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Video surfaces of Rick & Morty's Dan Harmon simulating sex with a plastic baby doll


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I can't like it directly here, but a video has shown up on 4chan of Harmon sneaking in through a window, pulling his pants down, and proceeding to simulate sex with a a plastic doll baby. His bare ass is visible, and there are multiple scenes of it, along with another guy who is watching in disbelief. It's only 45 seconds, so there is no context for the clip beyond that. Harmon has shut off his twitter.


I'm sure there will be more to the story shortly...

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You know I was gonna say the video wasn't that bad. I was gonna say it was bad but not as bad as I thought. Well, that was from skipping around the video and seeing the ending stuff. Then I watched from the start and fuck it was bad. 


So it does start off with Dan saying it was a "controversial" pilot. It was made for "Showtime" and for "their audience." He said it was "a little groundbreaking for normal people to handle." It then goes to the pilot where Daryl(Dan) is a therapist. After his session where his patient tells him, he has a baby, Daryl sneaks into the patient's house through a window and rapes a doll. The doll makes babbling sounds during each thrust. 


It was there that I stopped. A similar act happens near the end but with a different doll, where the father of that doll brings the doll to Daryl. I am not sure why as I only skipped to that part. I am all for offensive humor, but it wasn't really funny. I know some people would find it funny(my dad totally would) but still. And Dan Being a fat overweight male makes this worse. That shouldn't make it worse but oh boy it does. I know there is the argument that either everything is okay to joke about, or nothing is okay to joke about, but wew laddie. 


I don't think Rick and Morty should be canceled because of this nor should Dan be fired. If it was just Dan doing this alone for himself for bad reasons then yeah ok. He should just give one of those fake apologies everyone gives out these days and hope it clears things up. Maybe he should get Showtime to take responsibility as well. Still, it was pretty bad. So I expect Dan to be fucked if this picks up steam. 

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Can we dispel with this bullshit notion that either everything is ok to joke about or nothing is? How come comedy seems to be the only area where intelligent people try to justify such an ignorant and extreme point of view? There's nuance and discretion involved with everything but comics seem to want to be exceptions. Basically it's a catch all cover for when they fuck up... which usually involves a " joke" that is not only offensive but worse, UNFUNNY.  That's the bigger offense here... also stop confusing DELIBERATELY OFFENSIVE AND DESPERATELY PROVOCATIVE with being clever and edgy. This shit was a lazy, unfunny attempt at getting a being... something, and it failed. Let him deal with the consequences and not give stupid shit like this anymore attention.

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There are a surprising number of guys in the straight-white-male-comedian class obsessed with making jokes about rape, pedos, being racist. It’s so dumb.

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2 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Can we dispel with this bullshit notion that either everything is ok to joke about or nothing is? How come comedy seems to be the only area where intelligent people try to justify such an ignorant and extreme point of view? There's nuance and discretion involved with everything but comics seem to want to be exceptions. Basically it's a catch all cover for when they fuck up... which usually involves a " joke" that is not only offensive but worse, UNFUNNY.  That's the bigger offense here... also stop confusing DELIBERATELY OFFENSIVE AND DESPERATELY PROVOCATIVE with being clever and edgy. This shit was a lazy, unfunny attempt at getting a being... something, and it failed. Let him deal with the consequences and not give stupid shit like this anymore attention.

I just can't comprehend how he thought filming any of that was going to make for a funny video. He literally portrays raping of a baby using a doll not once but twice PLUS says something like "you need to rape the child to cleanse their mind". Like........that's some psycho shit that fucked up people in this world actually do to kids. Here he is acting it out. Boggles my mind.

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If Dan Harmon was joking:



If he wasn't:




It should also be noted that Dan Harmon deals with medical/clinical/severe depression that is on and off (bipolar-levels). He's a fucked up guy. Doesn't mean he's allowed to say and do fucked up things, just making that known. 

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3 hours ago, skillzdadirecta said:

Can we dispel with this bullshit notion that either everything is ok to joke about or nothing is? How come comedy seems to be the only area where intelligent people try to justify such an ignorant and extreme point of view? There's nuance and discretion involved with everything but comics seem to want to be exceptions. Basically it's a catch all cover for when they fuck up... which usually involves a " joke" that is not only offensive but worse, UNFUNNY.  That's the bigger offense here... also stop confusing DELIBERATELY OFFENSIVE AND DESPERATELY PROVOCATIVE with being clever and edgy. This shit was a lazy, unfunny attempt at getting a being... something, and it failed. Let him deal with the consequences and not give stupid shit like this anymore attention.


Well said. People need to stop using South Park as some sort of guidance. 

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1 hour ago, RedSoxFan9 said:


nothing to be upset about


This is even more of a joke and much more tame than anything James Gunn said. People being mad at this is literally fake outrage. They’re not actually mad, they’re just pretending because they dislike her or they feel like they’re supposed to be mad. 

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7 minutes ago, GeneticBlueprint said:

I don't think MAGA chuds are going to go after this guy since they all love his show.

Lol what? Everyone I know who watches the show hates trump. Maybe don't use reddit as your prime example. 

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