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~*Official Utterly Useless Old Woman, AOC, and UBI Thread*~

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23 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I'm aware of all those reasons and they don't apply to the young any more than they do to the old. Presumably it would apply to the young less since they have energy and drive the old presumably don't have, and they are more socially aware and technologically plugged in.


And some of those reasons are new - yet young people historically never vote. So, again, doesn't per se apply. If this was in reference to minorities, while the fact those reasons exist does indeed suck, work twice as hard to vote to get 'er done then. It can be done, even if it is a huge hassle. That's how important it is. 

Spoken like a true "coastal elite liberal" :p

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39 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:

I'm pretty sure some states also don't let college students use their university address, so they'd literally have to go home to vote, and i think its Florida trying to stop polling places from being on campuses ect... barriers are definitely made to stop younger people from voting.


Doesn't account for only 40% vs. 100% of voter turnout for people ages 18-29. No way. 

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Trump may be finally realizing the trouble he and Republicans are in.



But three sources close to the president say that Trump and his aides are privately far more pessimistic. Recently, the president has stressed in conversations with confidants that if things go south for the GOP in November, he won’t take the blame and is prepared to scapegoat other party leaders. In Trump’s West Wing, words such as “slaughter” and “massacre” have come up among political, policy, and communications advisers in their private predictions of what this month could bring, according to three sources present for such conversations.


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3 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:

Recently, the president has stressed in conversations with confidants that if things go south for the GOP in November, he won’t take the blame and is prepared to scapegoat other party leaders.


Party of personal responsibility. 

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I love that Trump was "stressing to confidants that he won't take the blame if things go south for the GOP in the midterms". 


Yeah. No shit. I can't remember one time, literally, not one time, he took responsibility for a bad thing that he knew was a bad thing (for or to him). 


Can't wait until the GOP just accepts the blame, showing they are the true soi boi cucks. 

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2 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

It's why he's trying to rally the base with that Willie Horton type ad to take attention off of health care and white nationalist violence in America.

I could be wrong, but didn't Bush at least try to distance himself from the Willie Horton ad? 


This is even worse because Trump is actively promoting this racist garbage. 

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2 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

I could be wrong, but didn't Bush at least try to distance himself from the Willie Horton ad? 


This is even worse because Trump is actively promoting this racist garbage. 


I'd have to double-check, but his campaign didn't create the ad IIRC, and it ran for one day before getting pulled. So it's possible he was asked about it and denounced it, but he did pull the same kind of thing with his Revolving Door ad.

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3 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


I'd have to double-check, but his campaign didn't create the ad IIRC, and it ran for one day before getting pulled. So it's possible he was asked about it and denounced it, but he did pull the same kind of thing with his Revolving Door ad.

Okay, I guess that's what I was thinking of. His campaign didn't actually produce the ad. 



jesus fucking christ, I hate where this country is right now.

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The First Thing Democrats Will Do If They Win The House Is Pass Anti-Corruption And Voting Rights Reforms



The first bill Democrats plan to introduce and pass if they win control of the House of Representatives on Nov. 6 will be a comprehensive package of campaign finance, voting rights, redistricting and ethics reforms.


The presumptive H.R. 1 will be based on a House resolution introduced in 2018 by Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.) and co-sponsored by 165 Democratic House members, including the entire party leadership.


“Reform is going to be the first thing out of the gate,” he said.


The bill will include the creation of a small-donor public financing system for congressional elections, the restoration of the Voting Rights Act, nationwide automatic voter registration, nonpartisan redistricting reforms for congressional elections and a host of ethics reforms to rein in corruption in Congress and the executive branch.


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