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~*Official #COVID-19 Thread of Doom*~ Revenge of Omicron Prime

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26 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


That's great and all, but I'd be curious to know how many people would actually be willing to visit a casino right after the stay at home order is lifted?  The poker chips alone are going to be petri dishes.  

McConnell will make it illegal to not go to casinos, and Pelosi will go along with it in return for a tax credit that benefits 0.005% of people. 

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4 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:

Watched this morning, fantastic.


Blocked in Canada, nooooo!


In other news: Kentucky, following statewide protests demanding the state reopen, has experienced its largest weekly increase in cases: https://www.newsweek.com/kentucky-reports-highest-coronavirus-infection-increase-after-week-protests-reopen-state-1498835


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2 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:



Easy solution, everyone is wheeled around in one of these filled with hand sanitizer:




But in seriousness, while some parts of the economy can eventually be slowly opened fairly safely (assuming that people still take it seriously...which is a big if), industries revolving around large, dense, gatherings really can't. Or if they are legally empowered to, people probably aren't going to return for a long time in large numbers.




I'm going to be honest:  one of the first places I wanted to visit after this quarantine was over was either a casino or a strip club.  But then I realized those are probably the two worst places to visit during a pandemic, lol.


So now...I have no idea what I would do.  Jot that it matters, since we're all stuck for at least two more weeks, and probably longer.

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39 minutes ago, PaladinSolo said:



Its like they're actively trying to kill people.

For the fact it calls out for people to come even if they're sick make me think this is just trolling to fuck with people. Yet if it's real, good luck for that city, they will stay locked down for much longer over that.

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2 minutes ago, chakoo said:

For the fact it calls out for people to come even if they're sick make me think this is just trolling to fuck with people. Yet if it's real, good luck for that city, they will stay locked down for much longer over that.


Plenty of dumbshits will not realize it's trolling and act on the call to show up sick. so that city is screwed either way.

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1 minute ago, Jason said:


Plenty of dumbshits will not realize it's trolling and act on the call to show up sick. so that city is screwed either way.

Oh I fully agree. The people showing up to these things are dumb as rocks and can't think for themselves. 

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2 hours ago, marioandsonic said:

I'm going to be honest:  one of the first places I wanted to visit after this quarantine was over was either a casino or a strip club.  But then I realized those are probably the two worst places to visit during a pandemic, lol.


So now...I have no idea what I would do.  Jot that it matters, since we're all stuck for at least two more weeks, and probably longer.

I just wanna visit my barber tbh. 

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I won't post all the results, but a comprehensive survey was done on Canadian attitude to COVID-19 this week: http://angusreid.org/covid19-return-to-normal/?fbclid=IwAR3APHd8_8hGbK6OSVXT42_Ond6q9aN-8DnFtx0llOHXonR0THWyBK1_-r8


Summary of some stuff:

  • Vast majority believe it is too early to lift restrictions
  • Majority's major concern is passing it to others, not on getting it themselves
  • Majority think many restrictions will be lifted sometime between May and October
  • Conservative covers lean more towards opening earlier, but majority of them are still not in favour of lifting restrictions, yet
  • Strong majority think federal government has done good job, so far


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The county next to us had its first death on what was its first confirmed case. I'm a bit worried as one of our game night people's daughter frequents the store the guy was a clerk of (it was a convenience store across the street from their house). And her family isn't exactly the healthiest of groups. So here is hoping their don't contract and their played things smart. 

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Some good news for Ontario (on a really bad news day). Latest models seem to point at community spread having peaked, yet things are still intensifying at Long Term Care homes.  The bad news being that Ontario hit a new high of 606 new cases today. =(






They also think Ontario will be under 20k cases total for this wave. 


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