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Joe Biden beats Donald Trump, officially making Trump a one-term twice impeached, twice popular-vote losing president

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7 hours ago, 2user1cup said:

Look at them - that type of young (white) people have always existed. They just kept it behind their gated community before. 

I don’t know now true this is. I think there’s an extent to which that’s fair, but I also think that in the not too distant past people were much more willing to write off the behavior of young people as kids being kids. The extent to which that’s true is complicated but in the short term I don’t think it’s a purely bad thing that people are less willing to look at something like that and coming to that conclusion.

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21 hours ago, Remarkableriots said:

As a heterosexual, I really have no opinion on that article :p


I personally  think that The New Republic's removal of the Peck article was damned stupid, but from what I've seen, Chadwick Moore's opinion is one that I have little use for anyway.

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The polls are in from the second debate.



Last week’s second Democratic debate did little to change the race — Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren continue to be the top candidates, per new post-debate polls.


National polls from Quinnipiac, HarrisX, Reuters/Ipsos, and Politico/Morning Consult — and a New Hampshire poll from the Boston Globe/Suffolk — all show Biden in first place, with somewhere between 21 and 33 percent of the vote.


Four of those polls show Sanders in second place and Warren in third — however, one of the national polls, from Quinnipiac, showed Warren ahead of Sanders in second place.



A HuffPost/YouGov poll asking Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters whether their opinion of each candidate improved or worsened from the debate showed Harris as the only top-tier candidate whose image suffered on net.


Warren: 50 percent improved, 6 percent worsened
Buttigieg: 32 percent improved, 8 percent worsened
Sanders: 28 percent improved, 16 percent worsened
Biden: 26 percent improved, 24 percent worsened
Harris: 25 percent improved, 30 percent worsened


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34 minutes ago, Signifyin(g)Monkey said:

I really don’t get the Biden love.  Nominating him will play to every single one of Trump’s strengths, outside of his tactic of using white male chauvinism to generate resentment for a woman/minority candidate.

I don't even think his supporters like him. They just feel that a generic white male is more "electable."

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Great long-form discussion. D1P members likely won't hear anything they haven't heard Bernie say before, but it's refreshing to hear a real, civil conversation. Looks like this is the #1 trending video on Youtube. I hope other candidates come on Joe's show, and other shows like it. (Gabbard was a guest previously, as well).

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1 hour ago, CitizenVectron said:

Obviously Beto isn't going to be President. But here's a question: Would he be more valuable running for Senator, or as a VP pick to try and turn Texas blue?


My vote goes for Senator.


Senator, but if he was someone's VP it'd help pick up a lot of voters, no question. He's a great VP candidate, I think. Buttigieg too. 

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6 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


Senator, but if he was someone's VP it'd help pick up a lot of voters, no question. He's a great VP candidate, I think. Buttigieg too. 


Beto seems like a psychopath and I don't want him in charge (also a wishy-washy centrist who is running for the ego-boost), but he is also obviously a pretty good communicator in terms of getting people excited in person. So he'd be good as a VP in that sense.

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He would only be VP if Harris or Castro or Booker are the nominee. The people and the party are going to demand a diverse ticket. You want to depress turnout? Biden/Beto.


Republicans don't want him running for Senate. That's why he should. Unseating the #2 Republican senator could be huge. He's young enough where he can run for president again, but we need the Senate, and we need Texas competitive.

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4 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

He would only be VP if Harris or Castro or Booker are the nominee. The people and the party are going to demand a diverse ticket. You want to depress turnout? Biden/Beto.


Republicans don't want him running for Senate. That's why he should. Unseating the #2 Republican senator could be huge. He's young enough where he can run for president again, but we need the Senate, and we need Texas competitive.


Problem is that there are already two AA's and two women in that race. He would get a ton of shit for joining it now. He's going to get shit either way. A Warren/Beto ticket would be sweet, though I am holding out for my boy Julian getting picked as VP.

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23 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


Beto seems like a psychopath and I don't want him in charge (also a wishy-washy centrist who is running for the ego-boost), but he is also obviously a pretty good communicator in terms of getting people excited in person. So he'd be good as a VP in that sense.


I absolutely agree on all your points, and I'm not a Beto fan, but VP picks are all about picking up votes that the presidential candidate can't and not much else. 

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Things i think need to be fixed.

1. Buildings need to be retrofitted across the nation to be more eco friendly.

2. Energy grid needs to be replaced with a smart grid.

3. Railways, highways, bridges and streets across the nation need to be repaired or replaced.

3. Billions invested in renewable energy and nuclear power.

4. Better pay for teachers and the educational system starting with pre-k through college/technical schools need to be updated to meet todays demands and tomorrows working environment.

5. Invest in the poorest areas the most so they won't be left behind any longer!

6. Legalize marijuana and addiction help for dangerous drugs instead of imprisonment.

7. Medicare for all and free Mental help.

8. equal pay for equal work.

9. Stop bullying in schools and more councillors in schools.

10. Ban on semi automatic/automatic weapons and better background checks for other weapons.

11. Reduce the amount being spent on elections. 

12. Higher taxes for the top 1% and Wallstreet.

13. Liveable wage and/or drastically lower cost of housing. 

14. More investment in tomorrows technology.

15. A UBI system.

16. Fix immigration.

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7 hours ago, CitizenVectron said:

Obviously Beto isn't going to be President. But here's a question: Would he be more valuable running for Senator, or as a VP pick to try and turn Texas blue?


My vote goes for Senator.


False dichotomy. Running for Senator will help turn Texas blue better than VP.

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1 hour ago, Kal-El814 said:

I find it very confusing that anyone would be “impressed” by how Beto handled the reaction to the El Paso shooting.That bar must be just laying on the ground.


People are thirsty for candor from their politicians. That's one of the reasons I've been backing away from Harris.

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27 minutes ago, Anathema- said:


People are thirsty for candor from their politicians. That's one of the reasons I've been backing away from Harris.


The era of the faux "proper" politician died when Trump got elected. I absolutely consider candor and authenticity key to winning elections, I'm right there with you.. Harris, Biden, etc. are playing the wrong game. 

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