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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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6 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Also, and I can't stress this enough, supporting herd immunity as a protection strategy is so dumb because herd immunity is when 80%+ of people have it...so the goal to prevent people from getting it is just giving it to everyone? Herd immunity is a by-product of vaccination and infection, not a strategy towards it.

Letting the infection run wild until herd immunity is reached, instead of waiting for a vaccine to get herd immunity, is quite simply a recipe for mass death. That's it!

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Letting the infection run wild until herd immunity is reached, instead of waiting for a vaccine to get herd immunity, is quite simply a recipe for mass death. That's it!


The Trump administration doesn't want to be bothered with the Coronavirus and "herd immunity" is a fun way of saying that they don't want to do anything because they don't really give a shit about the people dying part of this whole deal.

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11 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Exactly. One strategy sacrifices millions of people, the other does not.


B-b-bu-but the economy! Putting everyone in lockdown will lead to deaths too as people become depressed! What about MaH frEeDuMb?! It's not MY fault that fat and sick people are the ones dying! 'Merica! 

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Third school in my city has confirmed cases of COVID-19. I've been pretty happy with how the Public School Division has handled it so far. 


  • First school (elementary) - Staff member positive, closed the school for two weeks due to how many contacts he had.
  • Second school (high school) - Staff member positive, closed for two days as they contact traced. Fortunately high schools are only taking two classes at a time now (morning and afternoon) so there was little exposure.
  • Third school (elementary) - Two siblings in different classes, closed those classes for two weeks (moved to remote learning).


It could be better, but so far they've managed to lockdown any spread when cases have popped up. No cases so far in the division I work for (Catholic School Division).

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4 minutes ago, Emperor Diocletian II said:

BBC News - Coronavirus: France to impose night-time curfew to battle second wave


From Saturday, people will need to stay indoors from 21:00 and 06:00 in Paris and eight other cities.



They'll just stay indoors at other people's houses and spread it that way.

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau indicated he plans to keep Canada’s borders closed as long as coronavirus cases remain elevated in the U.S.



"We have committed to keeping Canadians safe and we keep extending the border closures because the States is not in a place where we would feel comfortable reopening those borders,” the prime minister said.


That's the most direct language he's used so far. From the sounds of it, he is being pressured behind the scenes bug time by Trump.

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9 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau indicated he plans to keep Canada’s borders closed as long as coronavirus cases remain elevated in the U.S.



That's the most direct language he's used so far. From the sounds of it, he is being pressured behind the scenes bug time by Trump.

I don't know what the polling is on the border closure but I can't imagine there's much opposition to it in Canada. I haven't heard anyone I know personally say that they want the border opened. On the other hand I've heard quite a few people make jokes like "Yeah I want it to open it in November.... 2022."  If Trump was to try to make a public spectacle of this, it would probably increase Trudeau's approval rating among Canadians. That border is not going to open any time soon.

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20 hours ago, Jason said:


it’s still the first wave. It never went away. There hasn’t been a resurgence. The virus has been running wild through this country for eight months. “third wave” makes it sound like our leaders actually managed to accomplish something in regards to handling this pandemic. Most didn’t even try. 

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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

One of my best friend's father in law just tested positive. He's in his 60's or so, so it won't be easy for him. Apparently my friends wife was near him a few days ago so she's getting tested, hopefully it comes negative. 

no need to worry. He can just get air lifted to Walter reed, where they will drop everything to give him the best and most experimental care available to knock it right out. The President said so. 

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Cool. People in my city had started to stop taking COVID-19 seriously and we're spiking so trick or treating had now been banned.


The folks that don't take masks seriously seem like the same type that will try to ignore a trick or treating ban. I'm on a cul-de-sac that's known for being pretty generous with candy, so we always get huge waves of kids. I wonder how things will look this year.

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My province has seen rising cases in the last week. Still pretty good (20-50 cases per day in a pop of 1.1 million), but the upward trend isn't good. Government has put new limits on private, in-home gatherings (15 people), but the 30-person limit on out-of-home gatherings remains the same. I'm worried what this last weekend will do (Thanksgiving) as well as upcoming Halloween parties.


A coworker of mine had his mother stop by on Thanksgiving unexpectedly (she lives in a town a few hours away). He made her wear a mask inside his house for the visit, though she wasn't happy. Then, the next day, it was revealed that a COVID-positive person was in her store at the same time she was working the week before (person had a mask, she didn't), so she is isolating. Thank god my coworker made her wear a mask as well, in his home. The chances of transmission at both events are low thanks to the masks, but my coworker is still staying home this week to be safe (we can WFH, though he prefers to be in the office). I have been WFH this week also, there are too many people in my office lately, especially without masks.

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

My province has seen rising cases in the last week. Still pretty good (20-50 cases per day in a pop of 1.1 million), but the upward trend isn't good. Government has put new limits on private, in-home gatherings (15 people), but the 30-person limit on out-of-home gatherings remains the same. I'm worried what this last weekend will do (Thanksgiving) as well as upcoming Halloween parties.


A coworker of mine had his mother stop by on Thanksgiving unexpectedly (she lives in a town a few hours away). He made her wear a mask inside his house for the visit, though she wasn't happy. Then, the next day, it was revealed that a COVID-positive person was in her store at the same time she was working the week before (person had a mask, she didn't), so she is isolating. Thank god my coworker made her wear a mask as well, in his home. The chances of transmission at both events are low thanks to the masks, but my coworker is still staying home this week to be safe (we can WFH, though he prefers to be in the office). I have been WFH this week also, there are too many people in my office lately, especially without masks.


Oh my, if I tried to have anyone in my family wear a mask around me, I think I would get slapped. That's awesome he did that, though.

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I don't know if my city has plans for trick or treat, one neighborhood association has banned a big street wide trick or treat which is usually MASSIVE. Like they block the streets for pedestrians and I spoke to someone who lives there a year or two ago and they had literally thousands of pieces of candy gone within a couple of hours. These are wealthy people so they'll be fine.


I think I'll be passing out candy for the first time. Sitting on my porch with a mask, I'll be tossing candy down to kids at the bottom of the stairs. Not sure how busy it will be since it's my first year in the house/neighborhood.

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5 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

My province has seen rising cases in the last week. Still pretty good (20-50 cases per day in a pop of 1.1 million), but the upward trend isn't good. Government has put new limits on private, in-home gatherings (15 people), but the 30-person limit on out-of-home gatherings remains the same. I'm worried what this last weekend will do (Thanksgiving) as well as upcoming Halloween parties.


A coworker of mine had his mother stop by on Thanksgiving unexpectedly (she lives in a town a few hours away). He made her wear a mask inside his house for the visit, though she wasn't happy. Then, the next day, it was revealed that a COVID-positive person was in her store at the same time she was working the week before (person had a mask, she didn't), so she is isolating. Thank god my coworker made her wear a mask as well, in his home. The chances of transmission at both events are low thanks to the masks, but my coworker is still staying home this week to be safe (we can WFH, though he prefers to be in the office). I have been WFH this week also, there are too many people in my office lately, especially without masks.

My wife is trying to give her sister a baby shower, she's due with her first in March, and mentioning to her mother that masks would be required for such an event you'd think they'd done some horrible injustice or personally accused her of trying to make their grandchildren sick.

  • Sad 2
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50 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

Cool. People in my city had started to stop taking COVID-19 seriously and we're spiking so trick or treating had now been banned.


The folks that don't take masks seriously seem like the same type that will try to ignore a trick or treating ban. I'm on a cul-de-sac that's known for being pretty generous with candy, so we always get huge waves of kids. I wonder how things will look this year.

Time for plan lights out and a sign up saying that you're not doing candy this year? Though you might have to clean up some egg in the morning.

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37 minutes ago, Jason said:

Art of the Deal baby. 



The why is really easy. Take it now because after the election without a deal you hamstring a Biden administration right out the gate.


Not that the Senate will pass it but that's no reason to not act.


Also it's not a guarantee that Dems take the Senate! And Republicans are already posturing for austerity

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21 minutes ago, chakoo said:

Time for plan lights out and a sign up saying that you're not doing candy this year? Though you might have to clean up some egg in the morning.


Considering that last year we had hundreds of kids come through, many from out of town, yeah...I'm pulling the car into the garage and going lights out. I might also get a bunch of pumpkins to line up and block off the porch, just to drive the message home.

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1 hour ago, Ghost_MH said:

Cool. People in my city had started to stop taking COVID-19 seriously and we're spiking so trick or treating had now been banned.


The folks that don't take masks seriously seem like the same type that will try to ignore a trick or treating ban. I'm on a cul-de-sac that's known for being pretty generous with candy, so we always get huge waves of kids. I wonder how things will look this year.


They are supposed to be doing one way trick or treating this year.



CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.




Participating in one-way trick-or-treating where individually wrapped goodie bags are lined up for families to grab and go while continuing to social distance (such as at the end of a driveway or at the edge of a yard)

  • If you are preparing goodie bags, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 second before and after preparing the bags.


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