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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib to endorse Bernie Sanders for president



Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, along with progressive freshmen Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, are endorsing Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, several sources told CNN on Wednesday.


The backing of three of the four "squad" members, with Ocasio-Cortez expected to formally announce her endorsement at a Sanders rally Saturday in New York City, is a welcome boost for the Sanders campaign, which has gone to great lengths to win over voters of color and create the kind of diverse coalition that mostly eluded it in 2016. Whether their support will sway progressive voters, who according to recent polls have been drifting toward Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, is less clear.


The fourth member of the "squad," Pressley, is noticeably absent. She's also a Massachusetts representative who I'm guessing may want to endorse Elizabeth Warren.


Unless she endorsed someone and I didn't notice.

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A few things:

-no one should be shocked they're endorsing Bernie. He's by far the closest to them ideologically and AOC literally worked on his campaign, and is the reason she got into electoral politics. I don't think it will really hurt them because they're already relatively marginalized within Congress.

-I thought Bernie's campaign was too white?!?


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