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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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17 hours ago, Fizzzzle said:

Red Notice - 2/10


So that was aggressively stupid. I love a good heist movie as much as the next person, I love Ryan Reynolds as much as the next person, I love The Rock as much as the next person, but for some reason you put it all together in this case and it is so, so, so fucking bad. There are some fun moments, but in general it's predictable at best and aggressively dumb at worst.


If you're curious, since the Rock is in this movie, the answer is "yes" - part of this movie does take place in a jungle.

Lol I don’t disagree with anything in this post and yet…


Red Notice - 8/10 😂

I had the same feelings after this as I had after Tomorrow War or whatever that Chris Pratt Prime movie was.  The plot was so aggressively generic/predictable/nonsensical/bad and yet the performances(especially Gadot) and the production were great and some how I loved it despite saying “lol wtf” to myself at least half a dozen times. National Treasure/Indiana Jones this is not. But god damn am I praying for a sequel 😂

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The Revenant


I'm not really sure what to rate it honestly but my favorite aspect, and main reason I kept watching, was the nature photography and sense of place. It was really a weird watch for me because I felt like I didn't connect to any of the story, nor characters, at all and there was a weird artifice about it that I can't put my finger on. I wasn't able to suspend disbelief or something as in I didn't buy any of the characters and the film's artsy ambitions felt rote and mechanical to me. I usually quite like DiCaprio as well but I didn't in this either. Maybe just not 'for me' as they say but I did finish it solely to marvel at the gorgeous landscapes. 


Anybody have recommendations for movies of a similar ilk in terms of untamed North America etc.? I know that's vague and all but couldn't think of a better way to phrase it. 

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19 minutes ago, Bloodporne said:

The Revenant


I'm not really sure what to rate it honestly but my favorite aspect, and main reason I kept watching, was the nature photography and sense of place. It was really a weird watch for me because I felt like I didn't connect to any of the story, nor characters, at all and there was a weird artifice about it that I can't put my finger on. I wasn't able to suspend disbelief or something as in I didn't buy any of the characters and the film's artsy ambitions felt rote and mechanical to me. I usually quite like DiCaprio as well but I didn't in this either. Maybe just not 'for me' as they say but I did finish it solely to marvel at the gorgeous landscapes. 


Anybody have recommendations for movies of a similar ilk in terms of untamed North America etc.? I know that's vague and all but couldn't think of a better way to phrase it. 


I loved The Revenant. It is one of the most nihilistic films ever made to me. You're just dead and gutted by the end of the film, like exhausted. Or I was anyway. But plenty reacted to the film like you did.

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12 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I loved The Revenant. It is one of the most nihilistic films ever made to me. You're just dead and gutted by the end of the film, like exhausted. Or I was anyway. But plenty reacted to the film like you did.

It reminded me of two movies I love, The Assassination of Jesse James and Ravenous. Not that they're the same or anything but I wondered if it was influenced by either of those. You have any other recommendations in that, or a similar, vein? I thought of There Will Be Blood as well, or at least that I need to rewatch that at some point.

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1 hour ago, Bloodporne said:

It reminded me of two movies I love, The Assassination of Jesse James and Ravenous. Not that they're the same or anything but I wondered if it was influenced by either of those. You have any other recommendations in that, or a similar, vein? I thought of There Will Be Blood as well, or at least that I need to rewatch that at some point.


Yeah I'm trying to think of good ones and nothing immediately comes to mind that's like The Revenant per se. There Will Be Blood has the same nihilistic kind of feeling so in that sense that would be a good one.


The solemnity of the film definitely also echoes Assassination of Jesse James as well for sure I think.

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Shang Chi - 6/10


Finally gave this a solid watch, as the last time I watched it I was only half paying attention most of the time.


It's pretty good. The less grounded the movie gets, the less good it becomes, to the point where I found the big CGI monster fight in the end tedious and boring.


The bus fight and the scaffolding fight are masterclasses in movie fights. Continuous, following narratives, easy to follow, Jackie Chan/John Woo- esque use of the environment/props... Then it just turns into CGI monster fest and loses a lot of steam. It's still worth a watch, but it definitely loses steam as the climax gets nearer, which is obviously not ideal for an action movie.

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21 minutes ago, Keyser_Soze said:


I think I have a VHS of it recorded off of HBO somewhere.

I think I initially owned it on VHS, then DVD.  Never got it on Blu Ray.  If there's ever a UHD release, I'd get it.  I still will buy physical versions of my fav movies.

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Watched Red Notice… but I’m having a hard time coming up with anything to say about it. I watched it less than 24 hours ago and it’s already slipping from my mind. It made me really appreciate other globe-trotting action movies that actually travel. I get that COVID ruined their travel plans, but when I read that the whole movie was shot in Atlanta, I wasn’t the least bit surprised. 

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Triage X: 7/10 - Obviously I watched this because who wouldn't watch an anime associated with @Triage? But how does the rest stack up, well hard to give a enthusiastic recommendation but overall enjoyed it.


The show is about a group of special assassins, mostly big boobed women, who take out targets that are a threat to society. They essentially are the "doctors" who excise the "lesions" (according to themselves), the show is very up it's own ass with it's lore like this. It seems that once one target is taken care of the conspiracy (if you want to call it) gets deeper and deeper. The show is titillating and action packed at the same time. However, I thought it was a bit strange, the show makes it seem like it would be more violent than it lets on, lots of guns, swords and stuff like that, but there's nary a drop of blood to be seen. On the flip side they would really like you to see the girls naked and their boobs flop around and be groped, I think the priorities got crossed up a bit. I think the biggest bummer is that it's only 10 episodes plus and OVA, and the 10th episode might as well be a recap episode but just girls sitting around naked in a bath talking about serious stuff. The show is kind of left on a pretty big cliff-hanger and despite everything else on the show I think the biggest disappointment is that the anime won't be seen through to the end.


As for the animation, the production company is Xebec who've done a number of high profile shows and movies (Martian Successor Nadesico anyone?). I'd say it looks above average, but nothing special. A lot of detail was put into the motorcycles and cars though.


But if you looked at the synopsis and think it's something you can get through then I'd recommend it just keep in mind the you'll probably get some blue-balls from the ending.

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First Love: 7/10 - It had been a while since I had seen anything from Takashi Miike and this is one of his more recent films (2019). For Miike this feels very ordinary for him, in a good way. The film reminded me of early Guy Richie or Tarantino movies. You've got a boxer, a sex slave, a crooked cop, a crooked Yakuza member, the Yakuza and then the Chinese Yakuza, mix them all together and you've got one of those "Plan / heist gone wrong" type of movies. I thought it was pretty cool actually and the movie has a very western feel to it (as I kind of mentioned earlier). One of the few issues I had really was towards the end, but a minor nitpick in the grand scheme of things. Also, it is very front loaded plot wise so make sure you're paying attention. If you're interested in seeing this I'd also recommend NOT watching the trailer, which basically gives away the whole movie. I couldn't believe it, glad I watched it after I saw the movie. :p

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First I went on a David Cronenberg binge and watched Videodrome, The Brood and Shivers again. I hadn't seen them in ages and was never too big of a fan before. I think I get them way more now and especially loved Videodrome.


My girlfriend wanted to watch Midnight Mass and four episodes in, we've dubbed it Soliloquy: The Show.

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On 11/13/2021 at 7:10 AM, Keyser_Soze said:



The Nameless: 7/10 - So you may recall a couple weeks ago I watched a movie called Beneath Still Waters where I mentioned the gore effects were probably the most remarkable thing about the movie. Something stood out to me during the opening credits of that movie and that the production company had a special shout out. Fantastic Factory, or as they are known now as Filmax, is a Spanish production company and as it turns out I had seen a previous movie from the same production company that also had gore effects that stood out, Faust. So I looked into a bunch of movies that Filmax produced and this was one of them. Unlike the previous two movies I had seen this movie is actually competent.


Los Sin Nombre or The Nameless is what I'd call a psychological mystery I suppose. A body of a girl is found in the opening scene of a movie, the body was so mutilated it could not be identified. However, two clues led them to believe the identity of a certain girl (although the parents were advised not to see the body and of course it couldn't be identified HINT HINT) Five years later the mother gets a phone call from the daughter that was presumed dead and so the rest of the movie is not only trying to figure out where and what's up with the girl but a deeper conspiracy surrounding her disappearance.


As I said earlier, the story is a lot more compelling and well put together than previous Filmax movies, in fact I would even recommend watching this one. It is not super gory really, for the most part and certainly not to the extreme of the other movies I've mentioned. My only gripe is that after all the build up the ending is a bit of a head-scratcher but most everything else is pretty entertaining. A small aside here, the director of this movie, Jaume Balagueró, went on to make the series of REC movies (if you've seen them, I haven't) but these series of movies were the inspiration for the movie Quarantine (which I also did not see) so for me this was a pointless aside if only to make me think about seeing REC :lol:

At least as far as I recall, the first REC movie was pretty damn good and worth a watch. Maybe because I was high but I remember it as being pretty intense.

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2 hours ago, TheLeon said:

Phone Booth- A lot of the big movies lately are bloated 2.5 hour epics, and now I’m realizing that they’re all bullshit. This right here, this is all you need for a movie: one location, a handful of great actors yelling, and a premise that barely sustains a full hour. 

have you seen the movie where Ryan Reynolds has been buried alive?

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4 hours ago, TheLeon said:

Phone Booth- A lot of the big movies lately are bloated 2.5 hour epics, and now I’m realizing that they’re all bullshit. This right here, this is all you need for a movie: one location, a handful of great actors yelling, and a premise that barely sustains a full hour. 


Fantastic movie. Glad you enjoyed it.

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Army of One - I have this thing for combing through the free to stream stuff on Amazon Prime video and watching cheaply made . . .and usually bad indie films.  Some of these look like film school projects.


Anyway, this one was basically a classic revenge story where some chick(who is an ex-Army Ranger) goes Rambo on some hillbillies who killed her husband and left her for dead. I've seen way worse than this one.

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Shoujyo: An Adolescent: 7/10 - This is a strange film to rate or recommend in a way. The film really wants you to know it is directed by Eiji Okuda. Who is he? Well he's also the main actor in the movie, but has only directed a handful of movies. In any case it's a Lolita type movie. It's about a small town cop, hard to tell if he's a bad cop or a good cop, the movie certainly sets him up to be a crooked cop, it doesn't help matters that he's approached by a high school girl who asks to have sex with him, and he of course obliges. But she really likes him so it's like true love in a way. Her background isn't all it's cracked up to be either. So it's a long journey of hardships, like it or not, that I thought was compelling in a sort of morally ambiguous way.

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