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2022 Midterm Thread

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I saw this take from someone from TPM (Talking Points Memo). Dunno if it’s the founder or just an employee with them. I’m quite curious about how this shakes out in post election analysis.


During the stretch I had written a few pieces arguing that Democrats needed to weave anti-Dobbs sentiment together with election denial and other GOP whackery into a broader fabric of extremism and a movement coming after your basic rights. What I missed in real time …


2/ I have to confess is the degree to which a lot of campaigns actually were doing this. And as always is the case in political life, what campaigns do has only a thin and largely reactive impact on political outcomes. Voters collectively do most things themselves.


3/ But campaigns can play an important role in catalyzing these popular trends. Here is a key thing I think most campaign commentary got wrong. Economy vs abortion. Abortion just isn’t the central issue for most voters, we kept hearing in the stretch. And those issue …


4/ ranking polls seemed to confirm that abortion was less a focus than in the summer. Clearly abortion was a big overriding issue for a big swathe of the population. But lots of election observers were a bit too literal about Dobbs impact on the race. Dobbs impact was not …


5/ just about whether it’s a big deal for you personally whether there are clinics nearby providing accessible abortion care. Along with election denial and a number of other things it became a potent symbol of a movement focused on taking away rights that many people …


6/ were stunned to see could be taken away. In this way, election denialism - which was often portrayed as a somewhat rarefied hangup of Democratic Party elites and liberal donors unconnected to peoples daily lives - melded with reaction to Dobbs in a way that more …


7/ literal-minded interpretations missed. I am anticipating that some may read this as arguing that Dobbs was more symbolic somehow than a factor that a huge number of voters experienced as an existential threat to their control over their own bodies. ****That is definitely …


8/ not my point.*** My point is that election observers tended to look at Dobbs impact in too narrow and literal a way. Even for those not immediately impacted by it the Dobbs decision hit like a punch in the face, like a line being crossed that many people didn’t quite …


9/ realize was possible, even though for those familiar with the legal evolution the writing had been on the wall for years. When you see the fact that independent voters basically went with the incumbent party that’s what you’re seeing there. A big chunk of voters …


10/ looked at the last year and a half and thought that’s a movement that feels threatening to me and threatening to things I didn’t really realize were even up for debate and I don’t want them to be in power.”


Tl;Dr: What if the Dobbs decision is only part of the answer, and between restrictive voting laws, Clarence Thomas and other republicans talking about restricting gay marriage and contraception rights, etc., the Republicans looked like a true extreme part trying to take rights away that weren’t supposed to be up for debate?


@BasemntDweller2 You’re a man of the people, so you must have seen this coming. What say you?

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29 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

I saw this take from someone from TPM (Talking Points Memo). Dunno if it’s the founder or just an employee with them. I’m quite curious about how this shakes out in post election analysis.


During the stretch I had written a few pieces arguing that Democrats needed to weave anti-Dobbs sentiment together with election denial and other GOP whackery into a broader fabric of extremism and a movement coming after your basic rights. What I missed in real time …


2/ I have to confess is the degree to which a lot of campaigns actually were doing this. And as always is the case in political life, what campaigns do has only a thin and largely reactive impact on political outcomes. Voters collectively do most things themselves.


3/ But campaigns can play an important role in catalyzing these popular trends. Here is a key thing I think most campaign commentary got wrong. Economy vs abortion. Abortion just isn’t the central issue for most voters, we kept hearing in the stretch. And those issue …


4/ ranking polls seemed to confirm that abortion was less a focus than in the summer. Clearly abortion was a big overriding issue for a big swathe of the population. But lots of election observers were a bit too literal about Dobbs impact on the race. Dobbs impact was not …


5/ just about whether it’s a big deal for you personally whether there are clinics nearby providing accessible abortion care. Along with election denial and a number of other things it became a potent symbol of a movement focused on taking away rights that many people …


6/ were stunned to see could be taken away. In this way, election denialism - which was often portrayed as a somewhat rarefied hangup of Democratic Party elites and liberal donors unconnected to peoples daily lives - melded with reaction to Dobbs in a way that more …


7/ literal-minded interpretations missed. I am anticipating that some may read this as arguing that Dobbs was more symbolic somehow than a factor that a huge number of voters experienced as an existential threat to their control over their own bodies. ****That is definitely …


8/ not my point.*** My point is that election observers tended to look at Dobbs impact in too narrow and literal a way. Even for those not immediately impacted by it the Dobbs decision hit like a punch in the face, like a line being crossed that many people didn’t quite …


9/ realize was possible, even though for those familiar with the legal evolution the writing had been on the wall for years. When you see the fact that independent voters basically went with the incumbent party that’s what you’re seeing there. A big chunk of voters …


10/ looked at the last year and a half and thought that’s a movement that feels threatening to me and threatening to things I didn’t really realize were even up for debate and I don’t want them to be in power.”


Tl;Dr: What if the Dobbs decision is only part of the answer, and between restrictive voting laws, Clarence Thomas and other republicans talking about restricting gay marriage and contraception rights, etc., the Republicans looked like a true extreme part trying to take rights away that weren’t supposed to be up for debate?


@BasemntDweller2 You’re a man of the people, so you must have seen this coming. What say you?

He’s too busy on his boat, crabbing,  saying olive skinned Greek women in the Aegean are ugly in whatever flyover place he’s from. Cause when I think hot, I think American 🇬🇷

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2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:



@BasemntDweller2 You’re a man of the people, so you must have seen this coming. What say you?


I honestly can't  think of anything I could care less about. I feel for people who care so much about politics, but we all have our hobbies I guess. 


Edit: full disclosure,  I didn't even read your wall of text. I just figure it's politics. 

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45 minutes ago, BasemntDweller2 said:


I honestly can't  think of anything I could care less about. I feel for people who care so much about politics, but we all have our hobbies I guess. 


Edit: full disclosure,  I didn't even read your wall of text. I just figure it's politics. 


I'm not mad, I'm not mad 

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54 minutes ago, BasemntDweller2 said:

I honestly can't  think of anything I could care less about. 



Dunno brother. You’ve mentioned several times that people here are out of touch, so I assumed you cared and the results this year fit your expectations with your finger on the pulse of the people. 

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1 minute ago, SaysWho? said:



Dunno brother. You’ve mentioned several times that people here are out of touch, so I assumed you cared and the results this year fit your expectations with your finger on the pulse of the people. 


I legit have no idea what you are talking about lol. Several times? Really? 


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39 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:



Dunno brother. You’ve mentioned several times that people here are out of touch, so I assumed you cared and the results this year fit your expectations with your finger on the pulse of the people. 

I saw Best saying that, but I didn't see BD say anything of the sort? 

Not that I read every thread, but it sounds like he was called in here. 

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