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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. Went on a major FPS binge this weekend and finished Quake Remastered, got a good ways into Titanfall 2 and then bought Doom Eternal and played a lot of the campaign so far?
  2. The soundtrack and overall sound design was actually my favorite part of this game. Really beautiful music.
  3. I've had my FB account deactivated, not deleted, for several years now and I logged back in to download pictures and fully delete it over the weekend. What a fucking mess my wall was, it just reinforced how much I disliked the whole concept. When it's not idiotic political nonsense I don't care about, it's just everyone complaining or posting something legitimately cool nobody interacts with anyway. What a shitshow all in all and I still have a couple friends where I wish I wouldn't have seen a certain side of them and lived in blissful ignorance instead and remained friends.
  4. I've been on a massive FPS kick because of the Quake remaster. Ended up buying Titanfall 2 and Doom Eternal because it was on sale. I had originally tried it as a rental when it came out and didn't like a lot about it despite the gunplay being fun so I decided to give it another shot. I think I've almost beaten it now and man, outside of the core combat mechanics this game is such a bloated, silly mess. I get what the devs are going for with the whole ultra-self-aware thing but I've never played a game, even including the silliest anime Action game plots like Devil May Cry, that felt so dumb and lost in its own joke to a cringeworthy degree. Everything from the absurdly garish and eye-searingly ugly and confusing level aesthetics to the throwaway "plot" that interrupts way too often to the endless meme-ish collectibles feels like devs screaming "GET IT? GET IT!?!? IT'S LIKE...REALLY METAL AND STUPID DUDE!" in my face nonstop. It's weird because I still think there's plenty of great Character Action style ideas in here and it often hits fantastic highs during combat but then there's also such a mountain of other shit that it constantly trips over at the same time. I think I've only died a handful of times tops so far (on Hurt Me Plenty that is) so it's not like I find the game very difficult or don't understand the various systems, I just don't actually like the flow of literally constantly having to monitor my ammo and armor like a hawk. I wouldn't mind the whole chainsaw/flamethrower/glory kill thing if they hadn't designed this sequel around the absolute necessity to use each very frequently. Again, I get what they were going for but I find it highly annoying personally. The actual gunplay and especially fantastic gore/damage system is really satisfying and fun that I wish I could just focus on all that instead of the endless micro-management. My biggest gripe however might be the, to me at least, bizarre focus on platforming sections. I get what they were going for here as well, breaking up the exhausting combat arenas, sure, but I just find it...just fucking weird and pretty boring at the same time? First person platforming just never feels good to me outside of maybe Metroid Prime but in a Doom game it feels extra bizarre to me. The whole game feels like a 14 year old kid's ADHD attack turned into a video game seemingly without any edits and it's sometimes fun and endearing but often a big 'why...? because it's ironic?'. But then you have really great ideas like the addition of weak points to the Mancubus, Arachnatrons etc., and them kind of doubling down on the original Doom's idea of certain weapons being specific to certain enemies. I really like that, I really like how much they improved the damage models and overall punchiness of weapons and gunplay and I think earlier on the combat encounters are at least a little more structured than Doom '16. Doom was my favorite game for ages, I grew up with it and had posters of it and shit, so I totally get that the formula has to evolve to stay even vaguely relevant. I just don't like the evolutionary path the reboot series has followed personally. Despite how much I've trashed aspects of it, I still think it's probably a 7/10 for me somehow because when I DO get in the flow and manage to ignore all the shit that pisses me off, it does feel exhilarating and the gunplay is fantastic. Especially playing through Quake Remastered literally hours before this and Doom 64 again at the same time, I just wish reboot Doom could've followed a more atmospheric, dark and imposing path instead of feeling like the gaming equivalent of a Monster energy drink and reddit Metal memes smashed together by a teenager with severe ADHD. Then again, this formula is clearly working for them, people seem to love this game overall, so I think it's a bit of an old man yelling at clouds thing for me. On that note, I'd urge anyone who hasn't played it to buy Doom 64. It's always been one of my favorite classic Doom games and it really holds up if you're into that. The soundtrack and oppressive atmosphere are especially fantastic.
  5. I'm still consistently entertained by the insane and funny amount of anachronisms in Wu-Tang: American Saga. I'm sure it doesn't have some massive budget so I get it but jesus, it's nonstop and in the most obvious ways I've seen in any show I think?
  6. I mean I have no idea but weirder shit has happened...maybe it was a ricochet situation of sorts? The fact it actually killed one person and seems to have substantially injured another makes me wonder if it was something else than a straight point & shoot at the cinematographer.
  7. I don't think I've ever actually finished a single GTA game before come to think of it. The novelty and fun in those was always randomly fucking around for me. I'd do missions, sure, but I'm not sure I ever actually finished one. I'd usually get my fill before that and drop it. I'm not sure how much time I spent in San Andreas getting as fat as possible and riding the bike.
  8. First thing I wondered. I remember these games mainly being kind of difficult at times because the controls were incredibly unwiedly even for the time. I'm still curious to revisit these especially with updated controls but I think the biggest bummer here will be the soundtrack. They're not mentioning it and I doubt they re-licensed all those tracks and I think 80% of my nostalgic memories for these games is based on the radio stations ironically.
  9. What a fucked up situation all around and that picture of Baldwin is just horrible. I wonder what the investigation will reveal ultimately, it seems wild to me that one person died and another was seemingly seriously injured with one shot in general. So many potential scenarios when I read that headline...was he dicking around and underestimated the actual power and fired the thing right in front of both? Did someone pull a Brandon Lee?
  10. I finally gave Titanfall 2 a proper try and man, this game is really good.
  11. Replaying Castlevania: SotN, the "Requiem..." PSN version. Weird to hear it with different voice acting than the PS1 original but anyway. Still love the game as much as always.
  12. Didn't connect the dots in your post saying 'sagas', I see that now! This has been on my 'must read' list for like 10 years...
  13. Is there a book you can recommend? Or well, any other reading material I mean.
  14. That's an utterly fantastic bad pun.
  15. I've been meaning to watch this as well. Good reminder, thanks. The name keeps fucking me up too, I never not read Reservoir Dogs.
  16. I went into this one completely blind and thought it was fantastic until it seemed to just stumble all over itself in the last couple episodes. Anyway, thought the show was at its absolute best when it was simple, lean and focused on its central characters' humanity.
  17. I've been to Haiti, near Marigot specifically, and yeah, it wasn't one of my wisest decisions even though I was staying with locals.
  18. This is so obscure but the person that immediately popped in my head was Sam Kinison.
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