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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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2 hours ago, mclumber1 said:

I would assume that Iowa democrats are more centrist than leftists.  If Buttigieg can make a convincing argument that his centrist approach is better for Iowans than Warren's leftism, I could see him eeking out a victory during the caucus. 


He won't win unless Biden somehow completely collapses and Warren fails to pick up the pieces. He needs at least two huge failures to have anything close to a real shot.

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18 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


So you're saying there is a chance



Yes but despite the polling I think Harris even has a better shot. Pete winning Iowa and New Hampshire won't translate to wins in the south but Warren might and Harris definitely would. Pete might be the only candidate who would almost certainly still lose even after winning the first two states.

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28 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


Yes but despite the polling I think Harris even has a better shot. Pete winning Iowa and New Hampshire won't translate to wins in the south but Warren might and Harris definitely would. Pete might be the only candidate who would almost certainly still lose even after winning the first two states.

I think he's the one who could lose 2020 because he will not get the support that a Democrat needs from the black community because of his time as South bend mayor

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32 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


Yes but despite the polling I think Harris even has a better shot. Pete winning Iowa and New Hampshire won't translate to wins in the south but Warren might and Harris definitely would. Pete might be the only candidate who would almost certainly still lose even after winning the first two states.

hes just not a good candidate. and while it shouldnt matter, him being gay will absolutel bring out a large GOP turn out against him, and even push a lot of centrist dems away. 

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7 minutes ago, TheGreatGamble said:

hes just not a good candidate. and while it shouldnt matter, him being gay will absolutel bring out a large GOP turn out against him, and even push a lot of centrist dems away. 


Christina Cauterucci, a writer at Slate, contends that because Buttigieg looks straight, is well-dressed, well-spoken, and has no overt flamboyance, he is unable to empathize with the hurdles other LGBT community members have to face. Jacob Bacharach of The Outline went a step further and demanded that Buttigieg is actually bad for the LGBT community.

Complaining, once again, that Buttigieg is white, educated, and boring, his main argument posits Buttigieg is far too conservative to adequately represent LGBT Americans. Aside from the common list of minority statuses Buttigieg lacks, Bacharach recoils at the idea of what Buttigieg and his husband portray to America—a clean, sexually monogamous, polite, financially secure, heteronormative stereotype. He seems uneasy that Buttigieg is not actively on the gay hook-up app Grindr, which he finds suspicious and offputting.


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22 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

I think he's the one who could lose 2020 because he will not get the support that a Democrat needs from the black community because of his time as South bend mayor


How much of the black vote did he get in his last mayoral election?  And what is his current approval rating among black people in South Bend compared to other voters?

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23 minutes ago, mclumber1 said:


How much of the black vote did he get in his last mayoral election?  And what is his current approval rating among black people in South Bend compared to other voters?

No one does polling in South bend, but here is an article about Mayo's democratic primary in 2015 before the police shooting there. In summary: not great in majority black precincts.


He got 80% of the votes in the general because it's a fucking city, no one votes for Republicans

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Who is the best center left candidate the Dems could nominate if it wasn’t Buttigieg ? It’s not exactly the best set of choices. Biden is old and is incoherent a lot of the time and he isn’t raising much money for his support level. No one else is raising money to be a serious threat in the primary, much less to Trump. 


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2 hours ago, Massdriver said:

Who is the best center left candidate the Dems could nominate if it wasn’t Buttigieg ? It’s not exactly the best set of choices. Biden is old and is incoherent a lot of the time and he isn’t raising much money for his support level. No one else is raising money to be a serious threat in the primary, much less to Trump. 



HRC, but that boat has sailed.

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44 minutes ago, thewhyteboar said:

Good. Fuck her. Her next job will be hosting a Fox News show.


If she runs 3rd party, wouldn't that hurt Trump? Trump did very well with the pathetic lonely online guy demographic (like DVD). Seems like Tulsi would siphon voters from that group.


I'm not watching a 7 minute video. What did she announce?

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She's gonna make a fuck ton of money on Fox news as "Tulsi Gabbard, former Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate"


She will continue to go on Fox and do the Republican talking points on impeachment, how the primary was rigged, etc. She's got to get credibility with the "we were wronged by the democrat party" segment so I'm guessing she leaves the party around the democratic convention.


Besides, she's already a big fan of Modi so her jumping to another right wing authoritarian wannabe wouldn't be too shocking.

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2 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

Odds of Tulsi pulling a Zell Miller?



You mean going full right-wing after putting "country over party?" I guess it could happen!


I'll admit: I didn't get how she would talk about the party "leaving her" and a future role on Fox when some were saying this when she first entered the race, but I'll be damned; it's playing out exactly like that, lol.

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