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~Rate The Last Movie/TV Show You Watched Thread~

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Brightburn - 6/10 - watched on 4K UHD Blu-ray

It felt like the first 2 acts of a movie. Great setup, but the ending felt abrupt and unresolved. 

It was not as creepy as it wanted to be, I don't think, but some convincingly disturbing gore at times.

Pretty picture (Sony puts out some of the best looking 4K releases). 

Overall, can't give it a resounding recommendation, but it was an ok watch.

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Fleabag (Live): It was one of those "performed live in London, shown in select cinema deals".  It was very well done, very, very well acted and for those that enjoyed the series, essential. My take away was it may have been more impactful after another year as the series only recently finished, but still, Waller-Bridge is now a British icon. 

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Stephen Kings Silver Bullet

I have a nostalgic love for this film, if you were kid in the 80's and were fan of horror you likely have seen this. The movie has strange almost fantasy feeling to it. All the gore and special effects are practical but obviously low budget.Corey Haim does a fairly good job as does the actress playing his sister. The 2 standouts are Everet McGill and Gary Busey.

Image: The BR has some heavy grain to and the occasional crushed black in some night scenes. 7/10

Audio: 2.0 DTS Its surprisingly good and is crystal clear 8/10






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Aladdin 2019


I'm glad I watched this after the Lion King remake, made me appreciate it a lot more. There was 1000x times more life and soul in this movie than the "live action" lion king. Casting was good all around except for Jafar who was too young IMO. For all the early flak that Smith got in the promotional shots and trailers he actually does a good job, obviously no one will ever touch William's performance as the genie but Smith's version is perfectly fine.



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Godzilla KOTM... 7/10 its grown on me during repeat viewings...its like a big budget Showa Era film... the "Monsterverse" really needed a guiding hand keeping the overall narrative on track.. I can see my appreciation for this film within the series itself growing..it may never be Godzilla-top tier but its close (it would be a better product through some judicious subtraction)

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Aladdin (2019) – 8/10 – 4K UHD Blu-ray

I, personally, really enjoyed this one.  I will probably go back and watch it in equal measure with the original animated classic.  Will Smith doing his own thing instead of trying to do Robin Williams was a good call.  Hi genie is great.  The music – after listening to these tracks back-to-back with the originals several times in YouTube, I actually give the nod to the new versions.  They are richer tracks and I like the subtle hip hop spice that Will Smith brings to the offerings.  The feminist empowerment angle was a little too heavy-handed for its own good.  Some of the CG was imperfect in motion.  Overall though, it was a fun, colourful good time.  I’m glad Disney made this one.


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On 9/14/2019 at 2:39 AM, SimpleG said:

Stephen Kings Silver Bullet

I have a nostalgic love for this film, if you were kid in the 80's and were fan of horror you likely have seen this. The movie has strange almost fantasy feeling to it. All the gore and special effects are practical but obviously low budget.Corey Haim does a fairly good job as does the actress playing his sister. The 2 standouts are Everet McGill and Gary Busey.

Image: The BR has some heavy grain to and the occasional crushed black in some night scenes. 7/10

Audio: 2.0 DTS Its surprisingly good and is crystal clear 8/10







Funny you should watch that as they just re-released Cycle of the Werewolf. 

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Between Two Ferns: The Movie 7/10

If you’re a fan of the show you’ll enjoy the movie. Tons of cameos. It’s a fun enough story the basically serves the purpose of chaining together a whole bunch of short interviews. Definitely stay after the credits though. There’s 5 minutes of out takes from the interviews that are HILARIOUS.

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On 9/23/2019 at 11:10 AM, Dre801 said:

Last night's episode of Fear the Walking Dead.  I. . .holy shit.  I don't think I've ever witnessed a show be so thoroughly wrecked.  


I must be a masochist because I keep tuning in.


There hasn't even been a story this season, just a collection of situations.



At this point I am just watching to see how freaking stupid and absurd the show can get. Can you please explain how the #### it makes sense to make video documentaries on what you are trying to do when you are living in a world in 95% of survivors likely have no power or way in which people can see these documentaries??  

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2 hours ago, EternallDarkness said:


At this point I am just watching to see how freaking stupid and absurd the show can get. Can you please explain how the #### it makes sense to make video documentaries on what you are trying to do when you are living in a world in 95% of survivors likely have no power or way in which people can see these documentaries??  

Al and her damn tapes need to go.  Just once, I wish someone would smack that camera out of her hands and smash the damn tapes.  The whole "getting the story" thing was lame in Season 4 and it's worse now. 



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1 hour ago, Dre801 said:

Al and her damn tapes need to go.  Just once, I wish someone would smack that camera out of her hands and smash the damn tapes.  The whole "getting the story" thing was lame in Season 4 and it's worse now. 




lame? no...agonizing? HELL YES. They've taken cool characters: Morgan, Dwight and made them lame. Strand is rarely seen as is Daniel. John is cool, but under utilized. Seriously when they were having the standoff at the bridge. There were half a dozen guys at the most. We've seen john and his skill with guns. He could have smoked them all before any of the others could have gotten off a shot. 

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Watched The Office's finale last night after skipping through most of seasons 7, 8 and 9 absent-mindedly while cooking etc.


Nice and feel-good ending I suppose overall. Michael Scott's cameo screamed "they didn't pay me enough to say more lines" so that was awkward I thought. 8/10 for that episode. The last few seasons though were absolute shit from what I caught off and on. 

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Not really a show or movie but I saw the MST3k live tour yesterday, they did No Retreat No Surrender. Had an absolute blast one of my all time best MST3k experiences, enjoyed it quite a bit better than the rifftrax live shows which are usually fun in their own right. It was Joel and the bots but I don't think they were voiced by the netflix crew, Jonah wasn't there at all. They did incorporate the traditional MST3k host segments into the show which worked surprisingly well, great riffs on a wonderfully terrible 80s karate movie featuring a very young Jean Claude Van Damme


important to note if you are thinking of going you really should they said this is Joel's final tour




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I have recently watched a bunch of movies.




Lars and the Real Girl



I was watching some older Red Letter Media and the ones I watched involved Drive, Nightcrawler, and Birdman. I watched Drive first. It was a very good movie, and when I looked up the OST on youtube there was a comment listing the top 3 Gosling films and Lars and the Real Girl was on that list. But I watched Nightcrawler before that. Birdman was the last movie I watched


Like I said, Drive was very good. I was honestly shocked when the violence started happening. I had no idea that guy was about to get shot when he did and how visceral the movie would become. It was kinda great how everything was done. I will admit that I found the family stuff a bit boring. It was fine at first and I'll say that it was even needed to make the Driver's actions make sense, but I still couldn't help but be bored when Gosling and co were skipping stones down by the river. The into was amazing and suspenseful and I really like to see more of something that that. 


Nightcrawler was really good as well. I don't really have much to say about it. I very much liked the ending. Jake Jellohall was great all around. I loved every fucked up thing he did in the movie. How Louis talked to each person was great. I knew no spoilers, but from the start I was wondering how Lou was going to get his assistant killed. This was really just a good fucked up movie. I don't think I have really seen anything with a MC like this. It was kinda refreshing. 


Lars and the Real Girl just made me sad and I am glad it was a movie I watched right before I went to bed so I wouldn't be sad the whole day. I liked the movie over all, but it just really made me sad. The movie ends with a pretty much happy ending, but I don't know. I kinda just found the movie too relatable I guess. I want to point out that out of the three Gosling films I have seen, each movie is almost "Watch Ryan Gosling suffer some shit". Bladerunner, Drive, and this.


I did not like Birdman at all. I was pretty apathetic to all of the characters and their plight, except for Norton's character who I hate and I wish got shot at the end. I actually had to look some some spoilers while I watching it as I almost quit halfway through. This really isn't a movie for me, and the ending really just made me feel like I wasted my time. I hate movies with ambiguous endings. I have no desire to watch a movie had still have questions at the end. I just don't like it. I am unable to decide for myself what really happened. I mean I can, but the issue is that I could still be wrong. I wish when Birdman shot himself in the head the movie just went to black and the credits rolled. 

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On 9/28/2019 at 10:19 AM, Bacon said:

I have recently watched a bunch of movies.




Lars and the Real Girl



I was watching some older Red Letter Media and the ones I watched involved Drive, Nightcrawler, and Birdman. I watched Drive first. It was a very good movie, and when I looked up the OST on youtube there was a comment listing the top 3 Gosling films and Lars and the Real Girl was on that list. But I watched Nightcrawler before that. Birdman was the last movie I watched


Like I said, Drive was very good. I was honestly shocked when the violence started happening. I had no idea that guy was about to get shot when he did and how visceral the movie would become. It was kinda great how everything was done. I will admit that I found the family stuff a bit boring. It was fine at first and I'll say that it was even needed to make the Driver's actions make sense, but I still couldn't help but be bored when Gosling and co were skipping stones down by the river. The into was amazing and suspenseful and I really like to see more of something that that. 


Nightcrawler was really good as well. I don't really have much to say about it. I very much liked the ending. Jake Jellohall was great all around. I loved every fucked up thing he did in the movie. How Louis talked to each person was great. I knew no spoilers, but from the start I was wondering how Lou was going to get his assistant killed. This was really just a good fucked up movie. I don't think I have really seen anything with a MC like this. It was kinda refreshing. 


Lars and the Real Girl just made me sad and I am glad it was a movie I watched right before I went to bed so I wouldn't be sad the whole day. I liked the movie over all, but it just really made me sad. The movie ends with a pretty much happy ending, but I don't know. I kinda just found the movie too relatable I guess. I want to point out that out of the three Gosling films I have seen, each movie is almost "Watch Ryan Gosling suffer some shit". Bladerunner, Drive, and this.


I did not like Birdman at all. I was pretty apathetic to all of the characters and their plight, except for Norton's character who I hate and I wish got shot at the end. I actually had to look some some spoilers while I watching it as I almost quit halfway through. This really isn't a movie for me, and the ending really just made me feel like I wasted my time. I hate movies with ambiguous endings. I have no desire to watch a movie had still have questions at the end. I just don't like it. I am unable to decide for myself what really happened. I mean I can, but the issue is that I could still be wrong. I wish when Birdman shot himself in the head the movie just went to black and the credits rolled. 

Just wanted to second that Nightcrawler is fucking good. I need to rewatch that actually. 

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The Shining 4K



What Warner Bros was able to with the picture quality is nothing short of amazing. HDR is used just enough to push some colors in to this other worldy look.




There is no mono track which kinda sucks but the 5.1 very good. The dialog has great clarity and so does the effects and score. Everything is upped quality wise that it really adds to the overall tone of the movie.


It is a great film but I dont think its a great horror film as many others do.


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7/10 - This shouldn't have been a movie, but more of a series.  A good lovesong to Gainax/Trigger themes and tropes, but it paid off.  Visually neat, and Hiroyuki Sawano as always does orchestrate a good soundtrack.

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On 10/5/2019 at 12:30 PM, SimpleG said:

The Shining 4K



What Warner Bros was able to with the picture quality is nothing short of amazing. HDR is used just enough to push some colors in to this other worldy look.




There is no mono track which kinda sucks but the 5.1 very good. The dialog has great clarity and so does the effects and score. Everything is upped quality wise that it really adds to the overall tone of the movie.


It is a great film but I dont think its a great horror film as many others do.


What format did you watch this on? I'm out of the loop and just recently got a 4K TV and am curious. I'm usually put off by "too good" image quality exposing flaws in sets etc. in some weird ways but The Shining, and knowing Kubrick, I'm actually excited for. The HDR thing sounds really cool.


In regards to the Horror film thing, I think it's one of the most effective Horror films for me actually and I feel like I've seen approximately 8,955 Horror flicks in my life. The whole "personal hell" aspect of it still really unsettles me whenever I see it and there are some startlingly eerie moments that are unrivaled by most Horror films I think. 

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3 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

What format did you watch this on? I'm out of the loop and just recently got a 4K TV and am curious. I'm usually put off by "too good" image quality exposing flaws in sets etc. in some weird ways but The Shining, and knowing Kubrick, I'm actually excited for. The HDR thing sounds really cool.

4K Blu Ray


No flaws show thru, Kubrick was a master set designer and the The Overlook feels even more encompassing then ever.


3 hours ago, Bloodporne said:

In regards to the Horror film thing, I think it's one of the most effective Horror films for me actually and I feel like I've seen approximately 8,955 Horror flicks in my life. The whole "personal hell" aspect of it still really unsettles me whenever I see it and there are some startlingly eerie moments that are unrivaled by most Horror films I think. 

I just dont think Kubrick was good with the horror genre.We have a FUBAR family from the start, each incident is that happens to them gets more fucked up but nothing ever really happens because of it. Danny's continued visions of murder and blood are fruitless because there is no reaction from him other singular moments of being scared but after each escalating hes back to "normal". Hes already fucked up and taking it in stride and so is the viewer. Jacks decent is so shallow that each moment he loses his himself to the hotel has less and less of impact . Then there is the "nigger" moment which feels like Kubrick trying to shoe horn in a racist under tone to the film but outside 1 very shallow remark in the beginning of the film is never really present.Last but not least is the spooky skeleton scene with Wendy, it honestly feels like Kubricks big Fuck You to horror fans.


Each  scary moment in that film taken individually are great but collectively they fall flat.

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