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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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16 minutes ago, AbsolutSurgen said:

The cost of living here is insane, and the incomes haven't kept up with it.  The concept of the middle-income existence doesn't exist here unless you purchased a house/condo more than 10 years ago.

edit:  updated my typo


Sounds a lot like NYC. Only there it's more like 30 years ago.

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9 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

It's almost as if when you dont need to worry about Bill's and shit you would want to work for money to spend on other fun things

We can't have that here though. We need to crush the proletariat's spirit.

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As a Canadian I’m willing to take one for one of our D1P colleagues. . . . no butt stuff though. Also willing to share my home grown stash of weed in these troubling times, and you gotta love dogs too. 



I’ll start the bidding process for my “love” at 100k. Oh heck, I’ll will even make it in Cnd funds


oh and I’m only a 35-45 minute drive from Toronto, with Covid-19 light traffic 

  • Haha 2
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20 hours ago, Jose said:


If I had to live down there, I'd choose New Mexico WAY before Arizona.




If you live anywhere near Phoenix it isn't that bad at all. It's basically California Junior in Maricopa County. Sure there are white Maga Chuds and maybe more of them than in CA, but those are everywhere. Honestly, the only time I feel it's any different here is that people REALLY love guns here. You will see people wearing pro gun hats, shirts, and bumper stickers all over the place. Oh, and Walmarts are everywhere here. It's the rest of the state that's mostly suspect.


I work with a few people who came here from NM, and none of them are trying to go back. 

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19 minutes ago, silentbob said:

As a Canadian I’m willing to take one for one of our D1P colleagues. . . . no butt stuff though. Also willing to share my home grown stash of weed in these troubling times, and you gotta love dogs too. 



I’ll start the bidding process for my “love” at 100k. Oh heck, I’ll will even make it in Cnd funds


oh and I’m only a 35-45 minute drive from Toronto, with Covid-19 light traffic 

I’ll do it for 50k and extra butt stuff.  Plus, I live in Toronto. Got to love dogs though and tolerate the cat

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22 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

We're about to witness one of the largest cash grabs in the history of the world. The end result of this is going to be a giant widening of power and wealth in the US. Small businesses will be shuttered, but large corporations will gain market-share and power. Same for the wealth controlled by the top 1%.

Been saying that since the beginning. If it wasn’t for the fact that I have friends at CDC or the hospitals giving me detailed updates, at worse I wouldn’t believe it was “real, at best that it was planned (the response has me feeling some of the later) and was all for the money grab.

The market consolidation going on is huge, M&A discussion have ramped up, and consumer bases are becoming accustom to less variety. Going to be a significantly different world on the other side. 

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15 hours ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Never underestimate the power religion holds over a lot of people. My aunt votes purely based on a candidates' stance on abortion and gay rights. Never mind the fact she's never held a paying job her entire life due to a disability, thus she's always relied on the government, her parents, and her church. She'll vote against her own interests because she thinks people like me want to murder babies and gay people are an abomination who deserve no rights.


Also, LBJ's word still hold true today. Just add in brown people: "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

That LBJ quote is how Obama ended up president. Those “low” whites realized their “white card” didn’t have as much credit as they thought. 

Obviously that was squandered by basically telling them they didn’t belong with the disenfranchised, and you got Trump.

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20 minutes ago, Commodore D said:

That LBJ quote is how Obama ended up president. Those “low” whites realized their “white card” didn’t have as much credit as they thought. 

Obviously that was squandered by basically telling them they didn’t belong with the disenfranchised, and you got Trump.



As long as identity politics are at play and there are enough white people around to have any power left, we're going to get people like Trump, and the shit GOP. People either don't realize or just plain don't care that telling some poor uneducated rural white person with limited job prospects that they have "white privilege" is royally pissing them off, and causing them to be Maga chuds. There is no privilege in being poor. I suppose it's slightly better to be a poor white than a poor POC, but not by much. As long as continue to piss all over poor white people, which this board alone does on basically a daily basis, we're going to continue to have MAGA and the GOP exploiting these people to line the pockets of the rich.


Of course it doesn't really matter, because even if we get Diamond Joe elected, coprorate democrats do basically the same thing, they just throw us a bone here and there to make us forget we're still being robbed blind by the elite. They just don't care if you get gay married or have an abortion while they do it and we're supposed to celebrate them for that.



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2 minutes ago, Dodger said:



As long as identity politics are at play and there are enough white people around to have any power left, we're going to get people like Trump, and the shit GOP. People either don't realize or just plain don't care that telling some poor uneducated rural white person with limited job prospects that they have "white privilege" is royally pissing them off, and causing them to be Maga chuds. There is no privilege in being poor. I suppose it's slightly better to be a poor white than a poor POC, but not by much. As long as continue to piss all over poor white people, which this board alone does on basically a daily basis, we're going to continue to have MAGA and the GOP exploiting these people to line the pockets of the rich.


Of course it doesn't really matter, because even if we get Diamond Joe elected, coprorate democrats do basically the same thing, they just throw us a bone here and there to make us forget we're still being robbed blind by the elite. They just don't care if you get gay married or have an abortion while they do it and we're supposed to celebrate them for that.




Listen...the messaging used by the left is definitely not more at fault than the actual propaganda by the right (along with ignorance on the part of voters). Yes, people shouldn't be telling poor white people that they are privileged, it's not tactful and is damaging. But blaming that for people voting for Trump, rather than Trump himself (and the ignorance of the people voting) is not correct. 

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7 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Listen...the messaging used by the left is definitely not more at fault than the actual propaganda by the right (along with ignorance on the part of voters). Yes, people shouldn't be telling poor white people that they are privileged, it's not tactful and is damaging. But blaming that for people voting for Trump, rather than Trump himself (and the ignorance of the people voting) is not correct. 



Sure, the GOP are the ones that basically say hey come vote for us we're going to oppress some brown people wink wink. Then liberals tell some white guy making minimum wage at Walmart fuck your white privilege, white people are the devil. So one group tells them what they want to hear, the other tells them fuck off. But then after they fuck off, the other group gets mad at them for actually fucking off. 

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1 minute ago, Dodger said:



Sure, the GOP are the ones that basically say hey come vote for us we're going to oppress some brown people wink wink. Then liberals tell some white guy making minimum wage at Walmart fuck your white privilege, white people are the devil. So one group tells them what they want to hear, the other tells them fuck off. But then after they fuck off, the other group gets mad at them for actually fucking off. 


Okay, but which side actually puts better policy into effect that helps these people? Liberal and moderate politicians. So even if the messaging is worse from the left (which I do not agree with), the fault still lies with the voter for not taking actual policy and history into mind when voting. 


Also, I see it mentioned that everyone on the left is telling poor white people that they have privilege (or "fuck your white privilege"), but what are examples? There will be firebrands that are morons that are actually saying that, but mainstream leaders and politicians? Or is it the Facebook effect where a few statements are taken out of context and reshared over and over until it becomes the narrative?

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Its all the fake nonsense they consume on facebook, it has nothing to do with liberals, like they hate Fauci cause they think he hates the president and is making up numbers, cause it will hurt the president not that he wants to close things down so people don't die.  Like they legitimately think hes a deep stater, they're all just gone.  I mean look at president brain worms here today.  



I work with a guy who has 3 kids and receives SNAP because he makes 30k a year and his wife doesn't work and votes straight GOP, and with a straight face says shit like "If Bernie is elected we'll all just get everything for free!"  while also getting 10k+ in tax returns.

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2 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

This is the latest that the COVID Conspiracy nuts are latching on to:


So because there's a conspiracy in the origins of the virus they're gonna buy guns and go grocery shopping in klan hoods and protest state capitols?


Grace And Mamrie GIF by This Might Get

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43 minutes ago, Dodger said:



As long as identity politics are at play and there are enough white people around to have any power left, we're going to get people like Trump, and the shit GOP. People either don't realize or just plain don't care that telling some poor uneducated rural white person with limited job prospects that they have "white privilege" is royally pissing them off, and causing them to be Maga chuds. There is no privilege in being poor. I suppose it's slightly better to be a poor white than a poor POC, but not by much. As long as continue to piss all over poor white people, which this board alone does on basically a daily basis, we're going to continue to have MAGA and the GOP exploiting these people to line the pockets of the rich.


Of course it doesn't really matter, because even if we get Diamond Joe elected, coprorate democrats do basically the same thing, they just throw us a bone here and there to make us forget we're still being robbed blind by the elite. They just don't care if you get gay married or have an abortion while they do it and we're supposed to celebrate them for that.




39 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Listen...the messaging used by the left is definitely not more at fault than the actual propaganda by the right (along with ignorance on the part of voters). Yes, people shouldn't be telling poor white people that they are privileged, it's not tactful and is damaging. But blaming that for people voting for Trump, rather than Trump himself (and the ignorance of the people voting) is not correct. 

The truth is what is is... when a non college educated white person has just as good or in some cases better job prospects than a college educated person of color (depending on where that person lives) that's the very definition of privilege. When justice system outcomes are dramatically different in this country based on skin color and not class or education, that's the very definition of privilege. I don't think pointing that out is "driving people to vote for the G.O.P." Racists don't need much of an excuse. Nixon and the Republican party recognized rightfully that there is a percentage of this country that is racist at its core and is vested in perpetuating the unfair system that THEY think benefits them because it keeps them on top of P.O.C. in the hierarchy that I described earlier. Calling things for the way they are should not continually cause poor white people to vote against their own interests and I always find it hilariously myopic when the discussion of "Identity politics" always centers around what The Left is doing... Fox News is the Identity Politics Channel and the original purveyors of "identity politics" are White Supremacists, Ultra-Nationalists and The Religious Right.


If being told that you have it better than someone who has less than you in a rigged system causes you to react by voting against your own interests out of spite, or makes you open to becoming a full on racist, then it wouldn't have taken much to get you there in the first place. I know, that as a black man in this country, I have certain advantages over women of any color in this country because this country is just as misogynistic as it is racist if not more so. Acknowledging that fact doesn't diminish my struggle nor does it make me resentful of theirs. If anything it makes me more empathetic to the struggles of others as different from mine as they may be. Until this country wakes up and deals with actual reality, change will continue to occur at a very slow pace. Considering that we've become very good at denying reality, I'm not holding my breath.

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Shortly after announcing re-opening of state, governor of Arizona fires scientific staff who produce the state's models: https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2020/05/06/arizona-not-ready-reopen-asu-ua-coronavirus-models-say-fired/5175510002/?fbclid=IwAR3hIsPEQaFwCbQLgbyiNf1N84yupNYlacpmp0PK_Bw8cnKG7kTxGZN4Unw


Can't argue against opening if there are no models that show future deaths!



Data, he has said over and over again, would be in the drivers’ seat when it comes to steering Arizona through the coronavirus.


Now Ducey has tossed a significant piece of that data – public health models that predict we could be headed toward disaster – out the window.


Just hours after Ducey announced on Monday that he’s accelerating the reopening of parts of the state’s economy, state health officials told a team of university experts to stop working on models that project what will happen next.


The universities’ models had shown that the only way to avoid a dramatic spike in cases was to delay reopening the state until the end of May.


Seems like a real stand-up guy.

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Don't associate with family members who are republicans, they don't care if you get sick

You need to visit the actually streets of the US if you think this an D v R thing. I could drive to Seven Hills (R, middle class white) right now, then through the Garden Valley (D, poor black) area and the activity level of people improperly practicing or not at all is the same. Actually did both last Friday and was surprised at the amount of activity in both areas, compared to where I live. 

Sometimes I wonder if the people on this board actually interact socially with random people (not for work) in real life, or are all your socialization based on the internet/TV. The pictures you all paint as everyday life are just not even close to my everyday. Maybe I just don’t live around or visit areas where there are a significant number of people that suck. 

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7 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Shortly after announcing re-opening of state, governor of Arizona fires scientific staff who produce the state's models: https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/laurieroberts/2020/05/06/arizona-not-ready-reopen-asu-ua-coronavirus-models-say-fired/5175510002/?fbclid=IwAR3hIsPEQaFwCbQLgbyiNf1N84yupNYlacpmp0PK_Bw8cnKG7kTxGZN4Unw


Can't argue against opening if there are no models that show future deaths!



Seems like a real stand-up guy.



Guess I'm never leaving my house.


Ugh, I'm really ready for all this shit to end. I understand why it can't, but this blows.

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3 minutes ago, Commodore D said:

You need to visit the actually streets of the US if you think this an D v R thing. I could drive to Seven Hills (R, middle class white) right now, then through the Garden Valley (D, poor black) area and the activity level of people improperly practicing or not at all is the same. Actually did both last Friday and was surprised at the amount of activity in both areas, compared to where I live. 

Sometimes I wonder if the people on this board actually interact socially with random people (not for work) in real life, or are all your socialization based on the internet/TV. The pictures you all paint as everyday life are just not even close to my everyday. Maybe I just don’t live around or visit areas where there are a significant number of people that suck. 


I don't think anyone is arguing that there are areas or groups of D voters who would answer the same way...but statistically, as a population, there is real difference in opinion. So on the 70% vs 5% question, much of those 5% could be in a poor black area, for example (not saying that is true). But overall, it does appear to be an R vs D issue. Polling is quite accurate at a high level.

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4 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Outbreak in a Quebec daycare: 14 kids and 2 staff infected. 




Doesn't show who passed it to who, but it does show that kids can definitely get it.

The thinking is that kids may be asymptomatic carriers.

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Just now, skillzdadirecta said:

The thinking is that kids may be asymptomatic carriers.


This is the theory I subscribe to, but there is also the (valid) theory that they catch it but don't spread it as easily due to lower viral loads. One study in Australia seems to support that theory, but we don't know for sure. However, even if they are only 1/2 or 1/4 as good at spreading it...you are still going to see spread if you cram hundreds of them together at a school. I work in schools...kids don't follow the rules.

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