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Just found out an old friend of mine (who I am hanging out with on discord tonight for some games) is unvaccinated. Do I bring it up? Ignore the topic? Personally it really sours my opinion of him.


EDIT - Ugh, he not only is unvaccinated, he is fully anti-vaxx. We're just playing Jack Box online so maybe it won't come up.

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54 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Just found out an old friend of mine (who I am hanging out with on discord tonight for some games) is unvaccinated. Do I bring it up? Ignore the topic? Personally it really sours my opinion of him.


EDIT - Ugh, he not only is unvaccinated, he is fully anti-vaxx. We're just playing Jack Box online so maybe it won't come up.


Just bring it up via one of the rap verses in the robot rap game.

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Well last night was fucking terrifying. My right index finger, which I use to drive my chair using a ps4 style joystick, decided to just stop working, meaning I couldn't drive. The muscle in my knuckle completely turned off after a spasm or 2. Spent all night in bed trying it and trying to figure out alternative driving methods. Woke up this morning, completely back normal strength, wtf.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh, not sure what to do.


As aid before, our 18-year-old niece is staying with us while she upgrades classes (and then attends university/college) because her mom/step-dad and dad (separate households) are white trash and don't care about her future. One of the conditions of living with us (she moved in this August) was that she could only see people who were fully vaccinated, and that she could have very limited people over to our house (basically her best friend, who is also fully vaxxed).


However, we have reason to believe that she has been seeing her brother (unvaxxed) and possibly her mom/step-dad (unvaxxed and QAnon anti-vaxxers) behind our back. We are going to talk to her tomorrow about it. On the one hand, I get it—it's tough to not see your family (though we said we are fine if they want to see each other outdoors for a bit, etc). But her mom is crazy (my wife's sister) and has gone on rants about my wife and I, saying we are sheep trying to separate society, etc. I do not trust them to be safe. Hell, last xmas when it was illegal to see anyone outside your own house, they held a giant xmas party in secret. I know they are unsafe, and that they think the pandemic is fake.


We don't want to kick out the niece since realistically our help is the only thing probably keeping her on a good path at the moment, but we also don't want to be unsafe, especially with my wife's chronic health conditions. We're very conflicted.

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Update: Talked to the niece today. There were some tears. My wife said that our safety comes first, as well as the rest of our family, so the niece has to follow our rules or find another place to live. Niece was crying and said that her mom is taking out everything on her (even though we are the ones with the no-unvaccinated rule). However, the niece said that she agrees, and let us know she's already canceled plans to see her dad this evening because her brother (unvaxxed) was going to be there. We told her we'd understand if she wants to move out because of our rules, etc. Sounds like she'll be staying, though I think Christmas will be tough because her mom will be pressuring her to go over, etc.


And we did manage to arrange Christmas visits with our own parents, on the condition that everyone takes rapid tests an hour before (we all have access). We're all vaccinated, but some have two shots, others three. So still vulnerable to Omicron spread, and with chronic conditions around we don't want to take risks.

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13 minutes ago, Chris- said:

I actually promised to let her do an AmA on here; I’m dreading when I will have to fulfill it and expose her to all of you. 

*anything* fam!

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I went on a date with a lovely lady yesterday. It was only the third time we've been out and the previous times were literally a month ago because our schedules just haven't lined up (she was traveling, I was traveling, work, yadda yadda).


At the end she asked me where we stood because she couldn't get a read on whether I was interested or only wanted to be friends. Surprised, I asked why and she said "well you didn't even try to kiss me!". Uhh, granted I'm a bit shy in person, but... Is two dates when you're supposed to try to kiss them? :s Damn guys, it's a minefield out there. :p

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I don’t know how many dates we went on before my wife and I first kissed, but probably a couple of months and fairly regular outings together before she made the move on me. She was also my first (and turns out last) girlfriend, so I didn’t have any real metrics to apply to the situation.


Sounds like this gal may be DTF pretty soon though 👀

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29 minutes ago, Nokra said:

I went on a date with a lovely lady yesterday. It was only the third time we've been out and the previous times were literally a month ago because our schedules just haven't lined up (she was traveling, I was traveling, work, yadda yadda).


At the end she asked me where we stood because she couldn't get a read on whether I was interested or only wanted to be friends. Surprised, I asked why and she said "well you didn't even try to kiss me!". Uhh, granted I'm a bit shy in person, but... Is two dates when you're supposed to try to kiss them? :s Damn guys, it's a minefield out there. :p


I feel that. I never really want to be forward, so I refuse to show physical affection until we've had a discussion about it. And that only happens after I've decided they're someone I wish to pursue a relationship with. And that really only happens after 3+ dates, generally. 



It won't surprise any of you to know I'm still single. 


Yeah baby!


austin powers love GIF

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5 hours ago, Nokra said:

I went on a date with a lovely lady yesterday. It was only the third time we've been out and the previous times were literally a month ago because our schedules just haven't lined up (she was traveling, I was traveling, work, yadda yadda).


At the end she asked me where we stood because she couldn't get a read on whether I was interested or only wanted to be friends. Surprised, I asked why and she said "well you didn't even try to kiss me!". Uhh, granted I'm a bit shy in person, but... Is two dates when you're supposed to try to kiss them? :s Damn guys, it's a minefield out there. :p


Power Couple Masks GIF by thepanozzoteam

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Yeah this woman also told me that she's on hormones to prepare for freezing her eggs so maybe that's part of it. It came up in the topic about how things were looking for us, because she's wanting to make sure we're on the same page re: kids, futures, etc. Heavy shit for a third date at a climbing gym. :s :lol:


Also in a separate piece of drama, I got home from work today and found a summons for jury duty waiting for me. 

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7 minutes ago, Nokra said:

Also in a separate piece of drama, I got home from work today and found a summons for jury duty waiting for me. 


Nice. I got my summons last year and it was a weird online thing and well I didn't go and they said I didn't show up and that was that. Not that I wanted to go anyway.

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