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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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4 hours ago, MarSolo said:

Tonight I learned @Dodger hates immigrants because they gave him a low credit score and a small penis.


I live in a pretty heavily black area of Philadelphia. I’m like THE Italian in that neighborhood (therefore, probably the only user on this board that can safely say he actually has a 9” penis... because Sicilian).



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He probably won't win the primary. And even if he did win the primary, the Democrats are sure to win regardless in 2020.  But I think this is a good sign that there is at least one person who is willing to primary Trump.  Since he's so far removed from the GOP establishment at this point, he's got nothing to lose.  I doubt any "real" GOP member will end up in the primaries, because they are too afraid they'll be shunned by the party afterwards.

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1 minute ago, Jose said:

By the way, in case anyone cares, the undocumented immigrant population has been declining significantly over the last 12 years. 




I mean we all know Dodger is pulling info out of his racist, felonious asshole, but here's the proof.




Fake news. He's seen the Mexican Ghettos with his own eyes. You have not!

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15 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:

He probably won't win the primary. And even if he did win the primary, the Democrats are sure to win regardless in 2020.  But I think this is a good sign that there is at least one person who is willing to primary Trump.  Since he's so far removed from the GOP establishment at this point, he's got nothing to lose.  I doubt any "real" GOP member will end up in the primaries, because they are too afraid they'll be shunned by the party afterwards.


I mean, that's the thing: there are plenty of people online making jokes, but why not actually challenge him since we make fun of so many Republicans who just furrow their brows?

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1 hour ago, Jose said:

By the way, in case anyone cares, the undocumented immigrant population in California has been declining significantly over the last 12 years. 




I mean we all know Dodger is pulling info out of his racist, felonious asshole, but here's the proof.



So even immigrants realize CA is a shithole. It doesn't matter what race you are in that state anymore, if you're going to live in Baldwin Park and make 40 grand a year and work in some random office in Glendale and sit in an hour plus of traffic each way you're going to be broke and miserable. But you'll at least be broke and miserable in decent weather. There's nowhere left to escape to anymore either. All the areas that were cheap but you just had a long commute 20 years ago are no longer all that cheap, and traffic is a nightmare. 


There's a reason people are leaving CA. If you aren't Jason making six figures two blocks from the beach, it's not really worth living there anymore. 

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1 minute ago, Dodger said:

So even immigrants realize CA is a shithole. It doesn't matter what race you are in that state anymore, if you're going to live in Baldwin Park and make 40 grand a year and work in some random office in Glendale and sit in an hour plus of traffic each way you're going to be broke and miserable. But you'll at least be broke and miserable in decent weather. There's nowhere left to escape to anymore either. All the areas that were cheap but you just had a long commute 20 years ago are no longer all that cheap, and traffic is a nightmare. 


There's a reason people are leaving CA. If you aren't Jason making six figures two blocks from the beach, it's not really worth living there anymore. 


So you finally admit that immigration has nothing to do with your perceived degradation of California since immigrants aren't pulling in 150k/year salaries and driving up the cost of living. Took awhile, but I'm glad we've worked through this tortured Socratic dialogue. 

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3 minutes ago, Dodger said:

So even immigrants realize CA is a shithole. It doesn't matter what race you are in that state anymore, if you're going to live in Baldwin Park and make 40 grand a year and work in some random office in Glendale and sit in an hour plus of traffic each way you're going to be broke and miserable. But you'll at least be broke and miserable in decent weather. There's nowhere left to escape to anymore either. All the areas that were cheap but you just had a long commute 20 years ago are no longer all that cheap, and traffic is a nightmare. 


There's a reason people are leaving CA. If you aren't Jason making six figures two blocks from the beach, it's not really worth living there anymore. 


Who is leaving California?


Figure 1

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7 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

Who isn't?


For many years, more people have been leaving California for other states than have been moving here. According to data from the American Community Survey, from 2007 to 2016, about 5 million people moved to California from other states, while about 6 million left California. On net, the state lost 1 million residents to domestic migration—about 2.5 percent of its total population. These population losses are low in historical terms. The graph below shows data from the Internal Revenue Service on the movement of income tax filers in and out of California since 1990. (Data on tax filers does not cover the entire population because some people do not earn enough income to necessitate filing taxes.) As the graph shows, net out-migration from 1990 to 2006 was, on average, more than double what is was in the most recent ten years. 


In convenient graph form:



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12 minutes ago, Dodger said:




So as liberals have increased their power (since 1988 it went red), the out-migration vs. in-migration is a lot closer, whereas it was huge when Republicans had more power. Interesting.


I still don't get what this has to do with immigration and poor brown people and why we're not angry at poor whites, but okay.

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1 minute ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

There's net domestic migration from California of about 100k people. There's also about 315k people who newly came to California from abroad as well. All from 2017 numbers via the census bureau.


I shouldn't have rushed that one.




Either way, point stands. The state looks to be growing about an average rate when compared to the rest of the country. Looks like expensive col states and states with a weak job market suffer the most, but it's probably not something the state really notices since California has a pretty young population compared to the rest of the nation.

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Not sure what's going on in this thread, but it seems like people are talking about where they live, so I'll just throw my hat in for reference.


I've pretty much spend my entire life living in rural Pennsylvania (AKA Pennsyltucky).  It's...not great.  Poverty is a big issue, and that's not even getting into the opioid and drug problems.  Thankfully, I finally now have a decent job, so I'm planning to finally have my own apartment soon near Harrisburg.


I also have a decent credit score (despite my huge student loans) and even with this new job I won't make more than 50k a year, but I should be able to manage.


Considering I was unemployed for years when this forum was first created, that's pretty huge.

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4 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


I shouldn't have rushed that one.




Either way, point stands. The state looks to be growing about an average rate when compared to the rest of the country. Looks like expensive col states and states with a weak job market suffer the most, but it's probably not something the state really notices since California has a pretty young population compared to the rest of the nation.


I expected Texas to be higher and Virginia to have a net migration to there. Interesting.


Nevada/Oregon aren't surprising, though. Minnesota is interestingly fairing better than the rest of the rust belt.


I love map porn.

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2 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


So as liberals have increased their power (since 1988 it went red), the out-migration vs. in-migration is a lot closer, whereas it was huge when Republicans had more power. Interesting.


I still don't get what this has to do with immigration and poor brown people and why we're not angry at poor whites, but okay.

I'm going to give you an example that you're going to completely miss the point of and I'll still be the evil intolerant racist but here we go


Let's say you live in Niceliberalville. You dutifully vote for progressive liberals in your town and now your town is filled with educated people with high paying jobs. The streets are pristine, crime is near nonexistent, the schools are excellent, everyone has healthcare and there is a strong social safety net that is rarely used, but it's there when people need it. People don't mind the high taxes because they can see the benefits of where their tax money is going


100 miles away is Badconservativetown. They have low taxes because fuck socialism, but their population is poor, unskilled, and uneducated. There is no healthcare and no social safety nets. Poverty and crime is rampant, the streets are filthy, the schools are failing. 


Badconservativetown wakes up one day and realizes that Niceliberalville is a really nice place to live. Instead of trying to fix Badconservativetown to make it like Niceliberalville, they all decide to immigrate to Niceliberalville. Niceliberalville is of course tolerate and progressive, so they would never think of refusing these people. They think there is no difference in peoples and that once people come to Niceliberalville they will see how nice it is and shortly get with the progressive program and everything will work itself out. They think they will even benefit from this immigration.


Nevermind that many (not all) people from Badconservativetown just want the benefits of Niceliberalville without having to bother to actually put in any of the work. Niceliberalville over the years starts to resemble Badconservativetown. Parts of Niceliberalville remain, but many areas now resemble Badconservativetown. Some of the natives wonder if letting in those people from Badconservativetown was really a good idea, but that's now illegal because criticizing Badconservativetown is now illegal hate speech because none of the tolerate people of Niceliberalville wanted to offend anyone from Badconservativetown.




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2 minutes ago, Dodger said:

I'm going to give you an example that you're going to completely miss the point of and I'll still be the evil intolerant racist but here we go


Let's say you live in Niceliberalville. You dutifully vote for progressive liberals in your town and now your town is filled with educated people with high paying jobs. The streets are pristine, crime is near nonexistent, the schools are excellent, everyone has healthcare and there is a strong social safety net that is rarely used, but it's there when people need it. People don't mind the high taxes because they can see the benefits of where their tax money is going


100 miles away is Badconservativetown. They have low taxes because fuck socialism, but their population is poor, unskilled, and uneducated. There is no healthcare and no social safety nets. Poverty and crime is rampant, the streets are filthy, the schools are failing. 


Badconservativetown wakes up one day and realizes that Niceliberalville is a really nice place to live. Instead of trying to fix Badconservativetown to make it like Niceliberalville, they all decide to immigrate to Niceliberalville. Niceliberalville is of course tolerate and progressive, so they would never think of refusing these people. They think there is no difference in peoples and that once people come to Niceliberalville they will see how nice it is and shortly get with the progressive program and everything will work itself out. They think they will even benefit from this immigration.


Nevermind that many (not all) people from Badconservativetown just want the benefits of Niceliberalville without having to bother to actually put in any of the work. Niceliberalville over the years starts to resemble Badconservativetown. Parts of Niceliberalville remain, but many areas now resemble Badconservativetown. Some of the natives wonder if letting in those people from Badconservativetown was really a good idea, but that's now illegal because criticizing Badconservativetown is now illegal hate speech because none of the tolerate people of Niceliberalville wanted to offend anyone from Badconservativetown.


This allegory is completely nonsensical given your admitted crux of the issue...It's not that people from Badconservativetown are moving to Niceliberalville and not contributing, it's that people lower on the economic totem pole in Niceliberalville are being priced out into areas that are closer to Badconservativetown. Immigration has fuck all to do with the wealth inequality and COL hikes that lead to your experience in California. 

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7 minutes ago, Dodger said:

I'm going to give you an example that you're going to completely miss the point of and I'll still be the evil intolerant racist but here we go



There's a thick irony to this since you've missed the point or straight up made things up throughout the thread, never mind one post doesn't erase years of history, but aight.



Let's say you live in Niceliberalville. You dutifully vote for progressive liberals in your town and now your town is filled with educated people with high paying jobs. The streets are pristine, crime is near nonexistent, the schools are excellent, everyone has healthcare and there is a strong social safety net that is rarely used, but it's there when people need it. People don't mind the high taxes because they can see the benefits of where their tax money is going


100 miles away is Badconservativetown. They have low taxes because fuck socialism, but their population is poor, unskilled, and uneducated. There is no healthcare and no social safety nets. Poverty and crime is rampant, the streets are filthy, the schools are failing. 


Badconservativetown wakes up one day and realizes that Niceliberalville is a really nice place to live. Instead of trying to fix Badconservativetown to make it like Niceliberalville, they all decide to immigrate to Niceliberalville. Niceliberalville is of course tolerate and progressive, so they would never think of refusing these people. They think there is no difference in peoples and that once people come to Niceliberalville they will see how nice it is and shortly get with the progressive program and everything will work itself out. They think they will even benefit from this immigration.


Nevermind that many (not all) people from Badconservativetown just want the benefits of Niceliberalville without having to bother to actually put in any of the work. Niceliberalville over the years starts to resemble Badconservativetown. Parts of Niceliberalville remain, but many areas now resemble Badconservativetown. Some of the natives wonder if letting in those people from Badconservativetown was really a good idea, but that's now illegal because criticizing Badconservativetown is now illegal hate speech because none of the tolerate people of Niceliberalville wanted to offend anyone from Badconservativetown.



Yup, figured.


Once again, why is the assumption that they immigrated there and are lazy? Especially when you're attacking people for having better credit and apparently making more money than you, which is again ironic since you're attacking people for living in and taking care of nice areas and contributing to the economy. I thought that's what you wanted? By the way you make yourself sound, you make yourself sound lazier and less successful than all of us, which apparently is a stereotype you apply to immigrants.


Why does this ignore the fact that you said it's due to not being able to afford living there (poor people aren't pricing things up: just ask the people of Florida who are being priced out being rich people with yachts jack up the price of property here)?


Why does this ignore that migration away from California was higher under Republican rule?


Here's your problem: you take the most surface-level analysis and think it's deep. You're saying things all of us have heard and squashed before from people who said it better. In your case, your analogy doesn't even make sense.

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24 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:


There's a thick irony to this since you've missed the point or straight up made things up throughout the thread, never mind one post doesn't erase years of history, but aight.



Yup, figured.


Once again, why is the assumption that they immigrated there and are lazy? Especially when you're attacking people for having better credit and apparently making more money than you, which is again ironic since you're attacking people for living in and taking care of nice areas and contributing to the economy. I thought that's what you wanted? By the way you make yourself sound, you make yourself sound lazier and less successful than all of us, which apparently is a stereotype you apply to immigrants.


Why does this ignore the fact that you said it's due to not being able to afford living there (poor people aren't pricing things up: just ask the people of Florida who are being priced out being rich people with yachts jack up the price of property here)?


Why does this ignore that migration away from California was higher under Republican rule?


Here's your problem: you take the most surface-level analysis and think it's deep. You're saying things all of us have heard and squashed before from people who said it better. In your case, your analogy doesn't even make sense.

Immigrants are lazy and simultaneously are taking all our jobs!

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2 hours ago, Dodger said:

So even immigrants realize CA is a shithole. It doesn't matter what race you are in that state anymore, if you're going to live in Baldwin Park and make 40 grand a year and work in some random office in Glendale and sit in an hour plus of traffic each way you're going to be broke and miserable. But you'll at least be broke and miserable in decent weather. There's nowhere left to escape to anymore either. All the areas that were cheap but you just had a long commute 20 years ago are no longer all that cheap, and traffic is a nightmare. 


There's a reason people are leaving CA. If you aren't Jason making six figures two blocks from the beach, it's not really worth living there anymore. 


Have you ever thought that maybe you have a shitty job and make very little money because you are a lazy and unmotivated guy? You have said here as much many times over the years. Blaming people even poorer than you because your life isnt what you hoped it would be is unfair.

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