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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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So a little more on the "lying dog-faced pony soldier" remark. There is precedent for him saying it. He calls Republican Senator Cramer this of North Dakota in 2018 (right at the beginning):



And to a voter in January:



The voter he said it to now is not too pleased with him:



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12 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Yeah best not to be prepared and have a pillow fight to Milwaukee

Far better to have fractious in-fighting that becomes so bitter that broad swaths of would-be voters get fed up with the party and stay home on Election Day. 

For casual voters (like 95% of my friends and relatives who actually vote) everything is about optics. Republicans are a pro-trump monolith right now. Dems look divided and disorganized. “Bernie’s a nazi” and “Pete’s a racist” probably aren’t going to be our rallying cries to victory. 

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28 minutes ago, Scott said:

Far better to have fractious in-fighting that becomes so bitter that broad swaths of would-be voters get fed up with the party and stay home on Election Day. 

For casual voters (like 95% of my friends and relatives who actually vote) everything is about optics. Republicans are a pro-trump monolith right now. Dems look divided and disorganized. “Bernie’s a nazi” and “Pete’s a racist” probably aren’t going to be our rallying cries to victory. 


The 2016 Republican primaries were viscious. Did not matter. It does not matter. Anything said now will be long forgotten in a few months.

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Democrats looked more united going into Election Day than Republicans in 2016. How many Republicans declined to endorse Trump, and how much messier was the, "I have big hands which means a big dick," and, "Little Marco/Lying Ted/Trump should go to hell," Republican primary than the Democratic one?


Hillary/Obama were also more at odds and for far longer, including some Hillary supporters in places like West Virginia who thought Hillary could sing the National Anthem better than Obama (I wish I could still find that clip), than the Republicans. You still had Democrats protesting into the convention, like that one woman who said the DNC was backing an "Inadequate black male" and that McCain would be elected president.

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13 hours ago, Scott said:

Wish we could stop the in-fighting and just focus big picture on trump. I get that it’s a primary and this is the point, but I hate for all the dirty laundry to be aired now for Republicans to use in the general. 

They'd use it in the general regardless.  Republicans have access to the same information, all this crap isn't some top secret information that only democrats have access to like it's all locked away in a box. 


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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

Democrats looked more united going into Election Day than Republicans in 2016. How many Republicans declined to endorse Trump, and how much messier was the, "I have big hands which means a big dick," and, "Little Marco/Lying Ted/Trump should go to hell," Republican primary than the Democratic one?


Hillary/Obama were also more at odds and for far longer, including some Hillary supporters in places like West Virginia who thought Hillary could sing the National Anthem better than Obama (I wish I could still find that clip), than the Republicans. You still had Democrats protesting into the convention, like that one woman who said the DNC was backing an "Inadequate black male" and that McCain would be elected president.

There really is no real analog because dems in 08 and Republicans in 16 was more a difference of style than substance. Maybe the Dems in 16 is a close comparison but the preferred candidate (by the establishment) won 

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10 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

There really is no real analog because dems in 08 and Republicans in 16 was more a difference of style than substance. Maybe the Dems in 16 is a close comparison but the preferred candidate (by the establishment) won 


What I'm driving at is that when there is a contentious, long primary, it doesn't necessarily mean you lose at the end. Only because Obama won do we forget PUMA -- Party Unity My Ass -- as a quarter of Hillary's supporters voted for McCain. On the other hand, Hillary had everyone in all factions of the party -- Bernie Sanders, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren -- going around the country for her with flags decorating the convention and she still lost.


1964 is a good example of a contested convention and a fractured party losing, but the 2016 Republican primary the closest comparison to that considering even someone like Cruz, who had a speaking slot at the Republican convention, not-so-subtly told people not to vote for Trump via, "Vote your conscience," and many Republicans retracted their endorsements after the "Grab them by the pussy" Access Hollywood tape. I doubt it helped him either considering his polling for most of October, but if that didn't derail Republicans from keeping Congress and winning the presidency, then I'm not too concerned about general election implications from what we're currently seeing. 

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Assuming Sanders win NH tonight, it will probably be by only a few % margin, unless Pete really has lost momentum to Klobuchar. I assume the media will try to create a narrative of "Bernie barely squeaks by, is this a signal that his momentum is fading?"


I expect he will also do the best with minorities (just like Iowa) but the media will ignore it.

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3 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Assuming Sanders win NH tonight, it will probably be by only a few % margin, unless Pete really has lost momentum to Klobuchar. I assume the media will try to create a narrative of "Bernie barely squeaks by, is this a signal that his momentum is fading?"


I expect he will also do the best with minorities (just like Iowa) but the media will ignore it.



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Third for Klobuchar is likely more important to her campaign than first is for Sanders because early contest finishes are strongly about the effects on donors. Sanders’ donor base isn’t going anywhere if he gets second place by a small margin. Klobuchar needs a strong showing tonight to keep money rolling in so she can stay in the race. 

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14 minutes ago, Firewithin said:



10 minutes ago, baconbits said:

I love how she's about to shade MSNBC & Ari looks into the camera, "Go on" welcoming that shade  :lol:


I'm happy he didn't try to cut her off and also paraphrased her point well. I thought he might just thank her and go to someone else.

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