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Have you ever had more fun with a demo/beta than a full game?


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It's happened to me a few times, mostly with multiplayer FPS...I played the shit out of Halo 3's demo/beta, as well as various DICE betas (Battlefield 2 on Xbox, Battlefront on PS4). Sunk a bunch of hours into one map or whatever was being featured, then proceeded to play the full game less. :lol: 

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I enjoyed the hell out of the Metal Gear Solid demo that my roommate and I got from Pizza Hut (I think?) back in 1997/1998. I loved the full game, make no mistake. But the demo was...I dunno. Something else. It was fantastic.


Same for the Dreamcast version of San Francisco Rush: 2049. Loved the demo, loved the full game...but something about the demo was...I dunno. MORE. Despite it being less. I can't explain why. 

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37 minutes ago, GameDadGrant said:

I enjoyed the hell out of the Metal Gear Solid demo that my roommate and I got from Pizza Hut (I think?) back in 1997/1998. I loved the full game, make no mistake. But the demo was...I dunno. Something else. It was fantastic.


You could probably say the same thing about the MGS2 demo.

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I was like a year late to the original Half-Life game. Before I played it, PC Gamer had a demo disc with Half-Life Uplink and I played that soooo much. I was also subscribed to the Dreamcast magazine with the demo discs and I played the hell out of all of those. Probably more than the full games if I ended up renting them. 

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3 hours ago, best3444 said:

I'm assuming a lot of people are doing this very thing with Battlefield 

I actually came in here to say the Wake Island demo for BF1942. We played the everloving shit out of that for hundreds of hours and had a blast. I don't remember too much from the real game aside from it having a lot of maps that were not Wake Island that never felt as good.

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14 hours ago, GameDadGrant said:

I enjoyed the hell out of the Metal Gear Solid demo that my roommate and I got from Pizza Hut (I think?) back in 1997/1998. I loved the full game, make no mistake. But the demo was...I dunno. Something else. It was fantastic.


Same for the Dreamcast version of San Francisco Rush: 2049. Loved the demo, loved the full game...but something about the demo was...I dunno. MORE. Despite it being less. I can't explain why. 

    The MGS demo in my opinion was the best ever. The game was fantastic too. I remember seeing / playing for the first time in EB games and I was hooked. The perfect amount of content and feel.

    Now to answer the post question, P.T. !! I loved the demo so much, can't say the same for the game itself....lol  

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2 hours ago, HardAct said:

    The MGS demo in my opinion was the best ever. The game was fantastic too. I remember seeing / playing for the first time in EB games and I was hooked. The perfect amount of content and feel.

    Now to answer the post question, P.T. !! I loved the demo so much, can't say the same for the game itself....lol  


Totally agree. That MGS demo was awesome. I had a buddy of mine try to play it, but he was too action-oriented. Kept trying to bum-rush the nuclear disposal facility and kept getting gunned down over and over. LOL I told him he had to use STEALTH but he just...refused, haha. 


He never finished the demo, of course. :doh:

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7 hours ago, AshsToAshs said:


That's the first thing that came to my mind.

I played the MGS2 tanker demo a TON of times.

Then the full game came out and everything after the tanker was... different.


You mean everything after the tanker was trash, right?

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