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The Big Thread of British Elections

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17 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

Nevermind tomorrow - Corbyn resigns tonight.

I don't think he is that bad but he should resign. I kinda like him. Not gonna lie this torpedoes my Bernie hopes though.


I need to buy my Union Jack pajamas before the band breaks up.

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I'm not that familiar with British politics, but in the end I think the Labor thought that their economic message would overcome their poor messaging on Brexit. They were wrong. They needed a clear message and promote a clear alternative to Johnson's no plan Brexit and they couldn't, and frankly any party that couldn't do that probably didn't deserve to win. I feel like there is so much evidence and so many good arguments that any Brexit, and a hard Brexit in particular, is a really bad idea. Not taking a hard position on the most important topic of the day was bound to be problematic, though I wouldn't have guessed it would be this bad for them.


I also think that's why this result doesn't have any real implications for the US election. If anything, the Democrats are the ones promoting plans of action. Whoever ends up winning the primary will have something of a plan for healthcare at the very least, something the GOP hasn't come up with since Obama stole their only idea. It also helps that there is much less required for the US vote to swing. Where the Conservatives have won the popular vote in the last two elections, Trump lost the popular vote. The electoral college will likely still act as a bit of a handicap, but still, the point is the elections will under very different circumstances.

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Kinda hard to say the brits don't want this now...


It seems like they'll vote just to be done with the nonsense, consequences be damned. I don't think American voters are like that.


Can't have helped that Corbyn was not only disliked but didn't really campaign to stop brexit. You can say he ran a left campaign on many issues but on the key issue here why would anyone pick Corbyn flavored brexit? It'd be like Bernie running a campaign saying Donald Trump isn't a racist and impeachment isn't necessary... ah shit.

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1 minute ago, Anathema- said:


I dunno I don't see how he lacks the vote for whatever he wants. It was thin before but a 50 seat majority now? It's dealer's choice.


He's got 11 months to get a trade deal done with the EU, if it can't get done by then they have to extend or hard brexit.

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10 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


Boris will happily hard brexit and the conservatives will follow.


A lot the seats that Labour lost, strong labour seats, are still Labour and aren't crazy Brexiteers. Boris is going to have to closely evaluate where his party is at since this is such a massive shift, Conservative Remainers and the Labour Conservatives could kill his majority. 

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23 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:

Imagine going back to say, 1750 and showing British nobility of the day what has happened to the world's most powerful empire.

I'd be pissed. They'd probably execute you though.


However I feel two devestating world wars and the rise of a desire for self governance would have killed it eventually. Even the one world war was pretty bad for them. 

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