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It's actually maybe Infrastructure Week: Pelosi/Schumer to meet with Trump on infrastructure bill

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Pelosi requested the meeting earlier this month — a signal that Democrats may be trying to reopen talks with the president about issues like infrastructure and prescription drug pricing, which they’ve described as bipartisan priorities. And on Monday, a coalition of progressive and moderate Democrats in the House introduced a resolution detailing specific tenets they’d like to see in an infrastructure plan including a major focus on public, not private, investment.


Trump, who has promised “the biggest and boldest infrastructure investment in American history,” has yet to actually deliver on anything of the sort. Every once in a while, the White House tries to build momentum around a plan, releasing some vague outline before Trump diverts attention to something else. This has happened so many times that the prospect of “infrastructure week” has become a running joke among lawmakers and congressional aides.



Infrastructure might be less politically fraught, but it still has potential sticking points. One of the chief issues Democrats and Republicans have disagreed on is how exactly to pay for potential upgrades to America’s transportation, telecommunications, and energy systems. Democrats especially are interested in a proposal that relies on federal spending, rather than contributions from the private sector or the states. They also want a package that calls out the need for investment in clean energy.


Going into Tuesday, reports indicate that Trump is more open to Democrats’ vision than even his own advisers are. There’s a chance that will lend itself to less fighting and more building.


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4 hours ago, SaysWho? said:

Trump, who has promised “the biggest and boldest infrastructure investment in American history,” has yet to actually deliver on anything of the sort



Trump has failed to deliver on pretty much everything at this point. Except the tax cut. He managed to get that done. 

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They've only agreed to "try and craft a $2 trillion plan." Great. So they've agreed that they want to figure something out, but they have no clue how to pay for it, which couldn't possibly be a roadblock.


If I recall correctly Trump's last plan was mostly made of up tax exemptions and refunds and it was a non-starter for both parties.


If this means the Democrats will spend time coming up with a good plan, fine. I don't want to see them take a good plan and blow it up in an attempt to please Trump.

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13 minutes ago, SFLUFAN said:

It's not a thing any longer...not that it ever actually was to begin with.

That at least used to pay lip-service to the fiscal responsibility part of their platform.


I just wonder if they've fully given up the ghost and are like fuck it: "We like to spend too, we just spend differently, more patriotically? "

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1 hour ago, Anathema- said:

"Fiscal conservative policy" is nothing more than fiscal policy that serves socially conservative ends. They don't need fiscal policy to do that right now.

"Fiscal conservatism" means allowing a Republican president to spend as much as he wants but throwing a massive tantrum whenever a Democrat wants to spend a single cent.

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On 4/30/2019 at 5:09 PM, SaysWho? said:

It is true. Whether the Congress was Dem or Rep, Republican presidents have never been good at lowering deficits. Clinton balanced the budget, and Obama got it down from the high recessionary deficits.


Eh, Clinton didn’t really balance the budget—that surplus was partially manufactured through some fancy accounting using money from the Social Security fund.  He got close, to his (and Congress’s) credit, but No one’s produced an out-and-out surplus since the late 1960s.


But we don’t need to, either; the deficit is of secondary importance to the debt-to-gdp ratio anyway.  That’s generally done better under Dems, too, but I’d add the caveat that the Republicans weren’t so bad about it either until Reagan came along.


The New Deal Republicans (Ike and Nixon) can be reasonably credited with being fiscally responsible, if we’re defining that as maintaining a steady or declining debt to gdp ratio.  It’s Reagan and the post-Reagan GOP that have been more reckless. Reaganite policy really destroyed the party’s fiscal rectitude—among other things.

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