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Rian Johnson Star Wars Original Trilogy Moving Forward

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12 minutes ago, IdeaOfEvil said:

Trolls and non-Star Wars fans loved TLJ... Well, them and D1P posters :bj:


But you know, cool for Rian.

I saw the movie on the Thursday night before it premiered at a screening sponsored by a bunch of Star Wars fans with The Director of a Documentary ABOUT Star Wars fans in a theater FULL of Star Wars fans... They seemed to like it pretty well :shrug:

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32 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I saw the movie on the Thursday night before it premiered at a screening sponsored by a bunch of Star Wars fans with The Director of a Documentary ABOUT Star Wars fans in a theater FULL of Star Wars fans... They seemed to like it pretty well :shrug:

Doesn't mean shit. I was at the early showing of Phantom Menace, over have the audience in costume, DIE HARD fans...and yeah after it was over they all seemed to enjoy it as well...but I think everyone can now acknowledge was a turd it was. 


I have nothing against Rian and perhaps he can make a kick ass trilogy, but what he did with TLJ was shit on everything that had come before it. Granted TFA wasn't perfect by any stretch, but what Johnson did pretty much made any of the set of/foreshadowing seen in TFA pointless. 

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39 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

Doesn't mean shit. I was at the early showing of Phantom Menace, over have the audience in costume, DIE HARD fans...and yeah after it was over they all seemed to enjoy it as well...but I think everyone can now acknowledge was a turd it was.


I saw Phantom Menace twice in theaters and yeah it is bad.



39 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

I have nothing against Rian and perhaps he can make a kick ass trilogy, but what he did with TLJ was shit on everything that had come before it. Granted TFA wasn't perfect by any stretch, but what Johnson did pretty much made any of the set of/foreshadowing seen in TFA pointless. 




You are blaming the wrong person. If you want to blame anyone for making something pointless blame JJ Abrams for TFA.

The Last Jedi may not have been amazing but at least it wasn't a retread of episode IV making it a thousand times better than TFA.

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1 hour ago, EternallDarkness said:

Doesn't mean shit. I was at the early showing of Phantom Menace, over have the audience in costume, DIE HARD fans...and yeah after it was over they all seemed to enjoy it as well...but I think everyone can now acknowledge was a turd it was. 


I have nothing against Rian and perhaps he can make a kick ass trilogy, but what he did with TLJ was shit on everything that had come before it. Granted TFA wasn't perfect by any stretch, but what Johnson did pretty much made any of the set of/foreshadowing seen in TFA pointless. 

My point was he said no true Star Wars fan enjoyed TFA and in my experience that's not true. Also if you want to compare TLJ to TPM that's your prerogative... you'd be wrong... but it's your prerogative.

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I became so enthralled with movie theaters from my dad taking me to see a rep screening of Star Wars that I decided I wanted to own a movie theater...and then became a theater owner as an adult.


But definitely not a Star Wars fan. Checks out.

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31 minutes ago, TheLeon said:

It’s true. I’m a filthy troll that just loves watching Disney fuck this franchise into the ground. Or something. 

Have you gotten your Knights of Kathleen Kennedy (KKK for those of you who don’t know) membership card in the mail yet? 

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9 hours ago, johnny said:

I have no idea how he shit on everything before it. If you want to prove a point you might want to start by using non biased language. 


The entire original trilogy was about redemption. Luke went through hell, was willing to die rather than give up on his father and turn to the dark side, so what after one bad dream/feeling or whatever he considers killing his nephew? Sorry, that to me is shitting all over the character. Just killing off Snoke like he did? Seems quite pointless after TFA tried to build up some intrigue around him. The entire hey we only have 300 people left alive but we're not going to let ANYONE other than 2 people know what our escape plan is??? Seriously? I won't even get into Mary Poppins Lea or the insanely pointless Casino planet bullcrap. As I said, I have nothing against the guy and I'll see his trilogy, but I thought TLJ was crap. It didn't even feel like the same characters as the previous movie. Of course I don't know what the plan was form the start in how this trilogy was to go. It didn't seem like there was a unified vision for the overall story. JJ made a movie and then Rian comes along and does whatever he wants? Was there no overall story arc planned? Seriously the things that people said were so brave and daring/unexpected for Rian to do in the movie felt like nothing more than some of the craptastic M. Night story twists!! I can just see him thinking: the audience will never see it coming!!! Of course they won't because it makes no sense. 


9 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:




You are blaming the wrong person. If you want to blame anyone for making something pointless blame JJ Abrams for TFA.

The Last Jedi may not have been amazing but at least it wasn't a retread of episode IV making it a thousand times better than TFA.


Honestly not sure who to plan, as I stated above not sure who was responsible for the trilogy story arc/ As for TFA being a retread of IV...there you are wrong, it's actually pretty much a retread of the entire original trilogy. IMO  Abrams seemed to cherry picked bits and pieces from all three films hoping to evoke a sense of nostalgia. And yeah I think for many it did just that. I, however, never claimed it was a good movie, lol. That most definitely is up for debate. I will say that at least the acting is better than in episodes 1-3.




8 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

My point was he said no true Star Wars fan enjoyed TFA and in my experience that's not true. Also if you want to compare TLJ to TPM that's your prerogative... you'd be wrong... but it's your prerogative.

Wasn't really comparing TLJ to TMP,  other than saying that Star Wars fan initial reactions were similar. Some cheered for TPM until they thought about it and realized it was a turd. 


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2 hours ago, Reputator said:

His movie made money, so why wouldn't he? Anyway the article says that he had been rumored to have walked away from the project, not that he was fired. So I'm not sure why @Greatoneshere and others are trying to drum up more shit with those of us who didn't like TLJ.


A ton of guys online were celebrating previous rumors that he was no longer attached to the project and was possibly fired. A lot of these guys also think that it failed financially since it didn't make as much money as "event movie with original cast returning for the first time in decades." 


He's not making fun of you; he's making fun of those weirdos.

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I’d like to consider myself a pretty big Star Wars fan. Not the biggest by any stretch, but my enjoyment of the franchise is more than just a casual interest. 


I really like TLJ. not a perfect Star Wars film. I found it far better than Ep I and II at least. 


The so called shitting on the films before it I did not get that at all. Sometimes life does not go as you planned, or think it will. Hell, Luke even warned Rey if that. 


I think the the reason I didn’t have a problem with certain things is as dumb as they were, or a waste of time, it was still believable that it could have happened. 


Rose and Finn going on a mission that has poor odds and fails. Yep. I can believe that. The general either not  trusting or feeling she does not need to give Poe the complete details of her plan. Irritating to watch the result, but also believable. I’m not saying the movie couldn’t flow better and be more enjoyable, because it definitely could. But I didn’t think they sunk the film. 

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I'm still not understanding why Vice Admiral Holdo needlessly killed herself at the end of the movie for no apparent reason.  This is a Universe where you've got  the likes of C3-PO and IG-88 running around and piloting ships and being employed as assasins and acrrying out covert missions......


It was a sacrificial death just for effect that was just....odd when you looked back on it.



Also...even Star Trek got it right 17 years ago....damn...I would have loved to see C3-PO got out like a badass





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3 hours ago, Reputator said:

His movie made money, so why wouldn't he? Anyway the article says that he had been rumored to have walked away from the project, not that he was fired. So I'm not sure why @Greatoneshere and others are trying to drum up more shit with those of us who didn't like TLJ.


You misunderstand me, see below: 


1 hour ago, SaysWho? said:


A ton of guys online were celebrating previous rumors that he was no longer attached to the project and was possibly fired. A lot of these guys also think that it failed financially since it didn't make as much money as "event movie with original cast returning for the first time in decades." 


He's not making fun of you; he's making fun of those weirdos.



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I consider myself a true Star Wars fan (own dozens of books, many lego sets, toys, games, movies, etc) and have loved it since I was 4 years old since I wanted to watch the VHS for "Return of the Jedd-ee," as I called it. And I loved TLJ and am lukewarm on TFA. My point is that there are no "true" Star Wars fans, just people who enjoy different things.

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4 minutes ago, Mercury33 said:

Oh the D1P Star Wars debate is back? Awesome! Can we bring back the Man of Steel debate tomorrow too please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Well, I did watch it with my nieces and nephews a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it even more this time... it actually gets better each time I watch it. I think it falls apart after the World Engine is destroyed and Supes and Zod get into their big catastrophic battle. That's when the filmmakers completely forget that this is a Superman movie and not Dragonballz.:whistlin:

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10 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Well, I did watch it with my nieces and nephews a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it even more this time... it actually gets better each time I watch it. I think it falls apart after the World Engine is destroyed and Supes and Zod get into their big catastrophic battle. That's when the filmmakers completely forget that this is a Superman movie and not Dragonballz.:whistlin:


I enjoy Man of Steel from start to finish. In fact I think it’s a better and more memorable movie than 90% of the cookie cutter stuff in the Marvel universe. Great visuals, great music. Loved it. 

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12 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:

Doesn't mean shit. I was at the early showing of Phantom Menace, over have the audience in costume, DIE HARD fans...and yeah after it was over they all seemed to enjoy it as well...but I think everyone can now acknowledge was a turd it was. 


I have nothing against Rian and perhaps he can make a kick ass trilogy, but what he did with TLJ was shit on everything that had come before it. Granted TFA wasn't perfect by any stretch, but what Johnson did pretty much made any of the set of/foreshadowing seen in TFA pointless. 


One of the reasons I liked TLJ is because it shat on TFA. 

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1 minute ago, Mercury33 said:


I enjoy Man of Steel from start to finish. In fact I think it’s a better and more memorable movie than 90% of the cookie cutter stuff in the Marvel universe. Great visuals, great music. Loved it. 

I wouldn't go THAT far but I think the part I pinpointed,  the Zod battle is where a lot of the "Superman wouldn't do that" criticisms come from.

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2 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:


The entire original trilogy was about redemption. Luke went through hell, was willing to die rather than give up on his father and turn to the dark side, so what after one bad dream/feeling or whatever he considers killing his nephew? Sorry, that to me is shitting all over the character. Just killing off Snoke like he did? Seems quite pointless after TFA tried to build up some intrigue around him. The entire hey we only have 300 people left alive but we're not going to let ANYONE other than 2 people know what our escape plan is??? Seriously? I won't even get into Mary Poppins Lea or the insanely pointless Casino planet bullcrap. As I said, I have nothing against the guy and I'll see his trilogy, but I thought TLJ was crap. It didn't even feel like the same characters as the previous movie. Of course I don't know what the plan was form the start in how this trilogy was to go. It didn't seem like there was a unified vision for the overall story. JJ made a movie and then Rian comes along and does whatever he wants? Was there no overall story arc planned? Seriously the things that people said were so brave and daring/unexpected for Rian to do in the movie felt like nothing more than some of the craptastic M. Night story twists!! I can just see him thinking: the audience will never see it coming!!! Of course they won't because it makes no sense. 


Well it's clear you were expecting a different movie/exact same Luke.

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46 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

I wouldn't go THAT far but I think the part I pinpointed,  the Zod battle is where a lot of the "Superman wouldn't do that" criticisms come from.


I don't know that the argument had to be "Superman wouldn't do that" -though honestly I don't think he would- it was more his insane reaction to having to kill zod...oh it's such a heart wrenching choice to make....it is? You've just destroyed have half the city and now killing this one jackass is a hard choice to make? It just didn't gel with what he'd spent the last 20 minutes doing. It would be like John Wick breaking down and crying when he's about to make his final kill of the film. 

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2 minutes ago, johnny said:

Well it's clear you were expecting a different movie/exact same Luke.


I was expecting a film that would make sense from the standpoint of the film that proceeded it. If you are going to make a trilogy even with different directors there should be a unified story. This just seemed like a crazy writing exercise I wasn't did in high school where the teacher gave a sentence and then each student passed the paper around adding a couple of their own sentences. And naturally high schools being what they are, the story turned into a complete and total incoherent crapfest. TLJ may have featured the same named characters as TFA but they didn't really seem to be the same characters, if that makes any sense. 

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1 minute ago, CitizenVectron said:

Also it shouldn't have to be repeated so often, but Luke in TLJ was Lucas' idea, and Rian followed the plan laid out by him (kooky Luke who rejects Rey). So even if you disagree, I don't see why Johnson gets the hate.


An idea being Lucas' doesn't make a good idea. After all Jar Jar says hi. 

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18 minutes ago, EternallDarkness said:

I don't know that the argument had to be "Superman wouldn't do that" -though honestly I don't think he would- it was more his insane reaction to having to kill zod...oh it's such a heart wrenching choice to make....it is? You've just destroyed have half the city and now killing this one jackass is a hard choice to make? It just didn't gel with what he'd spent the last 20 minutes doing. It would be like John Wick breaking down and crying when he's about to make his final kill of the film. 

Its been awhile since I've seen the movie, but isn't the context something along the lines of he is just learning more of his powers and facing someone like Zod is going to push him further than hes ever been? Its not like he could have just instantly killed him, nor do I remember him killing anyone prior to that so it would be his first time killing someone. Let alone one of his own race. 

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12 minutes ago, Nokt said:

Its been awhile since I've seen the movie, but isn't the context something along the lines of he is just learning more of his powers and facing someone like Zod is going to push him further than hes ever been? Its not like he could have just instantly killed him, nor do I remember him killing anyone prior to that so it would be his first time killing someone. Let alone one of his own race. 


It's been quite a while since I watched it as well, and when he kills Zod  it's probably the first time he is killing someone hands on, but he throws zod through freaking buildings, helps destroy half a city....are you telling me there were no deaths with all that destruction? 

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