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The Official Thread of Systemic Racism

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Well, I don't follow the NBA, but in the NHL bubble it's a well known secret that doesn't really get discussed by the media... that the players HATE living in the bubble and apparently it totally sucks.


I'm sure the NBA situation is similar... these guys are accustomed to a much different lifestyle than they experience in the bubble.


I'm not saying that's the only reason this is happening, but it has to be a contributing factor.

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15 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Got a link? Nothing on any of the major sports outlets, nothing from the top NBA journos on twitter either. 


Looks like I misread it. Initially the two teams voted to end the season, and all their players walked out of the player meeting after a shouting match. Then overnight things changed, and they've agreed to play, but have concerns.





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5 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Look for this Vigilantism it increase now that they've gotten the greenlight essentially. It's gonna be open season on... "undesirables" now. The Cops KNEW those groups were out there and were handing out water bottles to them.


Yeah, the cops really goofed this and 2 people are dead now.  I don't thinking sending in federal law enforcement into these communities will necessarily help though. 

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1 hour ago, sblfilms said:

Killing a person over stuff is an act of evil.


I don’t think this kid did that though. It seems as though he was being attacked by the first guy he shot, and then was being beaten by another man with a skateboard when he shot him, and then was approached by a third man with a handgun who he shot in the arm.


But maybe that’s why we shouldn’t live in a country full of guns? Would this kid be out there “protecting” the business if he didn’t have a gun? Seems rather unlikely.

The second person shot seems to have been trying to disarm the shooter. RW media saying "what did you expect" and justifying the kid's actions here would imply that trying to disarm a known shooter is justification to be killed by the known shooter. Just insane shit here.

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

The second person shot seems to have been trying to disarm the shooter. RW media saying "what did you expect" and justifying the kid's actions here would imply that trying to disarm a known shooter is justification to be killed by the known shooter. Just insane shit here.


Yeah that's crazy. If that's the case, then all you need to do is shoot one person (claim it was self defense, which seems to work in the US a lot) and then you get a free pass to shot anyone who comes after you?

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48 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


Eat a dick!  Most of you fantasize about literally handing  hanging or shooting politicians who you disagree with.  At least be consistent if you feel death is never warranted. 


Okay there are like two people on this board who "literally" fantasize about guillotines and hanging and they sure as hell don't qualify as "most." And you're not arguing with either of them here. Lol.

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52 minutes ago, ort said:

This is what many gun owners fantasize about. Go into the comments on any story about this stuff, and you will always (100% of the time) get dozens of variants of this exact post...


"I'd like to see these animals try this in my neighborhood. It would go very differently here... they would find out really fast that real Americans know how to defend themselves."


They all just want to kill people with their guns. It's all they dream about. It comes from some sort of truly demented place.


Fuck guns, but most of all, fuck gun nut psychos. I fucking hate those people, they're all exactly the same and they all fucking suck ass.


This sorry ass piece of shit kid was looking for trouble because he's been brainwashed by the NRA and his right wing talking head propaganda masters. Blood isn't just on his hands, it's on the entire gun industry.


The Tucker Carlsons and Hannitys of the world have this blood on their hands too. But they love this. They love the violence and chaos and you know they are loving every second of this class was going on now. Because they are truly evil people with dark souls that love nothing but money and power.

It really explains the appeal of the Q conspiracy shit on the right, where allegedly trump is gonna round up and execute his enemies.

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16 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Yeah that's crazy. If that's the case, then all you need to do is shoot one person (claim it was self defense, which seems to work in the US a lot) and then you get a free pass to shot anyone who comes after you?

Unless they're a cop, but only a good cop, not a bad one there to take your guns. I dunno. The whole thing is logically inconsistent, surprise surprise.


The logic is: cops have authority of the state/monopoly on justified violence, listen to them. If cops aren't there, you have the right to exercise lethal force to protect yourself, thus undermining the monopoly of force that the state supposedly holds. Ok, fine, that's understandable. BUT, after you utilize lethal force, if anyone not the state tries to stop you, you can exercise lethal force again until the state, the only other actor apparently who can use justifiable violence, comes in to extract 'justice'. So basically if you beat others to the "fear for my life" punch, you can kill to your heart's desire until the state shows up, because anyone trying to disarm or neutralize you in any way can be seen as a threat to your life or safety, regardless of your actions which may have threatened others! Or the violence spirals as your actions make innumerable others fear for their life or safety and the cycle perpetuates itself again and again.


Of course this only really can work if you're white and allegedly in defense of petty capital.

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8 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Yeah that's crazy. If that's the case, then all you need to do is shoot one person (claim it was self defense, which seems to work in the US a lot) and then you get a free pass to shot anyone who comes after you?

Let’s say I get assaulted in a public place and I fear for my life and I pull my piece and kill the person , I would likely walk free. 

Now let’s say after I shot the person , you see me and think I am going start killing everybody and you jump me and I kill you . I am likely to walk free as I could argue that I was still being assaulted and could be considered an an accident. If you manage to get my gun and kill me you would likely walk away free. 

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If the kid was legally acting in self defense in the initial interaction, there is no legal justification for the skateboarder to start attacking him with it. The events aren’t wholly discrete. 

But again, this is why we shouldn’t have guns. It completely twists behaviors.

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4 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

He’s 17 and from out of state.


He shouldn’t have had that rifle. Period. Exclamation Point. No question mark. Period again.

This does not change the legality of his use of the weapon once he had it and was there. The prior illegal acts aren’t relevant.

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17 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

If the kid was legally acting in self defense in the initial interaction, there is no legal justification for the skateboarder to start attacking him with it. The events aren’t wholly discrete. 

But again, this is why we shouldn’t have guns. It completely twists behaviors.

How do you know it's self defense and not act 1 of a mass shooting event? And is the skateboarder not entitled to fear for their own life and act similarly?

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16 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

Okay there are like two people on this board who "literally" fantasize about guillotines and hanging and they sure as hell don't qualify as "most." And you're not arguing with either of them here. Lol.

Aside from that, Trump and his ilk will “loot” more in their first 4 years in power than the value of all looting that’s taken place in all BLM protests combined. 

If someone coming at your small business with a brick justifies lethal force in response, what the fuck is the appropriate response to the entire nation being plundered?

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2 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

Everything about what he did was illegal and he needs to fry like a piggie.

There is nothing illegal about using deadly force in defense of self. This is flatly incorrect. The kid wasn’t even the first person to fire.


8 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

How do you know it's self defense and not act 1 of a mass shooting event?

He wasn’t even holding the gun at the point he was being chased by skateboard guy. He was on the phone calling 911. 

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9 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

He wasn’t even holding the gun at the point he was being chased by skateboard guy. He was on the phone calling 911. 

Does that make a difference? He just shot someone, how are you supposed to derive his intentions from there? Is there no justification to hold a shooter from running away so that the police or other authority can apprehend and presumably let the justice system work out?

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His gun was illegally obtained.


He was 17.


He was from out of state.

Hang on, I figured out how to make this make sense: “Maybe if he wasn’t white and carrying an AR-15 people wouldn’t have assumed he was a mass shooter in the making.”

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:


Looks like I misread it. Initially the two teams voted to end the season, and all their players walked out of the player meeting after a shouting match. Then overnight things changed, and they've agreed to play, but have concerns.





In a perfect world, at the start of the next game, just as the whistle blows, all of the players freeze, turn to the cameras, and take a knee, and just stay there until the broadcast goes dark.
I want this to happen so bad, if only to see the meltdowns on conservative media. :p 

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7 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Does that make a difference? He just shot someone, how are you supposed to derive his intentions from there? Is there no justification to hold a shooter from running away so that the police or other authority can apprehend and presumably let the justice system work out?

It does make a difference. The kid was not at that moment posing a threat to anybody, he wasn’t trying to flee the scene either, he was calling 911. 


The people who began chasing him continued to levy threats against him verbally and backed that up with a physical attacked, including the guy who fired the initial shot that started the entire series of events.


6 minutes ago, MarSolo said:

His gun was illegally obtained.


He was 17.


He was from out of state.

Hang on, I figured out how to make this make sense: “Maybe if he wasn’t white and carrying an AR-15 people wouldn’t have assumed he was a mass shooter in the making.”


None of the people who attacked him knew any of that information.

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2 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

It does make a difference. The kid was not at that moment posing a threat to anybody, he wasn’t trying to flee the scene either, he was calling 911. 


The people who began chasing him continued to levy threats against him verbally and backed that up with a physical attacked, including the guy who fired the initial shot that started the entire series of events.



None of the people who attacked him knew any of that information.

If he didn’t want to get attacked he shouldn’t have looked like a mass shooter and been out past curfew.

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1 minute ago, MarSolo said:

If he didn’t want to get attacked he shouldn’t have looked like a mass shooter and been out past curfew.

This is no basis for attacking a person who is standing around, unless you’re going to also argue that police are right to shoot black men because they “look like criminals”. This is such a terrible take.

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Just now, sblfilms said:

This is no basis for attacking a person who is standing around, unless you’re going to also argue that police are right to shoot black men because they “look like criminals”. This is such a terrible take.

So we know what lead to the initial confrontation that lead to the first murder?

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3 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

So we know what lead to the initial confrontation that lead to the first murder?

There is video of it. The kid was down at one area and then when he left it the police wouldn’t allow him to return to rejoin the rest of his group. Seeing him now cut off from the rest of his group, he begins to be followed and eventually chased until cornered by multiple men. One fires his pistol in the air (this appears to be the guy who eventually is shot in the arm), and then man lunges at the boy. This is when Rittenhouse fires his weapon striking the first man in the head. 

A bunch of grown ups stalked a teenager when he got separated from the grown ups he was with and they started shooting guns and physically assaulting him. This is what happened.

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