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~*The Official Thread of One Term/Twice Impeached/Convicted Felon/Worst of Them All Presidential Tantrums, Candy Throwing, and Pants Shitting*~

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Yeah, it happens all the time. In a world where Trump is doing hundreds of things that are truly insane and outrageous and dangerous, we don't need to key in on stupid bullshit. We need to stay focused on shit that matters.


It's especially important not to spread lies and misinformation. We don't need to. The actual info is bad enough all by itself.

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17 minutes ago, Nokra said:

I watched the video of Trump "freezing" and the narrative around it confuses me. It seemed pretty clear that he's either pausing for dramatic effect or confused as to why he was being interrupted by the music. 


Maybe I'm missing something , but I see no reason to make up a story about him freezing in order to dislike the guy; take your pick of any number of other reasons for that. Which also shouldn't be misconstrued as me trying to defend him or saying his brain isn't mush.  I just worry that if "our side" propagates obvious falsehoods or cynical interpretations,  it makes it all too easy for the other side to use that. 

Look, I just like the Simpson’s shitposts, okay?

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2 hours ago, Nokra said:

I watched the video of Trump "freezing" and the narrative around it confuses me. It seemed pretty clear that he's either pausing for dramatic effect or confused as to why he was being interrupted by the music. 


Maybe I'm missing something , but I see no reason to make up a story about him freezing in order to dislike the guy; take your pick of any number of other reasons for that. Which also shouldn't be misconstrued as me trying to defend him or saying his brain isn't mush.  I just worry that if "our side" propagates obvious falsehoods or cynical interpretations,  it makes it all too easy for the other side to use that. 


The comments I've seen weren't that he was freezing McConnell style, but rather lol dipshit can't talk without a teleprompter after all the times he's said that about Biden. 

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On 5/12/2024 at 10:20 AM, Spork3245 said:

“A big guy, strong guy, came up to me, tears in his eyes, and said “sir, sir, you are the greatest President that this nation has seen, and I would like you to come to dinner!”. That man’s name? Hannibal Lectar. He loved to have people over for dinner. You know, some say that Hannibal was the best…  in terms of Cannibalism. Oh he likes to pair a nice chianti with livers, doesn’t he folks? Silence of Lambs! They say that these lambs are going silent because of the illegal migrants crossing our borders. They walk right up to these lambs and silence them! Oh, it’s terrible… terrible what they do to these poor lambs. Soon they’ll be silencing worms too. RFK Jr had a worm. BOOM silenced, just like that. That worm died before it even had a chance to eat a full meal. The way Biden has raised the prices at McDonalds no one can even afford to have a full meal these days.”

Stephen Colbert Chefs Kiss GIF by The Late Show With Stephen Colbert

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10 hours ago, Nokra said:

I watched the video of Trump "freezing" and the narrative around it confuses me. It seemed pretty clear that he's either pausing for dramatic effect or confused as to why he was being interrupted by the music. 


Maybe I'm missing something , but I see no reason to make up a story about him freezing in order to dislike the guy; take your pick of any number of other reasons for that. Which also shouldn't be misconstrued as me trying to defend him or saying his brain isn't mush.  I just worry that if "our side" propagates obvious falsehoods or cynical interpretations,  it makes it all too easy for the other side to use that. 

They’ve been playing that Downton Abbey music whenever Trump has a cognitive moment this campaign. It’s probably to give plausible deniability. 

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At best I think they are covering some mixup with a teleprompter.


I think the Biden campaign was basically like, "We'll hit him on freezing and see if they admit it was the teleprompter."


But the Trump campaign can't do that because Trump has turned the teleprompter thing into a big deal to his followers....

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58 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

At best I think they are covering some mixup with a teleprompter.


I think the Biden campaign was basically like, "We'll hit him on freezing and see if they admit it was the teleprompter."


But the Trump campaign can't do that because Trump has turned the teleprompter thing into a big deal to his followers....


All is fair in love and war.

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The former president is convinced state prosecutors will target him again after a second term, and wants the GOP to solve that problem for him.

Regardless of the doomering here and elsewhere, this is very much a man who realizes he’s not currently above the law and can and probably will be jailed for his crimes

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1 hour ago, Massdriver said:

Trump actually thought the LP would get on board with him? Perhaps he has calculated that libertarians at home are more likely to jump on board. 


The party leadership has taken a pretty drastic turn towards trumpism since the 2020 election.  But it sounds like many/most of the party members are having none of it.

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22 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


The party leadership has taken a pretty drastic turn towards trumpism since the 2020 election.  But it sounds like many/most of the party members are having none of it.

Right, with the Mises caucus. I think it’s that in many ways, they are further right than Trump, but in other ways are still libertarian. There’s that no compromise attitude the LP has always had too which will refuse to see Trump or Kennedy as one of them. 

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He should have pivoted to his time with Jeff Epstein and how he hated the age of consent laws then he would have won them over



also if you saw the video of the crowd, you can taste the smell of that room through the video

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9 hours ago, Jason said:

Guys I just wanted to :feelsgood: at Trump having to deal with a crowd booing him. :p


Yeah, it's pretty cathartic to see just how badly this man baby reacts when a crowd doesn't immediately give him complete adoration. The guy has been a politician for over a decade now and reacts like that to a rowdy crowd. It is insane how much retail politics have changed that someone like that is not just successful in the party, but their fucking presidential candidate.


On top of that, you know what's even more insane when you think about it? After the incident with McCain correcting the lady about Obama I really think "Thou shalt never criticize your constituency" has essentially become the first commandment of Republican politicians(and has played no small part in the state politics is in). White Supremacists, murderers, domestic fricking terrorists.......they all warrant at least a "good people on both sides" deflection.


And yet the crowd heckles Trump for 5 minutes and all of a sudden, "Fuck all y'all! Libertarians suuuuuuck!". I guess the one thing more unforgivable than pissing off the base is hurting poor Donny's little fee fees.

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1 hour ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

The one time they cheered for him was when he announced that he'd commute the sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht to time served.


Hell of a pivot from "death penalty for drug dealers"

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3 hours ago, finaljedi said:


Hell of a pivot from "death penalty for drug dealers"

Didn’t he pardon drug dealers during his term?


13 hours ago, Jason said:

Guys I just wanted to :feelsgood: at Trump having to deal with a crowd booing him. :p


The funny thing is, I think this guy genuinely believes he’s completely beloved across the country. Which explains why he couldn’t accept the results of an election he WON, because it drove him nuts he didn’t win the popular vote.


And there’s the trial, and seeing that footage of people celebrating his 2020 loss.

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16 hours ago, Massdriver said:

Trump actually thought the LP would get on board with him? Perhaps he has calculated that libertarians at home are more likely to jump on board. 


Thinking about the Libertarian party or about libertarians in general is an enormous mistake, makes sense that Trump would bother with them.

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