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Everything posted by Bloodporne

  1. First I went on a David Cronenberg binge and watched Videodrome, The Brood and Shivers again. I hadn't seen them in ages and was never too big of a fan before. I think I get them way more now and especially loved Videodrome. My girlfriend wanted to watch Midnight Mass and four episodes in, we've dubbed it Soliloquy: The Show.
  2. I can't get myself to care if this was obvious based on current laws or whatever when the precedence it sets is so glaringly fucking terrible. The kid is Owning The Libz incarnate and like a gas can thrown on the fire.
  3. I've been listening to this a lot lately. Strongly reminds me of David Cronenberg films' cold and eerie mood. I'd actually call this...very doomy for Ambient.
  4. I had to google it to even understand what the hell this is supposed to be about. Terrible trailer, cool looking film. I've never seen the original nor read the book but I'm actually a bit more interested in those than this one.
  5. Can we please tag every single recently acquired ResetERA poster? It's required education.
  6. Was just about to post this: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/582116-gaetz-says-rittenhouse-would-make-great-intern And also:
  7. And if you don't want to wait, if you're able to, play it via Dolphin Primehack with the HD texture pack. I've replayed it twice like that and the game is honestly gorgeous with the HD texture pack. They're AI-upscaled so not someone fucking with the original art direction or anything.
  8. When I lived in Florida, I heard rednecks say that all the time and usually there's a very slight pause after like "A..Black". I'm not saying the judge was about to break out the n-word but I've never heard someone say that and not essentially use it because they just caught themselves about say something way worse. It sounds like you're referring to a fucking animal, one of those seemingly small yet utterly loaded and repulsive things to say.
  9. One of the most poetic deaths of all time. What a legend.
  10. Hope you enjoy it! Let us know what you think about it when you play it.
  11. Chorizo for me. A deli nearby makes some good chorizo tacos
  12. Been trying to get into Hawkwind lately but it just isn't my cup of tea. I have several friends who swear by this band but it's way too fucking hippy woooaaahhh for me 90% of the time.
  13. All I have to say is that Peloton has some of the absolutely most infuriating commercials ever and I kinda love to hate them. YOU GOT THIS FAM, CRUSH IT, YOU ROCKED THAT WOW. Shut the fuck up
  14. Oh wow...now I get it. This sounds like one of those scenes from Naked Gun where Frank Drebin does a film noir speech.
  15. I've never even heard that title somehow wtf. I only saw Apocalypto a few years ago but thought that was great as well.
  16. I've never actually seen the narrated version which I keep reading sucks big time.
  17. Yup here it is. A good read too like his reviews tended to be in general Final Cut review
  18. I haven't read it in a long time so maybe those criticisms still stood but he did end up re-reviewing Blade Runner and giving it 4 stars in a pretty rare move.
  19. I thought I wouldn't either but I'm like 80% at Old Man Yelling At Clouds level
  20. Somehow I've never seen any of these fully besides Lethal Weapon 4 when it came out. I'm mainly surprised to see Mel Gibson potentially directing anything again. Also, I only watched 4 because I was a huge Jet Li fan.
  21. I actually fully agree with that! I know their critical reception at the time so I fully see the irony, that's why I said I illogically think this really and pointed out that they do say "stupid shit". I didn't mean my post as a retort to anyone else's at all, just that I have this weird thing where if something is classic to me, go to town being a bitch later on, I couldn't care less.
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