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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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26 minutes ago, Jason said:





I am kind of surprised that the Republicans haven't even attempted to sell the message that the Bible says it's a sin to have an abortion....if you're white. But for others it just fine.


Sure, it's a blatantly bullshit argument, but that has never stopped conservatives or Christians before....

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2 hours ago, Chairslinger said:



I am kind of surprised that the Republicans haven't even attempted to sell the message that the Bible says it's a sin to have an abortion....if you're white. But for others it just fine.


Sure, it's a blatantly bullshit argument, but that has never stopped conservatives or Christians before....


Racists love abortions, because it’s disproportionately Browns and blacks having them.

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1 hour ago, Dodger said:


Racists love abortions, because it’s disproportionately Browns and blacks having them.


in my experience this isn’t true. like i know A LOT of old fucks that use the n word to describe anyone with any skin pigmentation at all. and all of them are pro-life. 

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12 hours ago, Dodger said:


Racists love abortions, because it’s disproportionately Browns and blacks having them.



Come on now, we all know the only people who love abortions are conservatives who force their mistresses to get one.


I mean, on the exact day they love them, then for the rest of the time they go back to lecturing the rest of us on family values.

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I was just talking to my buddy today who's a lawyer out in Houston. He and his wife worked on both the Lizzie Fletcher and Beto campaigns. He said something very interesting to me. Basically, he prefers Warren in terms of that is who he would rather be president, but that does not mean he will necessarily vote for her. For him, a big factor will be who will have the most positive effect down ballot in Texas. He is pretty sure that Warren would do terribly downballot wise in Texas, and that is why he may not vote for her. 

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This is making its rounds about Biden.



The thread is there in his first big interview before his inaugural Senate run: “I have some friends on the far left, and they can justify to me the murder of a white deaf mute for a nickel by five colored guys. They say the black men had been oppressed and so on. But they can’t justify some Alabama farmers tar and feathering an old colored woman,” Biden said in November 1970, just as he was coming onto the political scene. He had just won his first election to the New Castle County Council, and he was featured in a major profile in the Wilmington, Delaware, News Journal with a splashy headline: “Joe Biden: Hope for Democratic Party in ’72?”



“I suspect the ACLU would leap to defend the five black guys,” Biden continued in the interview. “But no one would go down to help the ‘rednecks.’ They are both products of an environment. The truth is somewhere between the two poles. And rednecks are usually people with very real concerns, people who lack the education and skills to express themselves quietly and articulately.”


Thoughts? Easy to see how he could change 50 years later. But I can also see someone looking at the second comment and seeing a parallel of the rhetoric from Trump and a large chunj of his supporters.

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1 hour ago, Jose said:

I was just talking to my buddy today who's a lawyer out in Houston. He and his wife worked on both the Lizzie Fletcher and Beto campaigns. He said something very interesting to me. Basically, he prefers Warren in terms of that is who he would rather be president, but that does not mean he will necessarily vote for her. For him, a big factor will be who will have the most positive effect down ballot in Texas. He is pretty sure that Warren would do terribly downballot wise in Texas, and that is why he may not vote for her. 

Maybe they can pressure Beto to run in Texas idk maybe it's better to have a good slate of candidates top to bottom, appropriate for their roles and region they're running for than one decent one at the top

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13 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Maybe they can pressure Beto to run in Texas idk maybe it's better to have a good slate of candidates top to bottom, appropriate for their roles and region they're running for than one decent one at the top


Obviously, but that is far more complicated and out of his hands. Everyone gives Beto shit for losing to Cruz, but the effect he had on Texas was tremendous.

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5 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

Thoughts? Easy to see how he could change 50 years later. But I can also see someone looking at the second comment and seeing a parallel of the rhetoric from Trump and a large chunk of his supporters.

My thoughts are exactly those that I expressed earlier.


There are literally dozens -- if not hundreds -- of examples that Diamond Joe could've used to illustrate his nauseating bi-partisan centrism that wouldn't have raised an eyebrow.  Instead he deliberately went against the advice of his aides  and chose to use as his example a man who literally advocated genocide against African-Americans.  Without even getting into the the galling racial aspects of this, it should call into question every aspect of Biden's judgment and by extension his fitness for the Oval Office.

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Civil Rights leader John Lewis defends Biden



“I don't think the remarks are offensive,” Lewis (D-Ga.) told reporters, recounting the range of unsavory people he’s worked shoulder to shoulder with. “During the height of the civil rights movement we worked with people and got to know people that were members of the Klan — people who opposed us, even people who beat us, and arrested us and jailed us.”


But, the longtime Georgia congressman declared, “We never gave up on our fellow human beings, and I will not give up on any human being."


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That ain't a new reason; he proposed that as a representative. It also has historical precedence.


The problem we have are so many soldiers who we remember on Memorial Day die after coming home due to lack of care, mental illnesses, and things that just never leave you once you've been honorably discharged. We send them to war but don't make sure they're ready for civilian life, just as we lied to first responders on 9/11 and then make it a fight just to get them health care. A, "Hey, if you want to go to war, pay up," tax I'd assume would be a deterrent since most people don't feel the impacts of war. 


Easiest solution is to stop going to war. :| 

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Former Pennsylvania representative Joe Sestak is the 25th Democrat running for president.



Joe Sestak, a retired three-star Navy admiral and former two-term congressman from Pennsylvania, on Sunday became the latest Democratic contender to announce a bid for the presidency.


Sestak, in a video released on his campaign website, drew heavily on his naval career, saying he “wore the cloth of the nation for over 31 years in peace and war, from the Vietnam and Cold War eras, to Afghanistan and Iraq and the emergence of China.”



“The president is not the problem,” he said. “He is the symptom of the problem people see in a system that is not fair and accountable to the people.”

Sestak said two of his “primary objectives” were “putting a brake on climate change and putting an end to an illiberal world order’s injustices, from China’s control of the 5G network to Russian interference in democratic elections.”


On his website, Sestak also released a number of policy plans on health care, jobs and economic protections, climate change and environmental protections, and other key issues.


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I would rather buy schools books and other materials than pay for most law degrees.


I'd pay for medical degrees if it was paired with a sharp decrease in Medicare compensation. Forcing doctors into taking high salary jobs is a detriment to everyone's healthcare affordability.


The list goes on.


Canceling all student loans is a neat sound byte but it's not good policy.

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