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Biden pardoning all charges for marijuana possession. Orders AG to review its schedule status under the CSA (!!!)

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They were talking about this on my local morning news. Seems this news only affects about 6000 people, since most 'simple' marijuana crimes are state issues and this pardon doesn't affect that. I guess it will open up some new conversations, though.

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1 hour ago, Derek said:

They were talking about this on my local morning news. Seems this news only affects about 6000 people, since most 'simple' marijuana crimes are state issues and this pardon doesn't affect that. I guess it will open up some new conversations, though.

Thousands more in DC

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27 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Oh yea. The economy has been amazing since he's been in office. I fully agree. 👍 


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Also, my dating life has been kinda shit since he took office. Thanks, Biden. 








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5 hours ago, Derek said:

They were talking about this on my local morning news. Seems this news only affects about 6000 people, since most 'simple' marijuana crimes are state issues and this pardon doesn't affect that. I guess it will open up some new conversations, though.

It's kinda even less than that, since those people aren't getting out of prison, they're just having their record's cleared. It's a good thing, but not as big a deal as I initially thought.


From the Post:



While no one is currently serving time in federal prison solely for the crime of simple marijuana possession, officials said, about 6,500 people have such convictions on their records. Those convictions would be pardoned, and the offenders’ records cleared, under an administrative process to be developed by Garland.


Thousands of additional people who are residents of the District, which is subject to federal law, could also be pardoned, officials said. Others affected could be those arrested in places such as airports and federal parks, which are under federal law enforcement jurisdiction.




I suppose I don't have a great understanding of when federal law applies as opposed to state laws. So if you get convicted of possession in a state where marijuana is illegal, you're convicted under a state law? Or is it just that it was a local law enforcement agency that probably picked you up and a local court that sentenced you, so even if marijuana is federally illegal, it's still under local jurisdiction?

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36 minutes ago, best3444 said:


Oh yea. The economy has been amazing since he's been in office. I fully agree. 👍 


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Why would you say this with yet another robust jobs report that came out today? Do you not remember how bad the economy was when the previous guy left office? The 2020 recession?


The world is going through the same inflationary trouble we are; everyone wants to blame their individual leader depending on the country they live. There's more to it than that: first, you had the supply chain issues affecting prices globally. You have far less supply, but many sat on savings during quarantine and were ready to go places and spend that money. Now you have basically 7 billion people chasing 4 billion pieces of goods, and prices rose.


Now that the supply chain issues are easing, you have corporations that still made record profits and got used to it. They don't want to bring down prices. Look at OPEC and the fact that they've decided to slash oil production in November to raise the price of oil. Corporations would rather keep prices high to make up for the lost profits during the height of the pandemic. Now that prices are high, global demand is falling, which based on the link, "a more pronounced pullback in demand in the second half of the year will dent businesses’ ability to continue to pass costs on."


The best way to beat inflation is to let companies know you won't buy their products at that price. 


If you want to see things that will actually help to increase supply and bring down prices, Biden's Inflation Reduction Act puts a cap on insulin prices for Medicare users, and if Republicans didn't block it, insulin would be capped at $35 for everyone. You have one political party to blame for insulin not being capped wholesale.


Biden's CHIPS Act is helping to create semiconductor chips (used in your phones, gaming consoles, computers, etc.) in America, and Micron has announced one factory in Idaho and one in New York. Biden's Infrastructure Law is helping create factories that build fiber optic cable in America. And this also gives us long-term stability, creating redundancies in the supply chain so if something happens overseas like Russia/Ukraine, we don't have to be beholden to those countries to supply us with chips when we're doing the same here.

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8 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

If you want to see things that will actually help to increase supply and bring down prices, Biden's Inflation Reduction Act puts a cap on insulin prices for Medicare users, and if Republicans didn't block it, insulin would be capped at $35 for everyone. You have one political party to blame for insulin not being capped wholesale.


Biden's CHIPS Act is helping to create semiconductor chips (used in your phones, gaming consoles, computers, etc.) in America, and Micron has announced one factory in Idaho and one in New York. Biden's Infrastructure Law is helping create factories that build fiber optic cable in America. And this also gives us long-term stability, creating redundancies in the supply chain so if something happens overseas like Russia/Ukraine, we don't have to be beholden to those countries to supply us with chips when we're doing the same here.

I had to get two different Insulins pens today that luckily Medicaid paid for because I'm currently unemployed due to health problems. Lispro which is a generic brand cost $301.55 and Glargine $177.58. I hope the CHIPS ACT helps but hasn't some companies already decided not to spend as much of their own money since the government is giving them money to spend instead?

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8 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

I had to get two different Insulins pens today that luckily Medicaid paid for because I'm currently unemployed due to health problems. Lispro which is a generic brand cost $301.55 and Glargine $177.58. I hope the CHIPS ACT helps but hasn't some companies already decided not to spend as much of their own money since the government is giving them money to spend instead?


Insulin prices are such a crock. Ugh. Sorry to hear that.


The Inflation Reduction Act is the law that affects insulin prices. The law puts a $35 price cap on insulin through Medicare. The reason there is no cap for you is because Republicans blocked it as all Democrats voted for it:



Cost of the life-saving drug will remain many times higher than in other affluent countries after Republicans defeated the measure


The only way it's going to be a thing is through an expanded Democratic majority that can kill the filibuster. Specifically, Senator Raphael Warnock has been championing this and is trying to keep his seat over Walker.


In regards to the CHIPS Act, we've had companies already credit the law directly for their factory openings in the U.S., such as Micron. They're getting incentives to build in America, which they now see as a lucrative place to set up shop instead of overseas. This will help make the U.S. more self-sufficient on building chips that power computers, laptops, phones, game consoles, etc.

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On 10/7/2022 at 4:33 PM, SaysWho? said:


Why would you say this with yet another robust jobs report that came out today? Do you not remember how bad the economy was when the previous guy left office? The 2020 recession?


The world is going through the same inflationary trouble we are; everyone wants to blame their individual leader depending on the country they live. There's more to it than that: first, you had the supply chain issues affecting prices globally. You have far less supply, but many sat on savings during quarantine and were ready to go places and spend that money. Now you have basically 7 billion people chasing 4 billion pieces of goods, and prices rose.


Now that the supply chain issues are easing, you have corporations that still made record profits and got used to it. They don't want to bring down prices. Look at OPEC and the fact that they've decided to slash oil production in November to raise the price of oil. Corporations would rather keep prices high to make up for the lost profits during the height of the pandemic. Now that prices are high, global demand is falling, which based on the link, "a more pronounced pullback in demand in the second half of the year will dent businesses’ ability to continue to pass costs on."


The best way to beat inflation is to let companies know you won't buy their products at that price. 


If you want to see things that will actually help to increase supply and bring down prices, Biden's Inflation Reduction Act puts a cap on insulin prices for Medicare users, and if Republicans didn't block it, insulin would be capped at $35 for everyone. You have one political party to blame for insulin not being capped wholesale.


Biden's CHIPS Act is helping to create semiconductor chips (used in your phones, gaming consoles, computers, etc.) in America, and Micron has announced one factory in Idaho and one in New York. Biden's Infrastructure Law is helping create factories that build fiber optic cable in America. And this also gives us long-term stability, creating redundancies in the supply chain so if something happens overseas like Russia/Ukraine, we don't have to be beholden to those countries to supply us with chips when we're doing the same here.


What are your thoughts on how he is handling the border?

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Biden is doing a shitty job at the border because people are complaining that nobody wants to take low paying shitty jobs yet there is literally a line of people ready to come in and take those jobs and he hasn’t loosened up the border to solve that yet.

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Not to derail this further but “the border” is such a nebulous concept to begin with that what is there even to discuss?  The number of people coming over?  The number of people being sent back?  What people are allegedly bringing with them?  The impact on the economy?  On crime?  Magically delicious rainbow versions of drugs?  

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6 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

Not to derail this further but “the border” is such a nebulous concept to begin with that what is there even to discuss?  The number of people coming over?  The number of people being sent back?  What people are allegedly bringing with them?  The impact on the economy?  On crime?  Magically delicious rainbow versions of drugs?  



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40 minutes ago, LazyPiranha said:

Not to derail this further but “the border” is such a nebulous concept to begin with that what is there even to discuss?  The number of people coming over?  The number of people being sent back?  What people are allegedly bringing with them?  The impact on the economy?  On crime?  Magically delicious rainbow versions of drugs?  


Basically all of that is at question and should be discussed. But I realized this board is 100% to the left so I'll get biased answers here. 

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1 hour ago, LazyPiranha said:

Not to derail this further but “the border” is such a nebulous concept to begin with that what is there even to discuss?  The number of people coming over?  The number of people being sent back?  What people are allegedly bringing with them?  The impact on the economy?  On crime?  Magically delicious rainbow versions of drugs?  


Obviously, it's the scary brown people.

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I am also curious what issue we're talking about "at the border" given something like 80% of "illegal" immigration (this is excluding legal immigration such as asylum seekers) come in on planes that then overstay their visas if I remember the facts correctly from a couple of years ago. Planes have nothing to do with the border.


So what's the issue at the border?

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1 hour ago, best3444 said:


Basically all of that is at question and should be discussed. But I realized this board is 100% to the left so I'll get biased answers here. 

The wonderful thing about “the border” for conservatives is that it can be whatever they want it to be at any given time.  Whatever your concerns are with the border situation, some clever sleight of hand makes any news bad news for democrats or good news for republicans even if it’s the exact same news.  When he was elected, Biden was going to be weak on immigration and he was going to let everyone in here!… then he deported more people than Trump did.  Normally you would think republicans would view that as a good thing but no.  Now it just means that they’re trying to come over in droves because they feel like Biden is weak.  Trump deports a ton of people because he’s strong on immigration Biden deports a ton of people because he’s weak on immigration, heads I win, tails you lose.  

It’s the same sleight of hand for other things.  Fentanyl is flooding from over the border allegedly but why?  It’s not like Mexico created the product AND the demand. In 2012 there were over 80 opioid scripts being written for every 100 adults.  Mexican cartels didn’t do that.  No one was crossing the border with a bunch of doctor’s pads and writing out scripts left and right.  Screaming to high heaven about drugs coming over the border is blaming the foam on a dog’s mouth for its rabies.  The opioid crisis is as American as apple pie and baseball, it’s just a lot of people really don’t like to talk about that so it’s much easier to blame someone else they don’t have to think about.  Besides, notice how the opioid problem has existed for over a decade but suddenly the discussion of fentanyl crossing the border only started in earnest around, say, early 2021?  Strange how that works.  An easy search shows you that fentanyl seizures were on the rise before then, yet it wasn’t a talking point in the 2020 elections.  Also to rehash the old point, fentanyl seizures means exactly that, fentanyl that doesn’t make it over here.  The border patrol makes a bunch of drug busts under Trump and it’s because they’re tough and vigilant.  The same people make even more busts under Biden and it’s because it’s flooding over all of a sudden.


I could go on.  All of these problems are complicated and there is no fun, pithy answer for any of it.  Whatever your feelings on the matter are and whether or not they align with mine don’t change the fact that conservatives in this country shift the argument effortlessly and immediately based on who is in charge.  

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