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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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8 hours ago, Ricofoley said:

I hope he just picks up immediately where he left off at the end of the previous night


"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States."
"Ten times! Ten times you have to flush these toilets! We're gonna do something about that folks, believe me."

Each convention should last six months and consist of nothing but the candidates taking the stage at 8pm and saying a single sentence of their acceptance speech.

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1 hour ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

I think Biden could just have the military remove him once sworn in, being Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces and all.

If the only hiccup was he is in the building too long he could simply order the secret service to do so. But there's a thousand realistic things that can happen between now and Jan 20 to sow enough doubt as to who actually won the election and "legal" shenanigans to influence or alter the result.


What if the formal electoral results, which are often normally mailed through the USPS, are lost in shipment from Florida or Michigan or Pennsylvania? And the results don't get to the House by Dec 11? What happens then? What if the WI legislature sends one set of results and the SoS sends another? Whose counts? 


If you don't see the problems with our broken systems falling apart before Jan 20 you're out of your goddamn mind. That you aren't or won't or haven't considered these things bodes well for trump in his very open and obvious attempt to steal himself four more years (at least)

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13 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

If the only hiccup was he is in the building too long he could simply order the secret service to do so. But there's a thousand realistic things that can happen between now and Jan 20 to sow enough doubt as to who actually won the election and "legal" shenanigans to influence or alter the result.


What if the formal electoral results, which are often normally mailed through the USPS, are lost in shipment from Florida or Michigan or Pennsylvania? And the results don't get to the House by Dec 11? What happens then? What if the WI legislature sends one set of results and the SoS sends another? Whose counts? 


If you don't see the problems with our broken systems falling apart before Jan 20 you're out of your goddamn mind. That you aren't or won't or haven't considered these things bodes well for trump in his very open and obvious attempt to steal himself four more years (at least)


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28 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

Also, this is why there won't be that much tightening as we get closer to November


There just aren't that many people who don't know who they're voting for!

Also there aren't as many people identifying as Republicans, the missing 1-3% is probably in the independent column.

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538 has a good article showing trends in states since 2000 -- how blue or red they've shifted, which are usually Republican-leaning, which are usually Democratic-leaning, etc.


I'll emphasize that this doesn't show the popular vote in each state -- it shows how the state voted in relation to the national popular vote that year. So something like Florida, which voted Obama in 2008 and 2012, still was much closer than the national popular vote, whereas a state like Colorado voted for Obama by a larger margin.










There's more in the link with North Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, Maine, Michigan, etc.


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