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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. We really should consider rubbers in the future.
  2. Out of all the baffling shit in the last two pages, the fact someone under like 50 doesn't know what The Onion is in 2021 is the wildest to me. I'm dieing to find out how that could've happened.
  3. I've been going through the Ramones discography post-1980 and it's been a depressing endeavor.
  4. I don't know why the fuck I clicked on that but...here it is: “When I returned from my Mormon mission and moved to Provo, Utah, I heard rumors about ‘soaking,’ which is when a male places his penis in a woman’s vagina and that is it. No moving. No thrusting. No orgasms,” 36-year-old Gary Knauer, who lives in Oregon, told The Post. “I talked to a few friends who had ‘soaked.’ I hear that Mormons still do this.” Turns out whisky turns me Mormon, who knew!
  5. I just watched this video on mute while Bruce Springsteen's Nebraska was playing. Pure apocalyptic sadness!
  6. I think if that aspect sold you on Fire Walk With Me specifically, Mulholland Drive will be right up your alley. I personally think it has the added impact of feeling like his most immediately human movie if that makes sense. The film is up to interpretation but for me it's the magnum opus of capturing the exploitative, destructive and surreal reality of Hollywood and America's obsession with celebrity and their perfect lives. If Twin Peaks lays bare the vile shit below the surface of smiling small towns, Mulholland is the horror of Hollywood. If you end up watching it, tag me if you post impressions. Edit: Also if you love Fire and Twin Peaks in general I have a hard time thinking you wouldn't love Blue Velvet and Mulholland Drive especially.
  7. David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive is getting a new 4K UHD Collector’s Edition WWW.LIVEFORFILM.COM To celebrate the 20th anniversary of David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive, STUDIOCANAL and CRITERION are releasing a brand new 4K restoration of the iconic 2001 [...] I know there are a few Lynch fans here and I absolutely love this new Edward Hopper-ish artwork particularly.
  8. I did this with Better Call Saul. I loved the show but had to stop watching it on TV because the constant commercials ruined the moodiness and the I felt like the plot was too dense to have constant interruptions and a drip-feed once per week. I ended up just shelving it and waiting for the seasons to come out on Netflix.
  9. Six Feet Under was the first show I was so blown away by that I binge watched it. That show was big for me and the definition of entertainment actually challenging me and making me think. Edit: I went to Blockbuster and rented a whole season at a time, go back, rent the next.
  10. Possessor - 8/10 It's been a while since a movie managed to catch me off guard but the opening pulled me in right away and had me paying attention 100%. This absolutely carries on his father's tradition but it never felt contrived or cheesy but instead I actually found it surprisingly unsettling. The violence especially is ugly and cold and doesn't feel like fun movie violence. I also very much appreciated that the film veers into the surreal but never loses its rather concise and easy-to-follow narrative, something I find almost refreshingly surprising in a time where every indie/artsy film seems to think being more obtuse = bigger artist. It seems to know that at its heart it's an ugly B-movie and always keeps one foot firmly planted there. I dig it and I'm really curious to see his next project. Unsane - 6.5/10 Another unsettling and claustrophobic one this weekend. It's a shame it didn't stick the landing ultimately with its seemingly 'we don't know where to take this...fuck it' ending section but the rest up until then had me feeling all sorts of paranoid and worried for the main character. Interestingly enough, I thought some of the dialog was really great and sold the movie. A cool experiment that was close to being great and good but tripped over itself by the end. Also the whole 'shot on an iPhone' shit really worked until it didn't and once a few sub-par actors got involved, it felt too much like a bad stage play in certain scenes.
  11. I saw it in the theater. Imagine a 10 year old video-game-obsessed kid actively knowing that the movie of his favorite game is garbage. THAT'S how bad it was...even I knew.
  12. I actually just bought both Spelunky and Dead Cells because of Returnal. I was of course aware that Returnal isn't some sort of overarching example of rogue design but my love for that game definitely has majorly warmed me up to the overall idea of it. I haven't played Dead Cells yet but really enjoyed my time with Spelunky. I ended up deleting it just because it was so difficult that I was never able to unlock the shortcut to World 3 but I still had a lot of fun with what I did enjoy about it, including, surprisingly enough, the structure of it.
  13. I expected to fucking hate it and it ended up being one of the games of the gen for me. It's an oddly hypnotic, addictive and fascinating game but when you watch videos, it looks like the opposite. Despite loving it and still thinking about it regularly, it's one of those games I'm not sure I'd recommend because it's super weird and I'm not sure who would like it particularly.
  14. Was at the diner this morning and heard some dude utter the following gem: "Covid only exists on CNN, nowhere else" Followed by a loud tirade about how the current generation will turn America into Venezuela.
  15. Good. Nobody's gonna take away MY freedom to cripple my child for life and then have the American government not help at all because we're not a fucking communist hellhole like Sweden!
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