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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. I feel too dumb for this thread but also thoroughly interested so I'll put that one on my book list. If I mentioned what I was currently really into reading about in here...and yes, it's astral projection.
  2. It's actually impressive that I've been signing up for every single network test since DSII with multiple emails each and haven't gotten into a single one. This is anti-German discrimination and I will SUE them.
  3. Started playing Death Stranding: Director's Cut in Widescreen & Quality mode on PS5 and it's fucking gorgeous. Got sucked back in and I'm off to a fresh new playthrough. I need it after the obnoxious mess that was Doom Eternal.
  4. I kind of want this to end up great just because it'd be extremely funny if the real Bloodborne 2 ends up being a Pinocchio game.
  5. Yup. Dark Souls on PS3/X360 has to be one of the worst performing games I've ever played. I mean it runs okay in quite a few areas but when it shits the bed, it absolutely tanks.
  6. It's lovely for sure but I beat the original PS3 version of Dark Souls twice total and it ran like absolute dog shit. I think Blighttown was in the low 10s most of the time.
  7. Tater Tots with spicy mayo is the shit
  8. I don't care how other people play their games obviously, nor do I care if they add options to any of these games, but I will say that Dark Souls made me really appreciate the feeling of danger and the heightened levels of excitement difficulty can add to the experience. I mean I grew up with arcade games, SNES and so on and yeah, shit was hard back then, but I just never finished games really. Dark Souls was the first time where I actively noticed how much its total disinterest in your player character in the context of its world adds to the atmosphere and isolation in the world. I fucking hated how hard it was at first, I even returned it to the store, and I ended up subjecting myself to its difficulty because the game was so goddamn compelling actually. I think I hit Blighttown or something when I thought about just how exciting and engaging this game felt compared to anything else I had played in years exactly because it felt dangerous just to explore that next room. Again, I don't care if they add the options for other people's sake at all of course, but I'm actually glad the game didn't give me any other option out of its uncaring feeling world. One of my favorite things about the first Dark Souls is still how much it pushed me and made me commit to what I was doing in-game like a real adventure. Sorry probably reiterated the same shit five times in a row, listening to an album on the side
  9. Sweet & Sour Chicken, hands down. Order it almost every single time when I order Chinese. There's a place a few blocks down from me that makes it just right with the pineapples and shit in the sauce...mmmm.
  10. Actually she rewatched The Wailing last night (and so did I) to try to figure it out. Still a lot of questions but I liked it even more the second time. Also, it's incredibly well paced for a 2:40h movie.
  11. That is such a flagrant fucking dick move that I kinda think it's funny again. Doing it with a Prius somehow makes it even better.
  12. I'll probably show her Mulholland Drive this weekend. I kind of gave her my personal breakdown of what I think the movie is and she was very interested in seeing it based on that at least.
  13. On another note, my girlfriend loved the somewhat ambiguous nature and psychological elements of it so I'm using this as a slippery way to set David Lynch movies loose on her this weekend. She's not a big movie watcher in general but I've been introducing her to more 'weird' cinema slowly and she really loved Dead Ringers the other week and now The Wailing, both surprised me quite a bit. She's pursuing a career in psychiatry so I'm cheaply using that against her to get her into my taste in psychological-nightmare movies har har har
  14. I actually didn't notice that, I was busy internally laughing at the dungeon they showed off being Catacombs of Carthus complete with the same skeleton enemy complete with the "putting its skull back on" animation. The level of recycling in this video was absurd in a kind of funny way.
  15. @Greatoneshere I'm curious to see what you think of this gameplay trailer knowing you also thought Dark Souls 3 was a recycle fest. It obviously has the open world spaces and verticality added but aside from that, I think based on what they've shown here, this game makes Dark Souls 3's level of recycling look amateurish. I actually laughed out loud at my screen for a second when I noticed that they wholesale reused the Souls sound effects library again.
  16. Tried starting the Doom Eternal DLCs but it's like they read my mind preemptively and knew what I disliked the most about the game and doubled way down on that. Not my cup of tea.
  17. He needs to go full method for this one and get fat as fuck on lasagna while smoking tons of weed
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