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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I use my thicc ass to smash doors shut in a display of sheer Alpha dominance exclusively.
  2. Still progressing through Subnautica slowly, barely been playing anything else. Progress feels like such an achievement in this game, it's great.
  3. That language right here, and I see that a lot with cop-related shit it seems, makes me shudder alone. The whole modern day inquisitor/god's warrior Good vs Evil biblical shit. No wonder they do whatever the fuck they want with that mindset.
  4. Don't be coy my man, we both know we're thirsting for Returnal 2. If they announced that, I'd cry.
  5. Yeah I'm still playing here and there as well. It's one of those "so fucking good, nothing else feels as cool now" games. Eagerly awaiting some sort of DLC announcement (hopefully).
  6. Looked up some reviews of S2 after finishing S1 and yeah, gonna skip it for now. The ending absolutely tied the whole thing together with a bow on top for me. Like you said, very rare. I feel like a rather large amount of shows and movies I watch at this point fuck up the ending in some way. The show is actually motivating me to read about Inuit culture and folklore/mythology. I'm really curious about the origins of the beast and some other aspects. I know next to nothing about them but the show got me really interested.
  7. Yea for me I mean. The cover image on Hulu looked cheesy as hell and I had never even heard of it. I just checked it out because I was bored and the description sounded cool enough. Did not expect that kind of caliber of a show whatsoever.
  8. Change that The Terror: S1 score to a 9/10. The last episode was fucking good. What a huge surprise this was.
  9. This is literally some of the dumbest shit I've ever seen and I say that as a man who has obviously lived through the Trump presidency.
  10. This made me want to check this flick out. I love isolated locations like that as well, one of my favorite little mini-genres if one can call it that even. Or types of settings rather. That scene in The Others where she tries to leave always gave me an 'isolated location' boner
  11. Are you into Candlemass' Epicus? That's one of my favorite albums of all time.
  12. My girlfriend is a 4th year med student about to enter residency and is told at least several times per week by patients that they do their own research and what does she know anyway, she isn't even a doctor yet.
  13. The tl;dr version of the subtitle thing is: "English" and not "English [CC]" for the more accurate translation Just had to check because I plan on watching it sometime this week.
  14. The Terror: Season 1 - 8.5/10 I'm on episode 9 right now so tonight'll be the last episode but unless this shits the bed massively, it's been a truly great show. I've really enjoyed the slow, methodical pacing and the atmosphere is impeccable. If slow, mounting dread is your cup of tea, I definitely recommend this one. Kiss Me Deadly (1955) - ?/10 I've been reading about this one for so many years, I finally decided to just buy the Criterion BluRay used because it isn't available for streaming. I made it about an hour into and stopped because I found it generally really boring and uninteresting. The opening was really cool and had a surreal vibe to it but it quickly seemed to devolve into a somewhat silly string of sillier conversations in people's apartments. Maybe I'll finish it another time but everything I've read about it lead me to believe it'll be much more atmospheric and weird than this.
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