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~*Colin Trevorrow's Star Wars: Episode IX - Duel of the Fates OT*~

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Gut reaction: this is not a good movie, and it didn’t give me my one request of it “at least make the fan service good”.  I’m honestly not even sure I actually enjoyed much of it. There are a few scenes that work well, but that seems mostly due to the prior attachment I have to the characters. I’ll give it another watch now that I know what to expect and maybe I will appreciate it more.



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I'm rewatching The Force Awakens now. And man... there's a whole bunch of "HEY REMEMBER THIS THING/WORD/MOMENT?!" I'm really not all that jazzed about this movie, looking back. All that stuff is just distracting. But the characters in this movie are just SO WELL DONE. 

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I’m seeing reports that there was a standing ovation after the screening last night. That is patently false. The only one of those was for John Williams before the showing when he came onstage. I’d say people were cheering enthusiastically afterwards and one guy yelled “yes thank you JJ!” after something that I can’t remember. 

Talking with a number of people I didn’t know at the after party (around a dozen so not a huge sample) they mostly felt like me in that it was fun but had some glaring issues. 

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1 hour ago, CayceG said:

I'm rewatching The Force Awakens now. And man... there's a whole bunch of "HEY REMEMBER THIS THING/WORD/MOMENT?!" I'm really not all that jazzed about this movie, looking back. All that stuff is just distracting. But the characters in this movie are just SO WELL DONE. 

Yeah I was super hyped the first couple times watching TFA and then when the nostalgia wears off it’s just like ugh 

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5 minutes ago, johnny said:

Yeah I was super hyped the first couple times watching TFA and then when the nostalgia wears off it’s just like ugh 


But I'll say this. I'll rewatch for the characters. 


In the original trilogy, I was interested in the story. The setting. The lore. I wanted to see the defeat of the Empire and I wanted to see the Good Guys win. The redemption of Vader was really just the icing on the cake. 

I was never really invested in Luke's journey to become a Jedi. That seemed so small potatoes compared to the whole galaxy's struggle. 


But in the Sequels, I CARE about the Jedi and how the Force reveals itself in the characters. TFA and TLJ did that. Begrudgingly, I'll admit that JJ Abrams helped reveal that. Was some of it contrite? Yes. But it was really done way better than the prequels did it, certainly. The correction of the trajectory of the Jedi that TLJ brought was what did it for me. Luke's realization and what he taught Rey, and how it was all revealed at the end is what solidified it for me. 


In terms of the struggle against the First Order, it looks like Rebels vs. Empire, but it doesn't feel that way. It honestly feels like two small warring factions in a larger galaxy that just descended into lawlessness (also, thanks to the Mandalorian for revealing more of that lore). That struggle is important, but Rey, Finn, and Poe are the center for me. 



Star Wars for me used to be about the World being built. The sequels finally revealed to me the heart in the characters. And I trust that this won't be thrown away with Rise of Skywalker. The other stuff is really secondary. And I think that's what the filmmakers intended all along. 


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50 minutes ago, IdeaOfEvil said:

It's so odd that every spoiler and review posted so far has only talked about the

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What happened to:

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Finn, Poe, and Hux? Is Phasma there? Chewie, Lando, Wedge, etc...




Honestly, nothing of significance happens to them, at least in the grand scheme of the driving plot of the movie. They are all ancillary to the force users and only serve to move that story along. Hux has an interesting thing or two, but gets well...Huxed. It is all about Rey and Kylo. 

Phasma died in TLJ  


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12 hours ago, Anzo said:



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Rey is a Palpatine 


So the emperor has been sort of a puppet this whole time, on Exegen this sith planet, he is hooked up to this machine that is constantly being tended to by sith acolytes. His body is all mangled and hooked up to a machine. 

Well, since he died I mean. He created snoke, they show a machine with clone snokes  like Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

So the Emperor has been pulling the strings ever since the end of ROTJ. He started the seeds of the First Order.

The very first scene is Kylo finding a sith way finder holocron and going to that planet. He wants to kill the emperor but the emperor persuades him that he needs Rey.

The “Force Time” mechanic set up between Rey and Kylo is used a lot, as is the force projecting that Luke does.

Rey fights him on the death star like we’ve seen in the trailers. Kylo is about to kill her but Leia uses the force to Reach out to him, he gets distracted, Rey stabs him. That force out reach kills Leia. It is shown in an earlier scene however that Rey has learned how to “Force Heal” living things, so as Kylo is dying, from a saber wound, she heals him.

Earlier Kylo says that he offered her his hand before (in TLJ) but she didn’t take it, that he saw in a vision that she would take it and they would rule the galaxy together after killing the emperor.

So after she heals him she says “I would take your hand, Ben’s hand” and leaves.


That shakes Kylo, he then has a “force memory” of Han Solo of the scene between them in TFA, but it works out differently when Ben “comes back” he throws off the Kylo then mantle, chucks his saber into the ocean  


Might sound dumb on paper but it was perhaps my favorite thing about this movie.


So later, Rey goes to exegen alone to confront the emperor alone. He tells her though that by striking him down his spirit and the spirit of all the sith will transfer to her because she is doing it in anger she will become the new emperor.

Ben follows, he is confronted by the Knights but doesn’t have a saber so is getting beat up bad. Rey, with the emperor, fights the temptation to kill him but instead feels Kylo is near and “Force Times” or “force faxes” him Luke’s saber while she pulls out Leia’s. He then kills all the Knights and joins her.


It was set up earlier that their connection via force timing is really strong now and they can pass objects back and forth, fight each other physically when in different locations. It is believable set up tbh.

Anyway, the emperor is defeated in an cool way but Rey totes dies in the process. Ben has been knocked down a pit during the fight but comes back up later. He sees Rey dead, he uses the force heal power to bring her back. They embrace, kiss and then Ben dies and his body disappears like Luke’s did. So he is gone gone.


Yeah, but this is called Rise of Skywalker right? She goes to Tatooine to Luke’s original home, buries Luke and Leia’s sabers there, a random woman walks by and asks who she is. “I’m Rey.” “Rey who?”


She looks over in the distance and sees Luke and Leia Force Ghosts smiling at her. “Rey Skywalker”. Movie ends.



Wait so...



Leia dies in the same manner as Luke did?  By using the Force so hard it drains her life.... force?


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