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Which competitive, online game were/are you the best at?


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As a thirty year old, I'm perfectly OK at most online games I put some time into. I'm not awful at Rocket League, Overwatch or the bit of CoD that I've played recently. However, it's not close to the heyday of being a 23 year old student with 30 spare hours a week, with a lot of it spent gaming (when not drunk). 


I'm torn between Halo Reach, which I would rack up stats around the 20-2 range through most games and Gear 3, where my KTD was around the 2.4 mark. Neither was in that upper echelon, but I'd always do well for my team. The sad part that accounted for so, so much of my time.


But go on then, what game would you put down as you "well, I'm not amazing, but if I had to choose..."

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I was never really great a Halo. In Halo 3 I was stuck at like level 32(Rank Major). I was pretty good at Gears 1-3. That's is what I would say I was the best at. I was also really good at the console version of BFBC2, but my skills there didn't transfer over to the PC version. 

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I was a pretty high masters Starcraft 2 player and played on a well-respected amateur team. It was a fun scene to be involved in and it was cool to see people grind their way through the amateur levels to become professionals. It was back in the early days of streaming and it was always fun to get "fan mail" of people calling you a cheater if you took a game off a prominent player. It's a shame that SC2 and the RTS genre has fallen out of favor with the esports crowd.

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25 minutes ago, Moa said:

I was a pretty high masters Starcraft 2 player and played on a well-respected amateur team. It was a fun scene to be involved in and it was cool to see people grind their way through the amateur levels to become professionals. It was back in the early days of streaming and it was always fun to get "fan mail" of people calling you a cheater if you took a game off a prominent player. It's a shame that SC2 and the RTS genre has fallen out of favor with the esports crowd.


Could you beat a South Korean team?

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I don't really have any accomplishments myself, I did compete in a few online and local tournaments, made a few montages, nothing really crazy.

My friend circle has a few accomplishments though.

- Rippon (CE Pro) was a frequent at our LAN parties for a short while.

- 4 of the people in our friend circle teamed up and beat Team BestBuy (Rippons Pro Team) at a tournament in Idaho for Halo 2.

- 1 of those 4 people ended up going to NY to compete in a Halo 3 FFA tournament. He ended up taking 4/5 (they didn't announce placements outside of the top 3).

- Another 1 of those 4 took top 8/16 (I can't remember which) at an MLG FFA event for Halo 2.


Those 2 probably had the best chance to join an amateur team, but it just never really played out that way. I wasn't really one of the best in the friend circle, but I wasn't one of the worst either. I hovered around the middle of the group.


EDIT: I'm not half bad at DDR/ITG either.


1 hour ago, Moa said:

I was a pretty high masters Starcraft 2 player and played on a well-respected amateur team. It was a fun scene to be involved in and it was cool to see people grind their way through the amateur levels to become professionals. It was back in the early days of streaming and it was always fun to get "fan mail" of people calling you a cheater if you took a game off a prominent player. It's a shame that SC2 and the RTS genre has fallen out of favor with the esports crowd.

I actually tried for a while to learn SC2. Never really hooked on with me, but I appreciate the craft that went into playing the game. It was an absolute bore to watch though.

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I would most definitely have to say Halo 2 where I was always holding steady in the mid to upper 40's (level cap being 50) and I would play easily 12+ hours a day for a good couple years straight (don't indulge in a drug fueled lifestyle kids!). After that, a close 2nd would be Halo Reach!

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Eh, pretty much any shooter I guess? The higher the skill ceiling the better I tend to do because you get less and less unskilled players getting kills simply by virtue of game design. For example, a completely new player should have no trouble getting at least a few kills per game in any Call of Duty simply because of the small, narrow maps, slow movement speed, hitscan weapons, ultra low TTK and almost complete lack of any viable defensive abilities or maneuverability. An expert player's best defense is just getting faster and faster at shooting.

Compared to something like, say, Tribes Ascend, where a new player might spend many hours and many games getting absolutely annihilated until they come to terms with how to deal with slow projectiles, big maps, super fast player movement speed, aerial combat, and high TTK that means you can't just get a sneaky conga line kill.


I wasn't half bad at Rocket League, but I've kind of dropped off in the last year or two. I miss it, but I enjoyed playing ranked the most, and it doesn't completely reset your rank, so me being completely out of practice at a rank much higher than my atrophied skills, it just makes me feel like a burden to my team. And it's not really a game where you can just practice in casual matches because how you play evolves and develops against higher skill opponents, playing against weaker ones actually helps you develop really bad habits that will get you murdered at higher tiers.


I really wish we'd see a return to games like Tribes Ascend. A new Tribes in general would be great. Maybe one that didn't need like 8 months of heavy reworking like Ascend did, and then screwing it up with heavy monetization.

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10 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Could you beat a South Korean team?


lolno, but I could occasionally beat a Korean pro in a random game. We did have one player who later moved to Korea to run a team house for "foreigners" (non-Korean players) and qualified for Code S (one of the most prestigious Korean leagues).


9 hours ago, Nokt said:

I actually tried for a while to learn SC2. Never really hooked on with me, but I appreciate the craft that went into playing the game. It was an absolute bore to watch though.


SC2 has always been at least slightly flawed from a competitive player/spectator perspective. Early on when I played the most the early game was much too slow and it took them a long time to speed up the first few boring minutes, and later on with the expansions they introduced a bunch of unnecessary and poorly balanced units that, coupled with burnout, made me much less interested in the game.

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Haven’t really gotten hooked on a multiplayer game in a while, but I didend up winning a 50 person SSB Melee local  about 4 years ago.  My first and only local tournament: I quit while I was ahead.  Took home $75, bought two new GCN controllers with it.


Played a lot of the Soulcalibur series back in the day.  I booted up SC2 randomly recently, all my skill is lost.  It’s really frustrating to return to old fighters generally, with moves gated behind muscle memory I don’t have anymore.


Beyond that, I put in a ton of time into Awesomenauts, as Leon, aka TF2 Spy with a grappling hook.  I’m not sure I ever got great at it, especially from a team’s perspective.  But I enjoyed all the shanking.  A lot.

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I never played anything competitively.  I got pretty decent at Quake 3 Arena.  I was "OK" at TF2.  I've placed as high as second in local Mortal Kombat X and Smash tournaments (nothing sanctioned, just like fun in-store or bar events).  That's about it.  I jump from game to game too much; I never stick with any one online game long enough to get really good.  There's too much awesome stuff out there to play for me to sink the time into just one thing in order to be competitive.

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