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Joker Trailer and Discussion Thread


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9 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

That's pretty much the conclusion that Alan Moore came to... I don't know that I necessarily agree but I DO think that The Joker makes makes even less sense without an ideological counterpoint like Batman or Jim Gordon.

Yeah, I go back and forth on that. We got the better part of fifty years of Batman / Joker stuff without that explicit take, but it’s been a part of the two characters for at least as long as Moore and Miller did The Killing Joke / The Dark Knight Returns, so going on 30+ years now. I think it’s certainly possible to make a Joker divorced from Batman, but this movie seemed to want to have its cake and eat it, too. “Sure there’s no Batman but maybe The Joker is Thomas Wayne’s son? I’m not saying I’m just saying.”

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1 minute ago, Kal-El814 said:

Yeah, I go back and forth on that. We got the better part of fifty years of Batman / Joker stuff without that explicit take, but it’s been a part of the two characters for at least as long as Moore and Miller did The Killing Joke / The Dark Knight Returns, so going on 30+ years now. I think it’s certainly possible to make a Joker divorced from Batman, but this movie seemed to want to have its cake and eat it, too. “Sure there’s no Batman but maybe The Joker is Thomas Wayne’s son? I’m not saying I’m just saying.”


I'm not even saying that it had to have Batman or Jim Gordon... I''m saying that The Joker works best as character when there's SOMEONE for him to play off of. Could have been an entirely different character created just for the movie but it needed someone to represent a different viewpoint than The Joker's. 

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1 minute ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I'm not even saying that it had to have Batman or Jim Gordon... I''m saying that The Joker works best as character when there's SOMEONE for him to play off of. Could have been an entirely different character created just for the movie but it needed someone to represent a different viewpoint than The Joker's. 

Oh yeah, I agree. I think what we got is good, it’s just oddly straddling history and autonomy.

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I think his neighbour could have been the counterpoint in this movie if they had rewritten the character, even if the imagined relationship does make sense from a psychological standpoint, and how someone that unstable would fantasize a relationship like that. 


There are a lot of theories about what is, and isn't real within the movie. What was imagined/hallucinated VS what was reality. 

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To who's watched it, is it substantially more than an acting reel for Phoenix + comic book movie?  Does it pull no punches like Taxi Driver and Fight Club in being a character study of a fucked up person via having a lot to say about its subject, or does it feel like the character study stuff is there mainly to add edge and depth to a Joker origin story if that makes sense?  

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1 hour ago, fuckle85 said:

To who's watched it, is it substantially more than an acting reel for Phoenix + comic book movie?  Does it pull no punches like Taxi Driver and Fight Club in being a character study of a fucked up person via having a lot to say about its subject, or does it feel like the character study stuff is there mainly to add edge and depth to a Joker origin story if that makes sense?  

 This definitely, as far as I'm concerned... You should see it because it isn't bad by any stretch but if you read my posts in the preceding pages you can see where I think it fell short. You may have a different take though.

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Is there any possible way Hollywood will acknowledge Phoenix at the Oscars? It feels like the old guard/establishment is just bundling this film as a deplorable "comic book movie" , and at best this will get the usual noms for "Best Hair styling" "Best musical score" "Best use of a camera in daylight" =/

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49 minutes ago, IdeaOfEvil said:

Is there any possible way Hollywood will acknowledge Phoenix at the Oscars? It feels like the old guard/establishment is just bundling this movie as a deplorable "comic book movie" , and at best this will get the usual noms for "Best Hair styling" "Best musical score" "Best use of a camera in daylight" noms =/

He will get nominated.


they also added a lot of young people to the academy. While I doubt the movie wins anything, I can’t see them denying Phoenix of a nomination unless the field becomes super stacked somehow. 

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41 minutes ago, johnny said:

He will get nominated.


they also added a lot of young people to the academy. While I doubt the movie wins anything, I can’t see them denying Phoenix of a nomination unless the field becomes super stacked somehow. 


Even if the academy added in young people to vote, there's still that obtuse idea of there being the mythical 9 Jews that run Hollywood that still needs to nominate the movie so it can be voted on at all. And I honestly think this flik is getting bundled in with the current flux of film makers and reviewers who are bashing comic book movies because they're tired of them all, which is why this could get looked over for what it represents and not for what it actually is.


I hope I'm wrong, but 99.99% of the time the Oscars always miss out on celebrating what's right in front of them, and then they try to make it up years later by giving a not so great film the wins and nods because they missed out the first time...



6 minutes ago, Brick said:

Has there ever been a case of two actors winning/nominated for playing the same character at the Oscars? Even though Ledger's and Phoenix's Jokers are very different, they're still interpretations of the same character. 


I'd love to see Phoenix win and then that way all future movies with the Joker character in it would become highly contested Oscar bait for any actor looking for an award, lol.

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(I follow this stuff more than I should) Phoenix is generally considered to be a frontrunner for Best Actor, along with DiCaprio (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) and Adam Driver (Marriage Story). Jonathan Pryce (The Two Popes) and Antonio Banderas (Pain & Glory) are also getting buzz. It's a tough conversation to have now, since most of the major contenders aren't widely available yet. 

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10 hours ago, Brick said:

Has there ever been a case of two actors winning/nominated for playing the same character at the Oscars? Even though Ledger's and Phoenix's Jokers are very different, they're still interpretations of the same character. 

It's not really the same character, but the first thing that comes to my mind is A Star Is Born. The 1937, 1955, and 2018 versions all got best actor nominations (none of them won), while the 1955 and 1977 versions won the Golden Globe.


 A few remakes have been nominated, but I don't think any had the roles get nominated (Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, Moulin Rouge). 

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Personally, I wouldn't be surprised to see Phoenix win. I think you could easily have given him golden statues for Gladiator, Her, The Master, Inherent Vice, or You Were Never Really Here. If Joker is what gets him an Oscar, that'd be fine with me, even if I didn't love the movie.

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I think this movie is a 6/10 for me. Phoenix is a master actor--everything from his body mannerisms to his facial expressions and delivery--and the cinematography is beautiful and dark. But the movie really doesn't say anything interesting. If this were a Joker origin story then a lot of the bad things he did should have been interpreted as a "joke" by him, right? But I didn't get that vibe from the script/dialog. What was funny for him about killing his neighbor and her daughter (if he even did)? Or the financial douche bags? Or his coworker? The only joke for him was when he killed Murray and that was the most ham-fisted and clunky setup. It didn't really work for me. And a lot of lesser things didn't seem all that well thought out either: Robert DeNiro has to be the strangest casting ever for a late night comedian. What, exactly, are all the people holding "RESIST!" signs resisting? Etc.

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Jared Leto REALLY didn't want Warner Bros. to make The Joker



Just how unhappy was Jared Leto over Joker? As Todd Phillips’ dark take on the villain looks likely to gross more than $700 million worldwide, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that Leto’s frustration that Warner Bros. was moving ahead with the Phillips project was so great early on that he tried to throttle the rival Joker in its cradle.


According to sources familiar with Leto’s behavior, when the Oscar-winning actor learned of the Phillips project, he not only complained bitterly to his agents at CAA, who also represent Phillips, but asked his music manager, Irving Azoff, to call the leader of Warners parent company (it’s unclear whether it was Time Warner’s Jeff Bewkes or AT&T’s Randall Stephenson, depending on the timing). The idea was to get Warners to kill the Phillips film.



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Phillips was on the DGA podcast this week. I didn’t find his responses particularly compelling, and made me more certain that he was simply the wrong man for the job.

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Finally saw it, the movie was a lot more nihilistic than I expected. It invoked a lot of real issues with Joker's backstory but provided very little meaningful commentary on said issues. It was definitely a strange movie for a strange time.


I wouldn't be surprised in Phoenix got an Oscar for it, he put on one hell of a show and has been waiting his turn long enough. 

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6 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Joker set to make a half billion in profit

I wasn't that big on the movie but hopefully this will encourage studios to take more risks with these characters.  The audience is clearly there. 


I really thought they'd have learned that lesson after Logan and Deadpool 1 + 2 but they didn't. I agree, I hope this does encourage it. 

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On 10/22/2019 at 12:45 AM, Moa said:

It invoked a lot of real issues with Joker's backstory but provided very little meaningful commentary on said issues.


I think this is a good way to put it. The movie kind of just...happens. His dialogue on the late night show before shooting the host kinda-sorta achieved a bit of what you're describing but it was a little too late at that point because by the time it came I'd already been sitting there for a bit wondering why the movie was still going.

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