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I thought Sunset Overdrive was mid AF.


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Sunset Overdrive is getting talked about cuz of the leaks. See lots of praise for it in a recent Reddit thread.


But fuck if that game wasn't mid as fuck. It's just another Zombie game with some fancy movement. It was Crackdown and Dead Island combined but "games where you kill massive hordes of zombies" was already old as fuck at that point. I played it for an hour or two and was completely unimpressed. It was a game that was doing nothing new.


Even watching it now, seeing a guy at the end of the game still mostly grinding and shooting just seems so boring. I was already grinding and shooting in InFamous on the PS3. I was killing hordes of zombies in Dead Island and Dead Rising. The whole aesthetic of the game was made tired by games like Saint's Row 3. Like, I get such strong Saint's Row vibes from the game.


Like, I'm not really going to try and defend my opinion strongly, cuz like, you could list all of these good things about it but I didn't get very far due to how boring I found the game. I'm just wanting to know if there is anyone else here who thought the game was pretty meh.


And yes, I did just make this thread to shit on and encourage others to shit on a nine year old game because I think it's shit and the praise is undeserved lol

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3 minutes ago, Firewithin said:

i wanted to like it but man i tried like 3 times to get into it and just couldnt 

Sounds exactly like me but with Cyber Punk. I’ve tried several time but it never clicks with me. Which bothers me because lots of people enjoy it. 

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It has been revealed that Sunset Overdrive made Insomniac Games just $567 since being released back in 2014, but why?




Following the development of Sunset Overdrive, which cost $42,682,135, the game sold 1,898,433 units for a total of $49,737,133.


That’s not a huge difference, and after costs had been divided (considering it was also co-developed between IG and Blind Squirrel Games), Insomniac made a total of $567 from Sunset Overdrive’s entire lifecycle.



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12 minutes ago, Commissar SFLUFAN said:

It has been revealed that Sunset Overdrive made Insomniac Games just $567 since being released back in 2014, but why?



Yeah, the reddit post about this and reading the reddit comments is what inspired me to make this thread. 

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34 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Sounds exactly like me but with Cyber Punk. I’ve tried several time but it never clicks with me. Which bothers me because lots of people enjoy it. 


It isn't just you with Cyberpunk. I understand it's a terrific game now but the entire theme turns me off. I do not like V or the voice actor. I dislike the music tremendously too. I have Phantom Liberty ready to be played but I keep putting it off because I just don't like the actual game lol. I did beat it but I kinda forced my way through it. Johnny can be pretty funny but also extremely annoying too. 

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:


It isn't just you with Cyberpunk. I understand it's a terrific game now but the entire theme turns me off. I do not like V or the voice actor. I dislike the music tremendously too. I have Phantom Liberty ready to be played but I keep putting it off because I just don't like the actual game lol. I did beat it but I kinda forced my way through it. Johnny can be pretty funny but also extremely annoying too. 

V is a boring character. The voice acting is meh. And the music god awful. 

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     Thought for sure I'd love a game like this {Sunset Overdrive} but it never hooked me either. I don't believe it was over hyped because it was loved from what I remember but for me it was a fun ride for a few hours and shelved. I have to add that MOST ALL games are a fun ride for a few hours and then shelved. If a game gets me past the 5 hour make it's pretty special especially the last 5 years! 

     Currently playing System Shock remake and I'll state i'm only 2 hours in as I bought it to play on the Ally but the text is just unreadable for me. I mean I can read it but I have to really try and that just fun. This is playing @1080p / 60 plugged in 30watt power and most all settings at high or ultra! I do have it installed now on my aging 2080ti / 9700k / 32gig DDR4 PC. Played for an hour on ALLY and the an hour on PC @4k / All Ultra settings. Pretty disappointed in the ALLY experience aspect already but this is a game that I always wanted to play but it just fell through the cracks. Here's me hoping it's not just another fun ride for a few hours and shelved!

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2 hours ago, Mr.Vic20 said:

It happens. I've purchased and failed to play through every single GTA. :shrug:


     Me too! Never beat a GTA game but I really did like Cyberpunk. It ran very well on by the time I played it on Series X. I did beat it but never was feeling like I would ever play it again or the DLC.

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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

You take your mid AF opinion back right now :angry:


I might not understand what mid means... it's middling right?  I think their games are fine but pretty overrated.  I enjoyed the first Spider-Man, but not nearly as much as the Arkham games.  And Ratchet is just okay, which I think means mid.  But it might also be a lack of rizz on my part.

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Maybe it was mid, maybe it wasn't but it certainly was an original IP with a great look to it which I'll always give a game extra points for. It feels a bit unfair to hold a 9 year old game's feet to the fire especially when iterations of games come out and improve on the original's ideas quite often. Think of something like an Assassin's Creed which built on the original in a good way. Insomniac has the framework but have no way to make a sequel to it that would improve on it.

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1 hour ago, Paperclyp said:

If we’re airing our grievances I do not find jet set radio to be fun 


*runs away


JSR remains my favorite video game, but if you didn't love it when it launched, I don't think anyone would be converted now.  I still find the gameplay extremely fun, but it is very, very unique and certainly not to everyone's tastes.  It's from a time when games had unique controls that were not completely homogeneous, which I miss.


The soundtrack/visuals/style are really where the game excels.  I'm thankful we got Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, and I enjoyed it well enough, but it's a pale imitation of SEGA's classic.

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1 hour ago, ShreddieMercury said:


JSR remains my favorite video game, but if you didn't love it when it launched, I don't think anyone would be converted now.  I still find the gameplay extremely fun, but it is very, very unique and certainly not to everyone's tastes.  It's from a time when games had unique controls that were not completely homogeneous, which I miss.


The soundtrack/visuals/style are really where the game excels.  I'm thankful we got Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, and I enjoyed it well enough, but it's a pale imitation of SEGA's classic.

I fully admit I did not and do not understand how to really play the game. 

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6 hours ago, ShreddieMercury said:

Yeah it's bad.  And then it provided the template for all the other modern Insomniac games, which are also mid AF.

Yeah. I keep trying to see what people love so much about Spider-Man, but it's just so fucking bland to me. People say the web slinging is fun, and I might find it fun if it had any stakes. Like if you feel and actually fucking died that would be pretty rad. High skill movement alone can be plenty fun, but I don't think Spider-Man's qualifies as anything more than some very solid low-skill, high-appeal movement. When you're doing high-skill movement to avoid dying, that's when things get super fun for me. So the combination of low stakes and low skill just kinda make it fizzle for my taste.

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1 hour ago, Xbob42 said:

Yeah. I keep trying to see what people love so much about Spider-Man, but it's just so fucking bland to me. People say the web slinging is fun, and I might find it fun if it had any stakes. Like if you feel and actually fucking died that would be pretty rad. High skill movement alone can be plenty fun, but I don't think Spider-Man's qualifies as anything more than some very solid low-skill, high-appeal movement. When you're doing high-skill movement to avoid dying, that's when things get super fun for me. So the combination of low stakes and low skill just kinda make it fizzle for my taste.

Spider-Man is so chock full of like 2014 era open world shit it almost seems like a parody of that sort of game. The game’s best part, to me, ended up being its main story. Which surprised me. I still need to play Miles Morales and I’ll get 2 sometime down the line, but the gameplay itself was solid to me but wore out its welcome way before I had completed a fraction of what the game had for me to do. 

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7 hours ago, Paperclyp said:

If we’re airing our grievances I do not find jet set radio to be fun 


*runs away


Are you like Jan who never played it but recently played Bomb Rush and found out he doesn't like it because he thought it was supposed to play like Tony Hawk and since it doesn't he didn't like it for that reason? :p

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17 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Maybe it was mid, maybe it wasn't but it certainly was an original IP with a great look to it which I'll always give a game extra points for. It feels a bit unfair to hold a 9 year old game's feet to the fire especially when iterations of games come out and improve on the original's ideas quite often. Think of something like an Assassin's Creed which built on the original in a good way. Insomniac has the framework but have no way to make a sequel to it that would improve on it.


Actually they do. Insomniac retained the rights to the Sunset Overdrive IP. The only thing stopping them is Sony.

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13 hours ago, Xbob42 said:

Yeah. I keep trying to see what people love so much about Spider-Man, but it's just so fucking bland to me. People say the web slinging is fun, and I might find it fun if it had any stakes. Like if you feel and actually fucking died that would be pretty rad. High skill movement alone can be plenty fun, but I don't think Spider-Man's qualifies as anything more than some very solid low-skill, high-appeal movement. When you're doing high-skill movement to avoid dying, that's when things get super fun for me. So the combination of low stakes and low skill just kinda make it fizzle for my taste.

I can’t remember Spider-Man falling and dying in any of the media I watched. 

Spidey 2 has an option to raise or lower the assist to make it harder/easier to swing, as well as an option to take damage when falling from a high altitude.

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11 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:


Are you like Jan who never played it but recently played Bomb Rush and found out he doesn't like it because he thought it was supposed to play like Tony Hawk and since it doesn't he didn't like it for that reason? :p

dude I was actually gonna say I was way into Tony Hawk at the time and I didn’t understand what I was supposed to be doing. And I was like wait why can I not do a crazy trick. 

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I had the experience. Tried it for a couple hours and just couldn't get into it, and I love the Ratchet and Clank games. Yet all you see is sequel begging and theory crafting over the rights to see if it ever could get made. 


For anyone who cares the latest I've seen is that while Insomniac owns the IP now MS has publishing rights for 2 sequels. Also since it literally made a PS5 after tax for profit, no way Sony would greenlight a sequel even if they could get the details worked out. 

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