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On 6/1/2021 at 10:34 AM, marioandsonic said:

So...I found out my cat has what's called an ectopic ureter, meaning one of his kidneys isn't connected properly to his bladder. He's fine now, but it can lead to things like kidney damage if not corrected.


One glance online states that the cost for the surgery to correct it ranges from $2,500-$10,000.


Fuck everything.


I have an update.


Bad news: they determined that my cat does indeed need surgery, and it will cost about $3200.


Good news:  I have pet insurance on him, and I finally broke through to get them to (mostly) reimburse the money for the ultrasound that was used to determine his issue.  I feel a lot better now because of that.  This insurance is a 20% copay, so while that's still 20% of $3200 I would have to pay if I got him the surgery, it's nowhere near as much of a backbreaker.

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1 hour ago, marioandsonic said:


I have an update.


Bad news: they determined that my cat does indeed need surgery, and it will cost about $3200.


Good news:  I have pet insurance on him, and I finally broke through to get them to (mostly) reimburse the money for the ultrasound that was used to determine his issue.  I feel a lot better now because of that.  This insurance is a 20% copay, so while that's still 20% of $3200 I would have to pay if I got him the surgery, it's nowhere near as much of a backbreaker.

Then we know what we have to do. Maybe I should get pet insurance for my cats, the fat one doesn’t clean his ass well and I’m afraid it will eventually lead to a problem.


Also my AC died on a day that was 117 last week. That was fun. In the last two months I’ve painted the house, replaced the water heater, and replaced my outside AC unit. I quit being an adult, this sucks.

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1 hour ago, Dodger said:

Then we know what we have to do. Maybe I should get pet insurance for my cats, the fat one doesn’t clean his ass well and I’m afraid it will eventually lead to a problem.


My mom already offered to help pay for it if need be. 


My one aunt and uncle's cat is really fat, and I definitely don't want mine to end up like that.  I make sure to feed him only so much.


1 hour ago, Dodger said:

Also my AC died on a day that was 117 last week. That was fun. In the last two months I’ve painted the house, replaced the water heater, and replaced my outside AC unit. I quit being an adult, this sucks.

That's rough, buddy.  I've lived on my own in my apartment for just over two years now, and there are times I think it's just not worth it.

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I haven't heard from a group of friends in a while and I assumed it was because I kept saying no to things they were doing last year that they were inviting me to because I wasn't comfortable with their plans from a COVID perspective, makes sense that people eventually stop inviting you to things if you keep declining the invitations, right? And I still think that may be part of it, but from a picture I just saw on Facebook it looks like the primary reason is probably that they've been hanging out with my ex. So that's awesome.

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5 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Landscapers work sunup to sundown from spring to fall. They show when they have you in the queue. That's who hires them.


Sister in laws husband is a landscaper.


He lives in so cal, landscapers come year round because it’s never too cold for them to stop.


At least you don’t have that neighbor that thinks it’s totally cool to start his yardwork at 7am.





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20 minutes ago, Anathema- said:

So my wife likes to put on all kinds of movies (and has great taste, one of the biggest reasons I love her) and so last night we sat down to watch one she hadn't seen before, The Crying Game. So that was fun. 



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I hooked up my new portable air conditioner to make sure it works and now that it's set up I figured I may as well run it, since while it hasn't really been very hot my apartment gets a little warm and it's been pretty humid (like 70 F, but hovering around 80% humidity) and it has a mode that it says balances cooling and dehumidifying to achieve a "comfortable-feeling room". I set up the continuous drain hose and mother of god is it pulling a ton of fucking water out of the air. First I set up a big tupperware as the water collection unit and that was half full in under an hour. Now I have a multi-gallon cooking pot set up and that still half fills in like 2-3 hours; I'm not sure I'd want to run the air conditioner overnight with a freshly drained pot for fear of it overflowing while I sleep so I'm gonna have to buy something even bigger to collect the water. Or maybe I'll try running it with my beddoor closed (it's a powerful enough A/C to do my whole apartment) and see how quickly it fills with water.


But feels :sun: dehumidifying my apartment.

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I got an Email about working the recall election and they are giving an hourly wage of $14.25. I feel like any other year it might be cool to do but it feels like maybe a lot of dickheads will be around for this.


I did work an election like 6 or 7 years ago and it wasn't so bad.

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20 hours ago, Jason said:

I hooked up my new portable air conditioner to make sure it works and now that it's set up I figured I may as well run it, since while it hasn't really been very hot my apartment gets a little warm and it's been pretty humid (like 70 F, but hovering around 80% humidity) and it has a mode that it says balances cooling and dehumidifying to achieve a "comfortable-feeling room". I set up the continuous drain hose and mother of god is it pulling a ton of fucking water out of the air. First I set up a big tupperware as the water collection unit and that was half full in under an hour. Now I have a multi-gallon cooking pot set up and that still half fills in like 2-3 hours; I'm not sure I'd want to run the air conditioner overnight with a freshly drained pot for fear of it overflowing while I sleep so I'm gonna have to buy something even bigger to collect the water. Or maybe I'll try running it with my beddoor closed (it's a powerful enough A/C to do my whole apartment) and see how quickly it fills with water.


But feels :sun: dehumidifying my apartment.

Why not just put it in the shower?

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My wife had a surgery a couple months ago and randomly the hospital refunded the $5k. No idea why, and I’m not going to ask questions 😂

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I'm on the project from hell at work. I was supposed to be in DC for a week at the start of August for this project. Instead it's now at the end of August. As I expected, they've immediately started finding new things for us to do instead of just taking a breather to give us time to make sure sure everything is working right. This is far from the only project each of us has going, and it's been hurting our ability to perform on other projects with how much time it was already sucking up, and the project is majorly underfunded. I was vehemently against delaying because I knew they'd pull this shit with trying to continue sucking up all our time until the new date, I just wanted this thing off my plate. We have the weeklong thing at the end of August, and a two day practice run at the beginning of August to make sure all the kinks are ironed out...and now the guy who was pushing to delay decided we should do a practice run for the practice run. :facepalm: I've seriously just fucking had it with this project.

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4 hours ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Hey I'm a dad again. #2 was born just a couple hours ago: a beautiful,healthy baby girl.


(Hope to find out if this little one has covid antibodies from the vaccine!)


Did you notice a boost in your 5G signal after she was born? 

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I will be proposing by year's end which means I have to ask for 'permission' from her parents and god I cannot think of a more insufferable fucking task. She's a 30 year old woman, I do not need to ask for anyone's permission to marry her...I mean in this case I do, because her parents are very traditional and forgoing that step would NOT be wise, but I am definitely going to suffer through it (I haven't decided if I will make a point of asking for 'blessing' as opposed to 'permission', but it's dumb either way.)

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27 minutes ago, Chris- said:

I will be proposing by year's end which means I have to ask for 'permission' from her parents and god I cannot think of a more insufferable fucking task. She's a 30 year old woman, I do not need to ask for anyone's permission to marry her...I mean in this case I do, because her parents are very traditional and forgoing that step would NOT be wise, but I am definitely going to suffer through it (I haven't decided if I will make a point of asking for 'blessing' as opposed to 'permission', but it's dumb either way.)


Congrats! I "asked for permission" by calling my wife's dad and letting him know that I'd be proposing. I didn't pose it as a question, just gave a courtesy call so he felt more respected. I'm not fucking asking permission, her and I both made the decision to get married together, it was just the timing of the proposal that was up to me!


Could you phrase it like "I wanted to let you know that I intend to ask your daughter to marry me"?

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2 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Congrats! I "asked for permission" by calling my wife's dad and letting him know that I'd be proposing. I didn't pose it as a question, just gave a courtesy call so he felt more respected. I'm not fucking asking permission, her and I both made the decision to get married together, it was just the timing of the proposal that was up to me!


Could you phrase it like "I wanted to let you know that I intend to ask your daughter to marry me"?


I could only take it so far before they picked up on it and viewed it as off-putting, but I am thinking of ways to get the point across a bit more delicately.

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It costs you literally nothing to play along with the cultural norms they have in this regard. I think that is one of the reasons I have a very good relationship with my inlaws, I don't buck up against stuff they do that is more or less harmless to me/my wife/my kids. I only push back when it is stuff that I do think encroaches in a negative way, for example, they are all "go give hugs and kisses to so and so" people and I'm very quick to shut that down. If my kids feel comfortable with a family member, they can choose to show physical affection, but get out of here with giving kisses to random aunts and uncles they've never met!

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Just now, sblfilms said:

It costs you literally nothing to play along with the cultural norms they have in this regard. I think that is one of the reasons I have a very good relationship with my inlaws, I don't buck up against stuff they do that is more or less harmless to me/my wife/my kids. I only push back when it is stuff that I do think encroaches in a negative way, for example, they are all "go give hugs and kisses to so and so" people and I'm very quick to shut that down. If my kids feel comfortable with a family member, they can choose to show physical affection, but get out of here with giving kisses to random aunts and uncles they've never met!


I can't let my father-in-law think I'm some limp-wristed bitch, I need to be a goddamn man!

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