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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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6 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

Its gonna just pack up its things and go, ya hear?



Trump imagined a scenario where the virus could be gone and life could resume even if there’s no vaccine.

“If you don’t have a vaccine, if the virus has gone, we’re like we were before,” Trump said.

Pressed by reporters to explain how the virus would be “gone,” Trump replied: “It’s going to go, it’s going to leave, it’s going to be gone, it’s going to be eradicated.”

It's just gonna go. Just gone. We are winning. 

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Just a complete clusterfuck up and down, NY agreed to a 69 million dollar contract with a guy that had no medical experience for ventilators because the WH recommended him, and he appears to have been a scammer, lol.




“The guy was recommended to us by the White House coronavirus task force because they were doing business with him as well,” said the New York state official. “I think everyone was genuinely trying to help each other out and get supplies.” The New York official added that he was unaware of whether Oren-Pines got a federal contract; federal databases show no record of any contracts struck with Oren-Pines.

A spokesperson for the White House referred a request for comment to the office of the vice president. The office of the vice president referred the query to FEMA. A spokesperson for FEMA said it could not speak on behalf of the White House and that it does not share information about potential suppliers.


In 2013, Oren-Pines cofounded Legasus Networks, a networking solutions company, in the Bay Area. Doug Lee, who’s listed on registration documents as the company’s chief executive officer, said he had no knowledge of any transactions involving ventilators. According to Thao Tran, one of its other founders, Legasus “has nothing to do with medical or ventilators” and has not been active. “We don’t have any products right now.”

Oren-Pines’ LinkedIn profile indicates he is the founder and owner of a company called InCommon, described as a consulting and contracting firm for the mobile phone industry. No listing for InCommon could be found in state registries.


A review of Oren-Pines’ social media shows he has been tweeting at Trump since 2011 and been a vocal supporter since at least December 2015 when he offered, on the website, to put up a “Trump for President” lawn sign in front of his house.

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8 minutes ago, Jason said:


You can't reject something you were never offered. 

Every business with 500 employees or less was offered the PPP loan program.


It was a dumb tweet by somebody who doesn’t know what they were talking about, *shrug*.

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11 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

Every business with 500 employees or less was offered the PPP loan program.


It was a dumb tweet by somebody who doesn’t know what they were talking about, *shrug*.

I am confused

So if I own a small business then by default the Government will send me a check?

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3 minutes ago, SimpleG said:

I am confused

So if I own a small business then by default the Government will send me a check?

By default you are approved if you are a business with less than 500 employees and W2 wages paid (there are some other types of businesses that also count, sole proprietors and even independent contractors).

There are no credit requirements, no income requirements, you just certify like...8 statements. This is different from the EID loan program that requires traditional lending underwriting and many businesses do not qualify for.

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27 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


To give parents one less reason to not go to work.


Trying to fire somebody who can’t leave their kids except home alone is a bad look. Getting the schools to go back and finish out the year solves that for at least a time. It’s gross.

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28 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:

The school year is almost over what's the point in opening it for like a month?


18 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


To give parents one less reason to not go to work.


10 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


It's another front in the class war. Get workers back at work, regardless of safety.



I think it's pretty well worn territory to talk about how contradictory the GOP's stance on abortion is in relation to the welfare state. Basically, they want to force women who can't afford kids to be forced to have the kid, but then provide no help. As Carlin once so famously summed it up, if you're pre-born you're fine, if you're preschool you're fucked.


Anyway, this whole situation has shown also how incoherent their stance is on how the entire society is built. It goes without saying that they don't want free child care, but many of them are even against the public school system. And so after years of sabotaging schools and denying childcare, the GOP comes to the position of a hippy compound facing reality. "Like, dude, what if there were this place where parents could send their kids for free so they could go to work and keep the economy functioning.".


Yeah, what a novel fucking idea.


But, in keeping with the best practices of the GOP, they reach this epiphany at the worst possible time for the worst possible reason.

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4 minutes ago, Jason said:


A lot of states effectively have that because they allow for home based drivers ed, where the parents certify that the kids did everything. Usually you then just have to pass the written test. 

I wonder if accident rates are worse in such states for teen drivers? Cause I bet a lot of parents just rubber stamp it.

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8 hours ago, sblfilms said:

A lot of states effectively have that because they allow for home based drivers ed, where the parents certify that the kids did everything. Usually you then just have to pass the written test. 

I wonder if accident rates are worse in such states for teen drivers? Cause I bet a lot of parents just rubber stamp it.

I've never heard of someone not having to do a road test conducted by a a state DOT employee, the written test is just to get your permit which is required to take the road test.

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2 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

How likely will companies start investing even more money into automation to replace people so this doesn't happen again?

Likely is not even a questions. If they are not investing more money, they are at least the only capital projects being supported in the Covid economy.

Just had a conversation about it yesterday with my company’s Pres/GM.

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2 hours ago, PaladinSolo said:

I've never heard of someone not having to do a road test conducted by a a state DOT employee, the written test is just to get your permit which is required to take the road test.


When I got my motorcycle endorsement on my license in California, I didn't have to do the riding test.  This was only the case because I had taken a privately operated rider safety course.  If you pass the safety course, you get a certificate, which you show to the DMV.  

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