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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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7 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

Parasite: 8/10 - I thought it was a fine movie, clever, but as someone who watches Korean stuff all the time I find it strange to see this is the movie everyone is raving about.


I felt the exact same way but it's still a very good movie regardless. 

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Oh My Venus: 9/10 - When I first started watching I thought this show might go heavy on fat shaming but it turned into being more about health which eased the uneasiness. And it was a mostly happy show with good characters, someone was cutting up some onions on the couple of last episodes though.

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Dan in Real Life - 2/10


This movie feels like it was written by a middle-aged white woman from Minnesota who has a vacation home in a place with a name like Winnepasaukeeport who never had a real problem in her entire life. Is there an onomatopoeia for when something is so saccharine that you just want to puke? Replace all these thoughts with that if you can.

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Make Your Move: 6/10 - I really only watched this movie to see BoA and mission accomplished in that regard. As for the rest it's pretty much what you expect from these kinds of movies. At least when someone makes a Derek Hough murder suicide thread I'll know who he was!

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Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

This is the dark and gritty Justice League adaptation that the live action films wished it was. The animation is fantastic and the VA work is some of the best, Tony Todd as Darkseid knocks it out the park.This is also the best film version of Suicide Squad to date, mixing humor and over the top extreme violence . Due to the violence and language this film is rated R and it deserves it but never uses to shock the viewer.



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Blood Quantum 

Blood Quantum -"a highly controversial measurement of the amount of "Indian blood" you have. It can affect your identity, your relationships and whether or not you — or your children — may become a citizen of your tribe.

Its a zombie movie where First People are essentially immune to the zombie bites. A small group set up a camp to protect themselves, this brings in the parallels of history as non natives show up at their door step bringing in the disease.

Its definitely a B tier film, the gags are wonderful with a nice mix of CG and old school props, the acting hovers some where above a B tier while actually using First People actors.Its not shy about how First People feel about whites it also doesn't shy away from issues like alcoholism and drug abuse that plague First People. My big issue with the film is there really isnt any progress with the story or the characters,its almost a slice of life rather then a story. 







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It Follows 


This was my second viewing and I thought it was much better the second time around. I also realized some story implications I wasn't aware of during my first viewing that really brought it up a notch for me. Kind of feels like Lynch Lite mixed with the first Nightmare On Elm Street. I really didn't like it initially but I think it was the pre-release hype and my expectations. 



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Binged Atlanta S1 and S2

My god this show was great. Glover and Henry were great but Lakeith Stanfield was stand out for me.Its mix of humor,drama, and weird ass surreal moments  just fucking work and they feel like they shouldnt.



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Miss Bala: 7/10 - I didn't want to talk about this too much because no one really cares (except for maybe @Greatoneshere who seems fascinated with my POV one way or the other :p) But I had some time to digest it and after I watched it I was surprised to see the ratings were so low. It's certainly a strange movie because it doesn't quite know what it wants to be. It's like 1 part Taken, 1 part Nikita, 1 part The Departed. I thought the cast was likable, Ismael Cruz Cordova makes a good "bad guy" but the film is very ambiguous of who is good and bad, it seems the main character doesn't really get this, until the end which seems out of place. There is a setup for a sequel which could arguably be better than this movie but I doubt there will be one. Keep your eyes peeled for an appearance from Anthony Mackie as well!


Fun fact: Justin Yu was the stunt coordinator for this film.


PS - Why are we still loving in a world where we are supposed to believe that Gina Rodriguez isn't good looking?

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1917: A


I watched this with my wife this evening and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. It was paced well, the score was a perfect fit and the characters were very well done. There was a little but too much convenient escaping enemy fire, but overall, really good. 


I will say though, although it made a great film, the idea of two people being sent on a mission during a war would make a great pseudo-sequel to A Way Out. 

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On 5/21/2020 at 3:36 AM, Keyser_Soze said:



Parasite: 8/10 - I thought it was a fine movie, clever, but as someone who watches Korean stuff all the time I find it strange to see this is the movie everyone is raving about.


On 5/21/2020 at 11:32 AM, Greatoneshere said:


I felt the exact same way but it's still a very good movie regardless. 

This was my first exposure to this director and while I thought it was good, I just didn't see the absurd praise heaped onto it. I mean I had read anything from 'redefining' to 'stunning', 'shocking' and so on. Obviously not the movie's fault that critics freaked the fuck out but it left me wondering what I had missed when the credits rolled.


My favorite sequence was the flooding, which I actually thought was quite poignant. I'm not really sure I cared for the whole



underground dungeon and the ensuing ending. I kind of lost the connection to the family as it veered into somewhat silly extremes.


Overall, I'd rate it a 7/10. I really preferred the more grounded, if you can call it that, first half.

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2 hours ago, Bloodporne said:


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underground dungeon and the ensuing ending. I kind of lost the connection to the family as it veered into somewhat silly extremes.




I thought it was a good twist



The dungeon part anyway, as it kind of brought together what the family had been prior to arriving at the house. It kinda made things come full circle. The ending was somewhat ambiguous I didn't mind it, didn't hate it, I don't think it made the movie better but it didn't ruin it either.


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1 minute ago, Keyser_Soze said:



I thought it was a good twist


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The dungeon part anyway, as it kind of brought together what the family had been prior to arriving at the house. It kinda made things come full circle. The ending was somewhat ambiguous I didn't mind it, didn't hate it, I don't think it made the movie better but it didn't ruin it either.


I don't think it was bad or anything just seemed 'predictably crazy' to me in some weird way. I'd have to watch it again to really have a solid opinion on that particular aspect I think I just know I felt slightly disinterested for some reason once it got...crazier I guess.


I just realized this is probably the first Korean film I've seen since Oldboy. I have to check out the rest of his filmography.

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I'm almost done with Star Trek: The Next Generation


Not usually a fan of episodic shows that don't really have an overarching plot, but its been a good watch through most of it.

Very rarely are there episodes that I absolutely hate or skip. I'm glad they got McFadden to come back as Crusher, though I didn't totally hate Wesley. Even if a few of his episodes were very "Mary Sue" I felt like he failed almost as much as he succeeded. I would have liked to see more of him in later seasons.

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The Secret of Marrowbone: C+


Now, this wasn't an amazing film by any stretch and became overly convoluted and dumb at the conclusion. With that said, it demonstrates something I really appreciate in a horror movie. For a number of years, it felt that most horror films had a hook or premise that they deemed 'scary' and then everything else was fit around it. Now though, I'm glad that we're seeing a lot more great stories that happen to also be scary, rather than it being shoehorned in. I know I've scored The Secret of Marrowbone quite low, but it's approach I can't commend enough. 

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Mortal Engines: 6/10 - This is a film where the trailer made the movie looks super interesting. However, after it came out the movie bombed and everyone said it was horrible. So I was a bit confused and turned off. How could that be? This is the movie that put Hugo Weaving on the map!

I got around to watching it and I don't think it was THAT bad. In fact, it was ok. I'm guessing it had to stay true to the book, which I haven't read, but this movie looked like it was going to be a pirate movie but with cities instead of boats. But the movie doesn't play up the moving city thing all that much. Two things stood out as kinda bad, the Shrek Terminator and Tom. Tom is like the turdiest character in Turdville and we are supposed to expect that this girl fell in love with him. Yikes! Plus he was already crushing on that Blake Lively lookalike. In any case I still think the premise of the movie carries it enough to make it watchable even if it has some shortcomings.

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1 hour ago, johnny said:

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot 2/5 


that rating is probably generous because I like the universe. There’s some funny callbacks and a few good lines here and there. But the movie is a mess. 


I keep debating whether to watch this movie. I'm a big Kevin Smith and View Askew universe fan - I even thoroughly enjoyed Red State and Tusk (Yoga Hosers looked so bad I never bothered). So this movie seems like it's for me, but then even fans don't seem to like the film, so I don't know if I should bother. 

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5 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:


I keep debating whether to watch this movie. I'm a big Kevin Smith and View Askew universe fan - I even thoroughly enjoyed Red State and Tusk (Yoga Hosers looked so bad I never bothered). So this movie seems like it's for me, but then even fans don't seem to like the film, so I don't know if I should bother. 

I'm not sure I can watch it on account of Jay's new face thoroughly weirding me out man. 

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