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Jon Stewart returning as The Daily Show host (Begins 2/12/24)

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1 minute ago, Kamusha said:


No, not really, you are defending a user who is arguing that those with a platform do not have the duty to warn America about how dangerous the Republican party is. Look, as a trans person in Florida I'm used to everyone being against me and telling me I'm wrong. I'm used to not being taken seriously. None of this is new. But fascism will be coming at the end of this year and soon I will be validated. I won't feel good about being right here, but hopefully those who are arguing with me now will realize how wrong they were when my life is in danger.

Jon Stewart was never going to change any of that. 

Also, why are you still in Florida? Didn’t a ton of people(myself included) donate a bunch of money to help you relocate?

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Stewart likely has a lot he wants to “talk about” for him to even come back to TDS. I get people were/are disappointed that his first night back was showing clips of Trump and Biden. However, I’m guessing Stewart thought it was important to show what a shit job the dems are doing in relieving people’s “age related fears” while simultaneously showing Trump with a “you actually think this guy isn’t way fucking worse?” attitude. I don’t agree with the age related stuff in the way some do even on the CEB, but I certainly do agree that dems haven’t been great at showing Biden in a way that alleviates the average person’s fears, and I think it’s good to be called out now, in February, when there’s still time to fix it.

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13 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Jon Stewart was never going to change any of that. 

Also, why are you still in Florida? Didn’t a ton of people(myself included) donate a bunch of money to help you relocate?


Because I lost my career due to anti-LGBT legislation and now am dishwasher in a restaurant. I haven't been able to save money as fast as I hoped. But the plan was always to try to move by the end of the year. Hopefully that still works out.

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16 minutes ago, CastlevaniaNut18 said:

Basically. I’m not freaking out because he hasn’t covered my pet issues in the hour of total runtime so far. I know where he stands on the issues. Anyone who is a fan of his does. People who watch him weren’t on the fence in the first place. :shrug:


I don't think Trump promising to be a dictator is a pet issue, it is a top issue that every America should be talking about.

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Listen, with fascism in America imminent I may not be around for much longer. I have made peace with the idea that my days may be numbered. But before that happens I will use every opportunity I can to speak out about the dangers we are heading into. I will not go silently. I don't care if people disagree with me, history will validate me, even though I may not live to see that validation take place.

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6 hours ago, Kamusha said:


So the Republican party is dehumanizing trans people and using the same rhetoric that Nazis used against queer people and you think people shouldn't be speaking out? Trump has an associate who is promising a second holocaust if Trump is elected and you think people shouldn't be speaking out? Project 2025's plan includes jailing librarians as sex offender for carrying books featuring queer characters and you don't think people should be speaking out?


It's fine if you believe that, but that's an indefensible position and it's not worth debating someone who clearly doesn't . If you wanna continue telling someone who is part of a group being targeted by a fascist party how to feel about this then go right ahead, but history will not on your side.


The funny thing is, all of this will be documented so if fascism comes and trans people die then everything is here. Everyone who liked one of @Paperclyp's posts will now be linked to supporting a user who told a trans person that Jon Stewart should not speak out against fascism. @best3444 @Ominous @CastlevaniaNut18 you are now on the record for supporting the posts of a user who is arguing that public figures should not be speaking out against fascism. Please recant this user's terrible position. If you are a true an ally now is not the time to be silent. Now is the time to stand up with trans people, not agree with those who try to argue that Jon Stewart shouldn't speak out against the dangers we face.


Goodness gracious. 


I believe my standpoints on the topics you've pinpointed here are well documented over years on the forum. I have long been disgusted of the portrayal of trans people and fully believe Trump to be a fascist. You are assuming a loooottttttt and painting a picture of me that isn't accurate. That's fine though, I don't need to convince you otherwise, you're welcome to believe what you want. 


I will say this. Trump is not winning because people don't know about his fascist ways. They're not some secret kept from the public from Stewart and his ilk. People are voting for Trump BECAUSE of his fascism.


What I am getting at is that anyone with a platform doesn't have any responsibility to get a person to vote for one political party over another. In the case news media in particular, it's directly counter to what their purpose should be. They should provide information to the people to inform their voting, and absolutely that information should include that Trump openly wants to be an autocrat and is racist and all that. But no, it is not their responsibility nor should it be to tell people which candidate to vote for, even if one is clearly worse than the other. I can get more into the nuances of why I think that, but I am late for work and I am apparently blocked anyway. If you want to have that discussion, I'm game though. 

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I originally said I never liked him. Then I watched his bit on pizza and thought he was ok. I honestly don't care about him at all nor do I support anything he does or says. 


@Kamusha I don't want to be apart of any of this. Keep me out of politics that this board is so fuckin obsessed with. You know my stance on LGBTQIA. I've supported you and your stances. I donated almost $100 to you to help move your out of that shithole of a state Florida. Me liking a comment from Paperclyp doesn't explain the whole picture. I wish you all the best but please don't include me with these people you mentioned. Especially @CastlevaniaNut18.....


Talk to the political party of @Jason and @TUFKAK for a comical one sided discussion. 

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An argument I would buy against myself is this: that it’s all fucked. None of my belief in how traditional media should operate matters because the cat is out of the bag. There’s too much misinformation out there, and even accurate information as well but it just can’t be synthesized by most people in any meaningful way, and not enough people watch and / or trust the primary news sources who are at least theoretically trying to bring objective news as it were to the public for it to matter. And if that’s the case those places then have to just play the game and prop up the lesser of two evils as much as they can. 

But if that’s where we’re at (and if probably is), that path is just a slow descent into hell anyway. 

The reason I want criticism of democrats is cuz that’s the party I am gonna have to vote for and this kids glove bullshit that we’ve been doin since Obama left (some may argue even before) has led us to two of the weakest candidates I could have imagined. And then we spent 4 years just assuming eh we’ll be fine and here we are again. And they never wanna blame themselves. The party is weak and deserves multitudes of criticism, and any time someone tries we get this “the time isn’t right cuz we’re in the biggest election in the history of our country.” I reject all that shit. The other side ain’t getting any better. It’s gonna be like this every 4 years. We need better leadership and bowing to the Democratic establishment because of some incoming crisis on the other side has got to stop. 

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1 hour ago, Paperclyp said:

The reason I want criticism of democrats is cuz that’s the party I am gonna have to vote for and this kids glove bullshit that we’ve been doin since Obama left (some may argue even before) has led us to two of the weakest candidates I could have imagined.


I disagree, the right, center, and left criticizes the Dems. Only the left criticizes the GOP while the Right and Center promote and propagandize everything as a positive.


The reason the Dems are weak is because they eat themselves, it's all about perception not reality. How the fuck else would anyone believe that Trump is strong and tough? Because at least half the country thinks so meanwhile you have people on the left broadcasting right wing talking points about Biden's age.


Edited for typos 


Edit 2: This is a much larger issue beyond Jon Stewart, every media outlet is at fault.

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Tf was I brought up here for. But I’ll say this, there are some topics where even hearing the other side legitimizes them @best3444 and I refuse to do that. Should I listen to people who think my lifestyle is abhorrent and would love to make it where my family is legislated against? Who want to have made it impossible for my niece to exist?


I will never give two sides to the chuds on many topics. 

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1 hour ago, SuperSpreader said:


I disagree, the right, center, and left criticizes the Dems. Only the left criticizes the GOP while the Right and Center promote and propagandize everything as a positive.


The reason the Dems are weak is because they eat themselves, it's all about perception not reality. How the fuck else would anyone believe that Trump is strong and tough? Because at least half the country thinks so meanwhile you have people on the left broadcasting right wing talking points about Biden's age.


Edited for typos 


Edit 2: This is a much larger issue beyond Jon Stewart, every media outlet is at fault.

I am kinda jumping between discussion on Stewart and discussion of political discourse on the whole, so I think some of the nuance of what I’m talking about isn’t well explained. It’s hyperbole for me to say there is no criticism of democrats, but what annoys me specifically is this protection of Biden under the fear that if we criticize him you are contributing to the election of Trump. 

Trump definitely has a media machine behind him who parrot his fascism, but he’s using like fascism 101. Literally if you just look at how other fascist leaders have come into power he’s just copying them haha. I think one reason it hasn’t completely worked is that the economy is doing well, even under the circumstances, and typically when fascism really takes hold you need to have a country that is in a much rougher place than we are economically. Who knows tho, most people seem to believe the economy is shit right now so maybe that’s enough. I don’t think half the country necessarily thinks Trump is strong or even good, but far too many do for comfort. 

But agreed 100 percent the traditional media powers have failed us and have been failing us for decades. It perhaps lends to people’s frustration with Stewart: he’s NOT a journalist but at times shows more ability to do things that a good journalist might do than any at least TV journalist in the national spotlight. 

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11 hours ago, Spork3245 said:

Stewart laughed and said “I’m still not staying” as that happened a few weeks after he announced his departure from TDS. Literally every comedian celebrated Trump’s candidacy: John Oliver encouraged it, Colbert gave Trump a kids glove BS interview.


Anyway, the idea that Stewart can influence elections is kind of insane to me. Bush wouldn’t have gotten a second term and Dems would’ve kept the house and senate during Obama if that accusation had truth. Regardless, telling dems to “do better” regarding lessening talking points of the age issue is hardly both sidesing or the huge deal some are making it out to be.

I do think, in John Oliver’s case, he ate crow in a pretty spectacular way.


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39 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

I do think, in John Oliver’s case, he ate crow in a pretty spectacular way.


I remember that he addressed it on his show. I’m still annoyed about the Colbert Trump interview tbh: Colbert went hard on all the other GOP candidates but joked around with Trump, and I remember people here defending it for months afterwards :p 

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5 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


This fucking killed me when I watched it earlier. I'm still mourning my forever-dog that I lost in June.


It's incredibly difficult because of just how beautiful and innocent their souls are. I honestly believe your dog is in a beautiful place right now so always remember that. 

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10 minutes ago, Spork3245 said:


This fucking killed me when I watched it earlier. I'm still mourning my forever-dog that I lost in June.

I’ve legit just petting my best boy for hours.


pro tip, cats are not the biggest fans of being cuddled but he does somehow know when he should just let me hold him. 

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1 minute ago, TUFKAK said:

I’ve legit just petting my best boy for hours.


pro tip, cats are not the biggest fans of being cuddled but he does somehow know when he should just let me hold him. 


My cat who I loved tremendously was really into cuddling. He was the most beautiful cat I ever owned and was the sweetest and smartest cat I've ever known. I owned him through my darkest years in my life and will never ever forget the love he gave me.


I was forced to move away to my parents and had to give him away. The day I gave him away he gave me this look I'll never forget. I am tearing up now thinking about it. 

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I was reading this thread and going to post the Donald Glover with pizza fire gif, but now we’re talking dogs and:



19 likes, 1 comments - mariogmaiale on March 23, 2021: "Made some improvements on the Fat Beagle (less angry and more sleepy), and some slight adjustment..."


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11 hours ago, Spork3245 said:


This fucking killed me when I watched it earlier. I'm still mourning my forever-dog that I lost in June.


I saw the clip elsewhere and it murdered me. I'm not a dog owner but anyone who has had a special four-legged friend can relate.


10 hours ago, best3444 said:


My cat who I loved tremendously was really into cuddling. He was the most beautiful cat I ever owned and was the sweetest and smartest cat I've ever known. I owned him through my darkest years in my life and will never ever forget the love he gave me.


I was forced to move away to my parents and had to give him away. The day I gave him away he gave me this look I'll never forget. I am tearing up now thinking about it. 


Damn dude, I'm sorry. I remember you talking about him and I hoped you'd be able to reunite with him some day.

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I've never had a dog, but I was close to my friend's dogs when I lived in Reno. He had a female boxer who would get so excited when I came over to his house. She would sleep right next to me when I slept over on the couch. His male dog would stay right next to me most of the time, wanting to play. 

After she passed, he got another female boxer, who was also very awesome. She was usually in their bedroom when I came over, and as soon as he would tell her I was there, she would charge through the house and jump into my lap. She wouldn't let me get out of the chair. 

Unfortunately, both female boxers got cancer and had to be put to sleep. His male dog, who was mixed, lived a long life, but when he got old, he also got sick and had to be put to sleep. I miss all three of them and cherish the memories with them.

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11 hours ago, Reputator said:

Damn dude, I'm sorry. I remember you talking about him and I hoped you'd be able to reunite with him some day.


I'm still friends with the guy I gave Elton too. We text on occasions and he gives me updates/pics. He is living a tremendous life so I'm happy. I just really miss him. 

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My cat is the reason I started therapy.


I came home from work last year around April, went to the gym because that’s what I do, then came home. At the time in hindsight I was full blown survival mode, I was barely hanging on, my drinking was getting out of control, if I wasn’t working or in the gym I was drinking. There comes a point when trauma refuses to be ignored and it manifests in the strangest ways sometimes.


But anyway, I came home and he was waiting for me at the garage door, he looked up at me and meowed his specific  meow for me, cat owners know, and I picked him up and just started sobbing holding him. At that point I knew I wasn’t ok, there was something very wrong with me and I needed help. Ghost, my best boys name, let me cry into him and he doesn’t like to be held long, I’m not saying he saved my life as I wasn’t suicidal but my substance use was bad so in a way he did. I’ve loved dogs, but my best boy will always be a cat. 

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We have three cats, and I still cry sometimes when I think about we lost two years ago. There's something so pure about dogs and cats, and something strangely worse about their passing compared to even loved ones. At least with people, we can understand what pain is, that it will end/continue, that we will cease, etc. You can't explain any of that to a pet.


Our oldest cat, Little, is 14 (well past her 9-year life expectancy for a Manx cat) and she is starting to limp a bit, and have trouble with jumps. What makes matters worse is that one of the other cats likes to "play" with her (which she takes as being attacked), so she freaks out and tries to run, which makes her leg worse. I know there will come a time soon when it will be more kind to put her to sleep...but even now I am tearing up thinking about it. She sleeps on my chest every night, and she always wants to be held and cuddled.


Here's her on my shoulder a few days ago (she loves to jump up):



She's my #1 girl...but don't tell my wife.

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