yayyy

The most annoying part to me:


Backdating to January 1 and continuing through February 28, 2022, families that have been required to quarantine due to an exposure at school will receive a 50% credit for each individual day of school missed. 

So I still have to pay full price for daycare for the privilege of keeping my kid at home. But if it happened a week ago I’d be getting 50% off. Lame!

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3 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:



New York health officials found the effectiveness of Pfizer's vaccine versus Covid plummeted from 68% to 12% for children ages 5 to 11 during the omicron surge.


my students are older but makes sense. i had like half of my students out. 

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@CitizenVectrongiven that it appears the global appetite for mitigation has fallen off dramatically post Omicron combined with the particulars of your situation with your wife, what is a “return to normal” for you? What is the scenario where you and her would feel comfortable ending your own mitigation strategies?

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

@CitizenVectrongiven that it appears the global appetite for mitigation has fallen off dramatically post Omicron combined with the particulars of your situation with your wife, what is a “return to normal” for you? What is the scenario where you and her would feel comfortable ending your own mitigation strategies?


Honestly, we don't know. If my government was at least still allowing for public testing and releasing those results, we could then formulate strategies based on the risk in our area. But...they aren't, because they are shitty, shitty people catering to the worst in their base.

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