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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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Funny Games (2006 remake version).  


This is actually a rewatch since the only thing I remember from the original one was how disturbing it was and being glad I saw it but never wanting to see it again...so I figured I'd go ahead and revisit it to see how I felt 15 years later


YEP, this movie is still an absolute nightmare, but also I respect it to the moon and back for showing such a plausible home invasion scenario.  The best horror movies imo always involve a horrific situation that characters react to in smart and relatable ways but are powerless to stop from getting worse, and this film almost seems to be 100% an exercise in that concept. 


Sadly it's probably more relevant now than ever. These yuppie psychos could waltz into a golf course and murder someone out of sight and nobody would even know to suspect them.  You can't help but wonder...if a larger audience had watched this...if it was screened in just as many theaters as a Star Wars sequel, would there be less violence and extremism in the world than there is now?  If nothing else, would we as a society be more hip to notice tells of violent and sociopathic behavior in people you might not expect it from? 


Movies like this are the opposite of all the films that show horrifying real world tragedy as troped out entertainment. While not enjoyable to watch, it's definitely art that might function as public service. Fuck this movie for what it puts you through, but also love and respect to the filmmakers for nutting up to make a movie that has a good reason for being this disturbing.

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Rewatching Gladiator for the first time in a long while on Blu ray, and man, the disc does not hold up well. When things are still, the resolution isn’t too bad, but when there is any motion, for some reason this film, more than most, the lack of resolution is noticeable. On the other hand, the audio on the blu ray is still perfectly acceptable. This is definitely one of those movies I owned as soon as it was available, so I’ve no idea if more recent transfers are any better., but this old school one isn’t good.


As far as the film is concerned. I look back fondly on the performances of both Phoenix and Crowe. As a best picture winner, it has an obvious place in history, and I feel like it’s one of those films that deserves that honor more than many, and less less than perhaps many more. 


It’s far from my favorite Ridley Scott film, but it holds up pretty well. I’d buy the 4K version if it was something I rewatched more often. 

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Once Upon a time...in Hollywood. B+


I didn't pay attention to any reviews or impressions and like with most movies, after intending to see it in theatres, ended up not managing it. Suffice to say, I loved it. It's maybe not absolute top-tier, but I had a great time with it and the approach the movie took. 

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Mythic Quest - raven's Banquet 


Good overall and gets better for the most part as it goes along with one standout episode in the middle of the series that is standalone. All the actors are clearly having a lot of fun with their roles, especially f Murray Abraham who is a delight. McElhenny occasionally slips into Mac though.



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Ad Astra


Some really nice shots and the core story is good but the action sequences in the first half feel incredibly tacked on and out of place. If it wasn't a studio exec's decision to have Brad Pitt fight a space monkey I would be surprised.


Also when Donald Sutherland who I legit did not know was still alive showed up I wondered if we were in some weird Space Cowboys sequel. 



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The Lodge - walking out of the theater, I was ready to trash this movie. But after thinking about it a bit, I can kinda see what they were going for and I appreciate it on some level. Still, overall I can’t say that I enjoyed this one. Wow, what a useless review. 

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VFW - A siege style horror film where a group of Vets defend the local VFW from a hoard a of gang members on Super Meth. Directed by Joe Begos , the film is a splatter punk B film that never tries to raise itself out of its B level territory . Begos got the A team of the B team when it comes to actors for this film. Steven Lang plays the bar owner, with William Sadler ,David Patrick Kelly,Martin Kove,George Wendt and Fred Williamson as fellow Vets that help defend the bar. Its blood,gore,guts, and violence from start to finish. This film is really only going to be enjoyed by a small percent of people.


For me its a solid 8.5 but even for most horror fans it maybe to over the top .




Somehow this is sitting at 83% 


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Me and a buddy went and saw the film last night, and it wasn’t a train wreck. The redesigned Sonic looks great on screen, Jim got to play pretty much Dr. “Ace Ventura” Robotnik and some worked and other scenes didn’t. Have a great moment talking about baby formula and how they were raised. They also gave Sonic a few Quicksilver like scenes because, well, he’s fast right. Some cool Easter eggs and I think a consistent dig at Mario without saying it. Stay for a mid credit scene which opens up for a sequel with even more nostalgia to an older gamer like me




I had high hopes with more monsters and Trick R Treats Dougherty writing/directing. Sadly the movie is kind of a mess and the story and characters are overall not well developed and motivations odd. The 3D was overall good with nice depth throughout but no real pop outs, but even the simple 5.1 DTS-HDMA packs a good punch for your surrounds. Might pop in the 4K disc to see how the Atmos track is. Well, here’s hoping Kong Vs Godzilla is good




God this is a creepy movie and overall that’s a good thing. Davis is one weird creepy cyborg and he’s the glue that keeps this movie interesting. The 4K disc looks stunning and has a great Atmos track to go along with it. Sadly we will probably never see how this story arc ends because I would of liked to of seen that :( 

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1 hour ago, silentbob said:



I had high hopes with more monsters and Trick R Treats Dougherty writing/directing. Sadly the movie is kind of a mess and the story and characters are overall not well developed and motivations odd. The 3D was overall good with nice depth throughout but no real pop outs, but even the simple 5.1 DTS-HDMA packs a good punch for your surrounds. Might pop in the 4K disc to see how the Atmos track is. Well, here’s hoping Kong Vs Godzilla is good



I was bummed about this one as well. The movie was a mess. hopefully kong v Godzilla will be better

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On 2/22/2020 at 10:48 AM, elbobo said:

Ad Astra


Some really nice shots and the core story is good but the action sequences in the first half feel incredibly tacked on and out of place. If it wasn't a studio exec's decision to have Brad Pitt fight a space monkey I would be surprised.


Also when Donald Sutherland who I legit did know was still alive showed up I wondered if we were in some weird Space Cowboys sequel. 



The monkey thing is one of the most unintentionally hilarious and movie-destroying scene I've seen in ages. I'm NOT someone to blatantly laugh and/or ruin shit for others in the theater but when that happened, the vast majority of people actually laughed out loud with people actually looking at each. The overall pretentiousness of it all made it even funnier somehow. 


I actively hated this movie. 

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Mad Max: Fury Road - 5/5 - Good lord is this such a good movie. The thing that struck me the most about this nearly five years later is just how completely unique it has remained. It just feels like when you have a movie so striking and successful that maybe there would be more imitators. Maybe it's just that Fury Road is so insane that you just can't steal much from it.


The one aspect of the film that has proliferated is the score. That's probably because Junkie XL has done a bunch more, but I feel like of all the visual insanity of Fury Road, it's interesting that the score is the thing that has been the most influential.



In Bruges - 5/5 - Still feels fresh and clever and as funny as ever. It's easy to forget how good Colin Farrell is in this. Brendan Gleeson and Ralph Fiennes are both excellent as well, but Farrell is just such an inconsistent actor that when he is really good, it stands out.

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Well I don’t know what to really say of the film. It’s a family movie with little goofy creatures and then it becomes an attempted genocide/war movie that plays out pretty damn dark for a kids film. Pfieffer eats up the screen as the “nice” queen with dark dark dark alternate intentions. I just couldn’t enjoy the film because of odd pacing/story elements that are brought up. Plus they do just a ton of foreshadowing for scenes to happen later on in the film too. I had to import from the UK to get my 3D disc, and at least I can say the 3D is pretty stunning in this film. Some nice little pop outs here and there, but the overall spacial separation/depth is where the film really shines. Looked pretty great on my NX7 projector and the colours didn’t seem to lose much punch even with the glasses on. The 7.1 DTS-HDMA track was pretty good, but like recent Disney releases, need a little boost from my regular listening volume to sound normal. When you get there, you do get some cool surround action and some deep low end sub action. So good disc, but a hit/miss of a movie forme

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The Midnight Meat Train C+

So, we were looking for a random 'horror' movie to watch and went with this. I will start with it was terrible, made in the era when everything had to include 3D and really made little sense with the conclusion. However, it was also great fun, silly, shockingly graphic and had a stimulating (though never clever) premise. It had a 6.8 on IMDB and that feels right - better than it should be with a direction and story that would never allow it to be more. 


Joker A

It's been said by an awful lot of people, but Phoenix's acting performance in this was outstanding. If it wasn't tired into the Batman universe, it would have been a fantastic portrayal of mental health. I found the pacing really strong and never felt any aspect drag and the whole progression felt much more natural for the formation of the 'Joker' character. That said, it will seem as a bit of leap for Arthur Fleck to go from a depressed, deeply unhappy person to the Clown Prince of Crime - but hopefully we'll get to see.

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Doctor Sleep



It's like the title was a self-fulfilling prophecy. An incredibly directionless feeling affair that manages to keep getting less interesting until the lame finale.


I've never read the book but I absolutely hated the traveler people/Rose The Hat story line. Maybe it's just the way it's presented here but it was completely out of place and boring to the max to me.


I still give it 6/10 because I did really like many of Danny's story beats itself and some of his dialog was great King. The first 45 minutes or so were very promising, it just seemed to lose its way more and more as it went on and once it started focusing more on that shitty Shining Detective story with the baseball kid etc. I was completely checked out. It's nowhere near as bad as IT Chapter 2 but I was surprised seeing how much I loved Haunting of Hill House by Flanagan. 


I will say that the ending's rehashing of the iconic drive up to the Overlook actually offended me it was so badly done. Way too many nostalgia nods in general to Kubrick's movie, you can't replicate that and it looked cheesy, especially that Jack Nicholson cosplayer...lord.

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8 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Doctor Sleep



It's like the title was a self-fulfilling prophecy. An incredibly directionless feeling affair that manages to keep getting less interesting until the lame finale.


I've never read the book but I absolutely hated the traveler people/Rose The Hat story line. Maybe it's just the way it's presented here but it was completely out of place and boring to the max to me.


the book is great

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9 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

Doctor Sleep



It's like the title was a self-fulfilling prophecy. An incredibly directionless feeling affair that manages to keep getting less interesting until the lame finale.


I've never read the book but I absolutely hated the traveler people/Rose The Hat story line. Maybe it's just the way it's presented here but it was completely out of place and boring to the max to me.


I still give it 6/10 because I did really like many of Danny's story beats itself and some of his dialog was great King. The first 45 minutes or so were very promising, it just seemed to lose its way more and more as it went on and once it started focusing more on that shitty Shining Detective story with the baseball kid etc. I was completely checked out. It's nowhere near as bad as IT Chapter 2 but I was surprised seeing how much I loved Haunting of Hill House by Flanagan. 


I will say that the ending's rehashing of the iconic drive up to the Overlook actually offended me it was so badly done. Way too many nostalgia nods in general to Kubrick's movie, you can't replicate that and it looked cheesy, especially that Jack Nicholson cosplayer...lord.




A good read just to get a different perspective. :)

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21 minutes ago, Greatoneshere said:

I was going for that version instead originally but it wasn't available to rent on Amazon.


But like I said, I think there's a very interesting drama in there but the whole True Knot thing is extremely stale and I don't really get how that was necessary to the universe of this, in essence, family tragedy.

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Anna (Luc Besson)

Yawn Fest/10


What an aggressively generic by-the-numbers exercise for Besson. I didn't make it through the entire movie but caught maybe 45 minutes on TV the other night while doing some paperwork. It's like Atomic Blonde, Red Sparrow and this tried to out-lame each other and each is worse than the next. Atomic Blonde had some cool Action sequences at least. 

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On 3/2/2020 at 5:28 PM, Bloodporne said:

I was going for that version instead originally but it wasn't available to rent on Amazon.


But like I said, I think there's a very interesting drama in there but the whole True Knot thing is extremely stale and I don't really get how that was necessary to the universe of this, in essence, family tragedy.

It isn't even available on the 4K disc. Its only watchable on the blu-ray which is disheartening. 

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Whiplash - 5/5 - It’s a very solid 4/5 the whole way through, but man does that ending bump it up a notch, even when you know it’s coming. It’s an astonishing work from a first time filmmaker. 


La La Land - 5/5 - Yes, this movie should have won Best Picture. Yes, I’m white; why do you ask? Fine, best is arguable, but man, is it re-watchable, at least as long as you’re comfortable with it’s primary colored vibe. I have a thing for simple piano theme songs.


Yes, most of the movies I’ve rewatched lately have been 5/5, but I’ve just been in a mood to rewatch things I know I love. For some reason a global pandemic is the perfect opportunity to discover new things, but all I want to do is enjoy something I know I’ll enjoy. Sue me.

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12 hours ago, TwinIon said:

Whiplash - 5/5 - It’s a very solid 4/5 the whole way through, but man does that ending bump it up a notch, even when you know it’s coming. It’s an astonishing work from a first time filmmaker. 


Just to be clear, Whiplash isn't Damien Chazelle's first time - "Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench" is his first written/directed feature, technically. :)

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On 3/12/2020 at 11:02 PM, TwinIon said:

Whiplash - 5/5 - It’s a very solid 4/5 the whole way through, but man does that ending bump it up a notch, even when you know it’s coming. It’s an astonishing work from a first time filmmaker. 


La La Land - 5/5 - Yes, this movie should have won Best Picture. Yes, I’m white; why do you ask? Fine, best is arguable, but man, is it re-watchable, at least as long as you’re comfortable with it’s primary colored vibe. I have a thing for simple piano theme songs.


Yes, most of the movies I’ve rewatched lately have been 5/5, but I’ve just been in a mood to rewatch things I know I love. For some reason a global pandemic is the perfect opportunity to discover new things, but all I want to do is enjoy something I know I’ll enjoy. Sue me.


On 3/13/2020 at 11:45 AM, Greatoneshere said:


Just to be clear, Whiplash isn't Damien Chazelle's first time - "Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench" is his first written/directed feature, technically. :)

Whiplash was a fantastic movie. I really appreciate how uncompromising the depiction of fervor and dedication to a craft was. On a side note, I play drums and this is one of the only movies I've ever seen to actually include real drumming. I know it's about drumming but still, it could've consisted of 50 billion quick cuts etc.

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