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Is it a sin for a single man to masturbate?


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I literally spent an hour researching this and I'm getting conflicting answers. I can maybe see maturbating to porn as a married man or woman being a sin because in essence you're kinda cheating. 


But for a single man like myself and with sexual desire and sexual build up I have to humanly release my semen my body says do it! The Bible doesn't even mention masturbation only that lustful thoughts of another women or man while married is a sin. There's more in the Bible that some of these researchers try to pull out to make it seem that maturbating is lack of self control and going against God's view of our sexualility and bodies as holy temples.


My issue is that it's a physical need that at times needs released. God made us that way. Is viewing porn to masturbate sinning?


I'm really confused and sorry if this comes off as a half ass post. I could go into greater detail but you get my general question. What do you guys think? I know I've said I don't have much of a sexual desire due to my medications I'm on but I absolutely get the urge to use porn and masturbate to release sexual tension at times. It’s not every day or even a week. But right now I'm horny, single, and need to release. 


Any serious help and suggestions are greatly appreciated. 

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Ugh. I understand your views on religion Andrea but I just don't know what to do. I'm not Catholic either. 


I'm just confused. I'll keep this thread going to see if I get more feedback. 


BTW, I appreciate your response @RacheI and take no offense to it.

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In the religion of my youth sexual sin was viewed as "second only to [murder]". I think it's a stretch to say the Bible doesn't specifically say "masturbation" therefore it's not a sin. Its message is pretty clear as it relates to lust and adultery.


That being said I don't believe in that stuff as divine anymore. Don't worry about it. The psychology and biology are pretty clear that masturbation is normal and even healthy. 

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You need to throw out the notion of sin and the bible and dig deep within yourself and figure out what is right or wrong from your perspective.

There are plenty of people and societies who aren't Christians before the and after the bible was written who had / have a sense of morals and can tell right from wrong.

The United States has a history of trying to sexually repress children. Coming up with myths about masturbation gives you hairy palms, and this and that. Heck Corn Flakes were made to stop kids from masturbating. Then at the same turn of the coin the people who preach wrong and right are the ones sexually abusing children. 🤷‍♀️


Masturbation is a natural thing to do, just like taking a piss or taking a shit. If you feel the need to do it, do it without feeling bad about it. Plenty of people do it, it's healthy to do. And if you don't like the idea of it then don't do it.

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2 hours ago, best3444 said:

Ugh. I understand your views on religion Andrea but I just don't know what to do. I'm not Catholic either. 


I'm just confused. I'll keep this thread going to see if I get more feedback. 


BTW, I appreciate your response @RacheI and take no offense to it.


There is absolutely nothing to be confused about whatsoever.


Even though the Bible doesn't specifically condemn yanking your crank/choking your chicken/polishing your banister/spanking your monkey, etc., there is ample textual evidence that self-pleasure CLEARLY falls under its definition of "sexual immorality" is therefore a sin.  


Period.  End of story.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it.


So, either accept that you're a sinner, ask God's forgiveness for your transgressions, and pray for Him to give you the strength to not fall into temptation or throw that useless Iron Age book into the nearest fire and liberate yourself from the trap of "slave morality" into which it has ensnared you.


But don't think for a minute that there is anything to be confused about.


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I really appreciate all the responses guys. It means a lot. I'm leaning toward masturbation because like most of you said, the psychology and biology are pretty clear that masturbation is normal and even healthy. 


Andrea is also correct, it's absolutely open to interpretation in how the Bible trys to explain it. 


I've never been addicted to porn nor masturbate every day. So overall, I think I'm going to go ahead and jerk it when I get the urge. 


I'm extremely close to Jesus and God and it's a very personal thing but I know a lot of you have your view points on it all together. That's cool and thanks for taking this thread seriously. 

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2 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Lust is a sin, masturbation is an expression of lust. There’s no way getting around masturbation being a sin without going through some weird ass mental gymnastics or being a cafeteria Christian.

This is some next level pedantry from you and Wade lmao.

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32 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Lust is a sin, masturbation is an expression of lust. There’s no way getting around masturbation being a sin without going through some weird ass mental gymnastics or being a cafeteria Christian.

This is pretty much it. One can make the cherry-picking point, but that doesn’t really change the question, it just reveals that people’s beliefs are far more complex than what is on the page.

But maybe @best3444has achieved some transcendent state where he cranks one out to the thought of the color green or the smell of the ocean.

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9 minutes ago, sblfilms said:

This is pretty much it. One can make the cherry-picking point, but that doesn’t really change the question, it just reveals that people’s beliefs are far more complex than what is on the page.

But maybe @best3444has achieved some transcendent state where he cranks one out to the thought of the color green or the smell of the ocean.


Maybe the ocean smells like pusssssssyyyyy

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3 minutes ago, Rachel said:

Is it? Some Christian sources don’t think so. There are many ways around it. Different groups of Christians believe different things. People will use the Bible to justify things as they see fit. People use the Bible to justify masturbating and also to condemn it. If it were factual and objective we wouldn’t be here having this thread. 


There are some flavors of Christianity that don’t think of “sin” in the same way that best was talking about it in the OP at all. But to the best of my knowledge, Catholic churches, Evangelical Protestant churches and Mainline Protestant churches, in general, consider masturbation a sin. That certainly doesn’t cover all Christians in the US, but it’s close enough for me to feel okay painting with a broad brush on this topic specifically.

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16 minutes ago, stepee said:

My only concern is the initial post is similar to one you would see before the person shoots up a bunch of people.

There’s literally cum dripping out the dude’s ears atm. Slack must be cut.

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