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Do you ever plan gaming days?


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I write this knowing this will not be an option for many, many years to come. But I do miss that feeling of arranging a free day on a Friday, getting a new game and just playing it relentlessly whilst making terrible food choices.


I don’t actually think I’ve indulged in that way since Halo Reach and Gears 3 came out.

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No but I do only play 2 hours each gaming session. Unless it's a new release then it's a free for all. Off topic, I think the longest I've ever played a game was FFXI online with my bro. 8 hours straight with just bathroom breaks. 

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I admit I play a lot less being older. I remember being younger and having Halo nights with my buddies online or at a house. We also had game nights when I worked at the theatre. Sometimes 3 screens, 3 teams of 4 against each other at 12-3:30am. We had home projectors for pre-shows and were ok but not really that bright. Then we eventually updated all the screens to a digital movie projector and allowed us to connect with an HDMI cable to it with a much improved brighter picture. We occasionally play some Halo still via PC on the weekend, and I have played a bit more over the past few weeks. Let go from my job because of a permanent wrist injury. I’m looking for a job now but getting some gaming in on these “days off work” Control is one hell of a at time creepy game, and even creepier cause I’m pretty damn high when I’m playing

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Friday’s and Saturday is my only gaming days. Those are my big entertainment days in general . 
Friday I am home by 4 or 5 , I normally lift big on Friday and then grab dinner . After dinner I clean up my office/game room and I toss on a few records. By 8 I sit down and start playing and that runs till 2 or 3. At that point I like to get stoned and sit down and watch a film and eat. 

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I did this to run the new Destiny 2 raid on day one. It was my first time doing anything like that in a long long time and it was great fun even though it was with a bunch of random guys and we didn't do particularly well.



I have a couple groups of friends that regularly do game nights, one of which I hosted pre-pandemic. Very occasionally we'll make it a longer evening and have pizza or something. There's only been once we set aside a whole day to play Diplomacy, which took something like 10 or 12 hours.




I think it's something I should do more often. It's freeing to set aside a whole day and declare that I won't be doing anything useful, won't be cooking, and will just be playing games. They're hard days to come by.




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