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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know

Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I'm free

Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand and here I stay
Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past

Let it go, let it go
When I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

  • Haha 3
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12 minutes ago, Joe said:


I thought it was over with, but I guess not! Wrong folks like to be proven wrong.

It’s almost like people like myself were concerned that Trump would try this shit, were mostly concerned that it would damage the country, and it’s occurring. Hmm. Yup. So very wrong.


Meanwhile you “thought it was over with” yet post about it and are surprised when people respond. [shocked_pikachu_face]

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1 minute ago, Spork3245 said:

It’s almost like people like myself were concerned that Trump would try this shit, were mostly concerned that it would damage the country, and it’s occurring. Hmm. Yup. So very wrong.


Meanwhile you “thought it was over with” yet post about it and are surprised when people respond. [shocked_pikachu_face]


Jason posted a quote that made fun of Nate Silver's take, which mirrored Fright's and my take. I posted what Nate had to say about that situation.

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5 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

It’s almost like people like myself were concerned that Trump would try this shit, were mostly concerned that it would damage the country, and it’s occurring. Hmm. Yup. So very wrong.


Meanwhile you “thought it was over with” yet post about it and are surprised when people respond. [shocked_pikachu_face]



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Hey, can you “this is all totally normal and none of this is concerning”-bros do me a huge favor and go back in this thread and show me where someone seriously thought Trump would definitely be successful and didn’t just have a concern over his attempt? I’m serious. I know where I stood on it: he would try and probably fail (unless it was a close election, which added more ???s to it), but him trying is scary as shit and could have future repercussions - but, maybe I’m missing when Jason or BM when full “OMG WE’RE DOOMED”.

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Can Trump just go for the Homerun already and declare martial law, suspend democracy, and order the military to uphold his rule once and for all?


Its the Endgame we are headed to, can we all just see if it will take and be done with it?.. just set up the death squads and get this show on the road..

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"president Biden's election was under the cloud of fraud/is illegitimate so we won't be voting on any of his cabinet nominees outside of what is required for national security" is a real thing we may end up hearing, or the laughably bad faith "president Biden's illegitimate nominees are unqualified so we won't be confirming them"

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12 minutes ago, 5timechamp said:

Can Trump just go for the Homerun already and declare martial law, suspend democracy, and order the military to uphold his rule once and for all?


Its the Endgame we are headed to, can we all just see if it will take and be done with it?.. just set up the death squads and get this show on the road..

I mean, I can see that happening. 

He was bitching about the election at a vaccine summit for fuck’s sake.

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How can you have a 2 party system when a party has so deeply damaged its “good faith” and operates within its own reality with half the nation?   What if the parts of government they control just “sit on their hands” and refuse to budge on anything (more than they already are)


also.. at what point any of this conduct criminal? calling and telling states to just overturn and ignore votes sounds pretty sketchy.. at what point is it too much? 

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26 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Hey, can you “this is all totally normal and none of this is concerning”-bros do me a huge favor and go back in this thread and show me where someone seriously thought Trump would definitely be successful and didn’t just have a concern over his attempt? I’m serious. I know where I stood on it: he would try and probably fail (unless it was a close election, which added more ???s to it), but him trying is scary as shit and could have future repercussions - but, maybe I’m missing when Jason or BM when full “OMG WE’RE DOOMED”.


Nobody said none of this is concerning. 

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1 minute ago, Joe said:


lol nobody said none of this is concerning. if you can't read, it's not my fault.


Just now, Joe said:


He posted a tweet that was a misrepresentation of what Nate Silver said. If you can't read it, I do apologize.

Awwwe somebody is salty. What happened to all your super optimism, pal? Did you lose it in your bad faith bullshit with twisting what people said regarding the election? I’m still waiting for you or someone to show me where it was said ITT Trump would “pull it off” and not that they were concerned with the attempts, regardless of the outcome... or... WAIT, OMG, I’m SO very sorry, Joe... all along, it was you who couldn’t read. :( 

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Just now, Spork3245 said:


Awwwe somebody is salty. What happened to all your super optimism, pal? Did you lose it in your bad faith bullshit with twisting what people said regarding the election? I’m still waiting for you or someone to show me where it was said ITT Trump would “pull it off” and not that they were concerned with the attempts, regardless of the outcome... or... WAIT, OMG, I’m SO very sorry, Joe... all along, it was you who couldn’t read. :( 


I edited my posts because it was a little dickish. I apologize for that, but this is still a complete misrepresentation of what was said.

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Just now, Joe said:

this is still a complete misrepresentation of what was said.

It’s not, though. How were people’s concerns wrong when it’s been happening? Because Trump is failing? How does that make the concerns wrong?

The only thing misrepresented is what you guys have been trying to “call out”. Prove me wrong.

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Just now, Spork3245 said:

It’s not, though. How were people’s concerns wrong when it’s been happening? Because Trump is failing? How does that make the concerns wrong?

The only thing misrepresented is what you guys have been trying to “call out”. Prove me wrong.


I'm not going to dig and find the posts, but yes, it was said that he was probably going to steal the election, many times. I even posted a lurker's take on the situation that said as much. Nobody ever said it wasn't concerning or bad. You can keep saying that I said that, but I never did.

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Just now, Spork3245 said:

Honestly, I’m just so fucking sick of it. Trump is pushing our non-existent safeguards to their limits and half the people ITT want to do a fucking victory dance every other page and go “haha you other guys were wrong! ...kinda...”. Like, seriously, WTF?


Nobody had discussed it for at least a week. It's still important to not misrepresent people's positions. 

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1 minute ago, Joe said:


I'm not going to dig and find the posts, but yes, it was said that he was probably going to steal the election, many times. I even posted a lurker's take on the situation that said as much. Nobody ever said it wasn't concerning or bad. You can keep saying that I said that, but I never did.

No one said that in a non-facetious manner. There were drive-by posts responding to things Trump or someone from the GOP stated like “JFC he’s really gonna steal this isn’t he?” or “he’s never going to leave” or whatever, but that’s it. Random one-liners - Is that the shit you’re really attempting to harp on? 

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2 minutes ago, Joe said:


Nobody had discussed it for at least a week.


Bull fucking shit.


2 minutes ago, Joe said:

It's still important to not misrepresent people's positions. 

What in the flying fuck am I misrepresenting? Meanwhile, you’re saying people were “wrong” by twisting the argument as if it wasn’t about having concerns. GTFO.

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I'll own up to my own shit. I assumed Trump would win because this is how my brain works here...



I just assumed racists would vote in crazy numbers and the younger activists would be too busy with TikTok to actually vote. Were COVID-19 not a thing and mail in voting so widespread, I still think that happens.


As far as electoral tomfoolery, I've long been in the a close vote could allow for a steal camp. I'm pretty sure I told folks here to vote to make sure the win was large enough to stop Trump's attempted steal from succeeding.


I'm pretty sure everyone else was in the same boat. Either that or I missed their posts here.

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I keep thinking back to 2016 when Trump's buffoonery made it look like there was the no way he could win and a popular opinion became, "Sure, Trump is too stupid to win this one, but the next guy might not be. This is bad for the future."


And then Trump won and the time table for our own self destruction shot up four years.


It kind of reminds me now when people talk about how this damage Trump is doing to the system will come back to haunt us "some day".


But we've got these two elections in Georgia. And any scenario that involves both Dems winning also seems very likely to include at least one of them winning by a very small margin. Substantially less than Biden's 12,000 votes.


All of us who have been saying "imagine if the election came down to 1,000 votes in 1 state" may soon find out the answer to that. Especially because taking the Senate away from McConnell removes a lot of the incentive that the "establishment GOP" has to just hunker down and ride out the Biden years while still controlling judicial appointments and the legislative agenda.


So yeah, imagine a closer election, where the GOP is likely to reacts even worse to losing. It's not some abstract hypothetical. It's happening in a few weeks.



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2 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

I'll own up to my own shit. I assumed Trump would win because this is how my brain works here...



I just assumed racists would vote in crazy numbers and the younger activists would be too busy with TikTok to actually vote. Were COVID-19 not a thing and mail in voting so widespread, I still think that happens.


As far as electoral tomfoolery, I've long been in the a close vote could allow for a steal camp. I'm pretty sure I told folks here to vote to make sure the win was large enough to stop Trump's attempted steal from succeeding.


I'm pretty sure everyone else was in the same boat. Either that or I missed their posts here.

Yea, I think that was the actual take for everyone being labeled as a “doom and gloomer” here. Though, I thought it was likely Biden would win, though I was concerned by how large the margin would be.

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2 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

lots of dangerous stuff circulating on the right wing side



And the common folk are eating it up.  The argument has already shifted from fraudulent to "diluted" votes, said with such earnestly these people don't realize they're advertising their ignorance of democracy.  And people are also cheering the fact the Supreme Court will hear the case... which hasn't been determined yet, right?

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53 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Hey, can you “this is all totally normal and none of this is concerning”-bros do me a huge favor and go back in this thread and show me where someone seriously thought Trump would definitely be successful and didn’t just have a concern over his attempt? I’m serious. I know where I stood on it: he would try and probably fail (unless it was a close election, which added more ???s to it), but him trying is scary as shit and could have future repercussions - but, maybe I’m missing when Jason or BM when full “OMG WE’RE DOOMED”.


Nobody said this. But you will keep saying it until it becomes true I guess.

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5 minutes ago, cusideabelincoln said:


And the common folk are eating it up.  The argument has already shifted from fraudulent to "diluted" votes, said with such earnestly these people don't realize they're advertising their ignorance of democracy.  And people are also cheering the fact the Supreme Court will hear the case... which hasn't been determined yet, right?


I think I read that the Supreme Court is giving until Thursday (tomorrow) on whether they'll hear the case. So we'll likely know one way or another in 24 hours. 

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7 minutes ago, Joe said:


Nobody said this. But you will keep saying it until it becomes true I guess.

You’re saying the people who stated this for the past 3-months are wrong, but okay, clearly not what you’re saying or inferring 🥴 

You’re gonna keep saying people ITT thought Trump was 100% going to be successful in stealing this election until it becomes true, I guess 

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47 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

"president Biden's election was under the cloud of fraud/is illegitimate so we won't be voting on any of his cabinet nominees outside of what is required for national security" is a real thing we may end up hearing, or the laughably bad faith "president Biden's illegitimate nominees are unqualified so we won't be confirming them"

In the event that this happens, can't Biden just do the shit that Trump does and name "acting" cabinet members? If the Senate chooses to not vote on them, that really doesn't matter, right? 

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Damn guys, Obama is a doom and gloomer now too. You sane people better go tweet at him or something.



"I'm more troubled more by the fact that other Republican officials who clearly know better are going along with this, are humoring him in this fashion," Obama told CBS' 60 Minutes in a clip from an interview scheduled to air Sunday. "It is one more step in delegitimizing not just the incoming Biden administration but democracy in general. And that's a dangerous path."



Barack Obama says Donald Trump's refusal to concede and Republicans' support of his grievances over the outcome are causing "damage" to the nation.

Oh, and he went even deeper into this in his Colbert interview.

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On 10/6/2020 at 11:59 AM, Jason said:


They're gonna have SCOTUS give it to Trump. 


On 10/6/2020 at 12:03 PM, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

This 1,000,000x


You're a damn fool if you think otherwise


On 10/6/2020 at 12:04 PM, Ghost_MH said:


States that Republicans control will just baselessly claim that the election results were fraudulent, appoint their own electors, and vote Trump in. That's when SCOTUS will rule that is a perfectly legal thing to do. Most of those battleground states that say Biden is ahead in polls for are under Republican control between now and December 14, so who's going to stop them?


On 10/6/2020 at 12:05 PM, SaysWho? said:


Wait, you think Biden is 100% not going to win because SCOTUS will hand the election to Trump no matter what?


On 10/6/2020 at 12:07 PM, Ghost_MH said:


Republicans across the country are already PUBLICLY talking about propping up their own electors to vote for Trump because mail in voting has shattered people's faith in the voting process.


On 10/6/2020 at 12:09 PM, SaysWho? said:


The only thing I saw was Florida Republicans calling the idea idiotic. And all of them could say no and this board would go, "Yeah but they SECRETLY are planning  to do this."


I just want people to be clear: are you guys saying, 100%, that Biden is not going to win and SCOTUS is going to make Trump the winner, guaranteed, this is what's gonna happen, Biden could landslide and he still loses?


On 10/6/2020 at 12:19 PM, Ghost_MH said:



If the vote is close, Donald Trump could easily throw the election into chaos and subvert the result. Who will stop him?




Nothing is 100%, but if you don't think the White House has this plan already put together you're blind. Democrats should also be planning what to do if this were to happen, but we already know they're blind. Thanks to Gore v Bush, it wouldn't even take overruling a previously established precedent. They'd only need to reaffirm the previous ruling that state legislatures can take these actions if the election results are in question and they're already questioning the election results.


Someone has to explain why I'm wrong here, because I don't see it.


On 10/6/2020 at 12:25 PM, SaysWho? said:


Nothing is a hundred percent, but it seems like you guys are saying is that you already know the outcome. And ironically would help to demotivate the people you want to be motivated.


On 10/6/2020 at 12:26 PM, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

If it's even remotely close, yes. If it's not, I give it a tossup. Especially if only one state is required to flip the election, like Biden with 279 electors. 


I agree with the assessment of@Ghost_MH here


On 10/6/2020 at 12:27 PM, SaysWho? said:

A toss-up even if it's not close. Interesting.


I did literally 10 seconds of digging and found this. I rest my case. We can definitely move on! It was a stressful time, but this shit was constant around here and Spork isn't going to gaslight me into thinking it didn't happen.

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