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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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4 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Biden won EVERY COUNTY IN FLORIDA and ONE in Illinois. The fat lady would be singing if she wasn't coughing herself to death.


I heard they were gonna vote for Bernie because of marijuana legalization though I wonder what happened.

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4 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Biden won EVERY COUNTY IN FLORIDA and ONE in Illinois. The fat lady would be singing if she wasn't coughing herself to death.


All but one, you mean. I nearly thought he won just the Chicago area massively over everything else. :p 

  • Haha 1
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One more edit to go.


Republican Nominee:




Donald Trump - US President



Democrats who are running:




Joe Biden - Former Vice President of the United States




Bernie Sanders - US Senator from Vermont





Michael Bennet - U.S. Senator from Colorado

Bill de Blasio - Mayor of New York City

Michael Bloomberg - Former Mayor of New York City

Cory Booker - US Senator from New Jersey

Steve Bullock - Governor of Montana

Pete Buttigieg - Mayor of South Bend 

Julián Castro - Former mayor of San Antonio and Former Secretary of House and Urban Development under Obama

John Delaney - Former US Representative of Maryland's 6th District

Tulsi Gabbard - US Representative from Hawaii's 2nd District

Kirsten Gillibrand - US Senator from New York

Mike Gravel - Former Senator from Alaska

Kamala Harris - US Senator from California

John Hickenlooper - Former Governor of Colorado

Jay Inslee - Governor of Washington

Amy Klobuchar - US Senator from Minnesota

Wayne Messam - Mayor from Miramar, Florida

Seth Moulton - US Representative from Massachusetts

Richard Ojeda - Former State Senator from West Virginia

Beto O'Rourke - Former US Representative from Texas

Deval Patrick - Former Governor of Massachusetts

Tim Ryan - US Representative from Ohio

Mark Sanford (R) - Former Governor from South Carolina

Joe Sestak - Former U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania

Tom Steyer - Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager

Eric Swalwell - U.S. Representative from California

Joe Walsh (R) - Radio Host, Former US Representative from Illinois

Elizabeth Warren - US Senator from Massachusetts

Bill Weld (R) - Former Governor from Massachusetts, Former VP Candidate on 2016 Libertarian Ticket

Marianne Williamson - Activist

Andrew Yang - Entrepreneur and founder of Venture for America



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2 hours ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

Just stopping in to this thread to say that if Yang were still in the race he’d be riding a ‘well they’re implementing my idea in a national crisis whose got the best platform now beotch’ wave all the way to a November victory. :p


Getting free medical tests doesn't seem to be helping Bernie though.

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